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Europe se défend
Europe Fights Back

Dossier Covid19

The Great Resist

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Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom)


Angleterre / United Kingdom
Belgique / Belgium
Suisse / Switzerland
Italie / Italy
Grèce / Greece
Allemagne / Germany
Autriche / Austria
Pays-Bas / Holland
Espagne / Spain
Suède / Sweden
Danemark / Denmark
Norvège / Norway
Iceland / Iceland
Finlande / Finland
Irelande / Ireland
Roumanie / Romania
République tchèque / Czech Republic
Slovénie / Slovenia
Slovakie / Slovakia
Biélorussie / Belarus


Les docteurs Wodarg et Yeadon demandent l'arrêt de toutes les études sur la vaccination contre la corona et appellent à cosigner la pétition. (2020News - 1/12/2020)
-> Le Dr Michael Yeadon, ancien chef du département de recherche sur les maladies respiratoires chez Pfizer, et le Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, pneumologue et ancien chef du département de santé publique, ont déposé le 1er décembre 2020 auprès de l’EMA, l’Agence européenne des médicaments responsable de l’approbation des médicaments à l’échelle de l’UE, une demande de suspension immédiate de toutes les études sur le vaccin CoV-2 contre le SRAS, en particulier l’étude BioNtech/Pfizer sur le BNT162b (numéro EudraCT 2020-002641-42).

Europe : Des contestations contre les restrictions sanitaires fleurissent un peu partout. (Francesca de Villasmundo - MédiasPresse.Info - 9/2/2021)

Legal Team Wants 'Second Nuremberg Tribunal' to Try Global Lockdown Promoters For Crimes Against Humanity. (Humans Are Free - 6/3/2021)

Protesters Rage Across Europe As Lockdown, Vaccination Mandates Begin. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 24/7/2021)

Compte rendu sur la plainte à la CPI [Cour pénale internationale] pour génocide et crimes contre l'humanité à partir d'armes biologiques concernant Sars-cov2 et le vaccin covid19. (Collectif des Syndicats et Associations Professionnels Européens - Nouveau Monde - 24/8/2021)

Covid-19 : des survivants de l'Holocauste écrivent à l'Agence européenne des médicaments. (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 31/8/2021)

Appel solennel de survivants de l'Holocauste à la Cour Pénale Internationale pour un arrêt de la « vaccination » anticovid Compte rendu sur la plainte à la CPI pour génocide et crimes contre l'humanité à partir d'armes biologiques concernant Sars-cov2 et le vaccin Covid19. (Collectif des Syndicats et Associations Professionnels Européens - - 1/10/2021)

Children's Health Defense Europe. -> site français

Les dirigeants européens veulent une gouvernance mondiale de la santé. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 22/10/2021)

WATCH: MEPs Protest Vaccine Passports. (Off-Guardian - 29 minutes - 30/10/2021)

L'agence européenne des médicaments appelle à "ne pas surcharger le système immunitaire par des vaccinations répétées". (FranceSoir - 12/1/2022)

European Medicines Agency Warns Endless Booster Shots Could Cause "Immune Response" Problems: "We should be careful in not overloading the immune system." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 12/1/2022)

"Où est la transparence ?" Des députés européens demandent des comptes sur les politiques sanitaires. (FranceSoir - 14/2/2022)

75,322 Dead 5,938,318 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines – Babies and Toddlers Hallucinating and Having Seizures After Shots. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 6/7/2022)

Health Member of European Parliament Labels COVID Vaccine Coercion "Worst Crime Ever Committed on Humanity": "This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 27/7/2022) -> German MP Christine Anderson

Dr David E. Martin's address to the European Union Parliament . (See More Rocks - video, 21 minutes - 28/5/2023)

Ursula von der Leyen: "We Vaccinated a Continent!" (Robert Kogon - Zero Hedge - 16/9/2023)

Après le Québec, l'UE autorisera-t-elle la vaccination de force ? (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 26/9/2023)

Les Contrats UE: Comment ont été passés les contrats d'acquisition de vaccins au sein de l'Union Européenne ? (Olivier Frot - - vidéo, 13 minutes - 20/11/2023)

Choc des révélations sur l'inefficacité des vaccins anti-Covid au Parlement européen. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - MédiasPresseInfo - 28/11/2023)

Pour camoufler la dangerosité de son vaccin COVID, AstraZeneca cesse sa production. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 9/5/2024)

L'Europe s'unit contre les vaccins COVID – Une initiative historique secoue les gouvernements ! (Les moutons enragés - 27/1/2025)

Belgique / Belgium

SRAS-CoV-2 – Lettre ouverte des médecins et des professionnels de la santé à toutes les autorités belges comme aux médias belges. (Médecins et professionnels de la santé belge - - 11/9/2020)

Contrôle "Covid" à Waterloo: un policier témoigne de manière anonyme. (RTL - 22/12/2020)

Les Bruxellois mettent bas les masques et la police constate qu'il est impossible de verbaliser tous ceux qui ne respectent pas les mesures sanitaires. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - MédiasPresse.Info - 22/2/2021)

Expert Virologist Warns: COVID-19 Vaccine is Creating a Global Catastrophe. (Michelle Edwards - UnCoverDC - 16/3/2021) -> Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, Ph.D., is a vaccine expert and independent virologist from Belgium.

La vaccination de masse pourrait grandement abaisser et contourner nos anticorps pour causer une bombe biologique de masse : l'échappée immunitaire. Un virologue belge lance l'alerte ! (Geert Vanden Boossche, expert vaccinal - FaceBook - 25/3/2021)

Me Lackner et Me Despontin : un jugement historique en Belgique: « L'Etat belge condamné par le tribunal de première instance à lever toutes les mesures Covid d'ici 30 jours.» (FranceSoir - 31/3/2021)

Police attacking people in park in Belgium
(James Balmforth - YouTube - 1 minute - 1/4/2021)
-> Nazi Brown Shirts could not have done a better job...

Belgique : « Nous accusons les gouvernements d'être totalement dénués des capacités nécessaires pour gouverner » Tribune d'une rare justesse concernant la gestion catastrophique de la crise sanitaire en Belgique ! (Le libre-penseur - 3/12/2021)

Le complot organisé contre les manifestants à Bruxelles exposé !!
(YellowFlagsInfos - Rumble - 8 minutes - 29/1/2022)

Case Report of a Pro-Vaccine Researcher Suggests mRNA Vaccine Might Worsen Lymphoma Cancer. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 15/10/2022) -> Discusses research by Michael Goldman, a Belgian pro-vaccine doctor and a professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium specializing in internal medicine and immunology

Pleins de morts "scolaires" en Belgique. (Claude Gélinas - Liberté - 4/2/2023)

[VIDEO] Fire burns in Brussels as thousands of farmers fight back against globalist "green agenda"… (Revolver - 4/3/2023)

Remembering Three Young Cyclists From a Single Belgian Team Who Were Suddenly Afflicted With Severe Heart Problems Shortly After Receiving the Covid Vaccine. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 18/8/2023)

Deux artistes résistants face au mondialisme avec Stefan Cuvelier et Amélie Paul. (Les moutons enragés - vidéo, 80 minutes - 7/9/2023)

Pourquoi un moratoire sur les ARN est urgent et nécessaire. (Martin Zizi - BonsensOrg - vidéo, 75 minutes - 14/1/2024) -> Zizi est professeur de physiologie et Biophysicien, Ancien directeur épidémiologiste du Département de la Défense Belge

Virologist Says Imminent New Covid Crisis Among The Jabbed Will Cause Chaos & Collapse Society. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 2/4/2024) -> Belgian virologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche


Ordre des médecins, le vent tourne ?
(Bam is Back - Press - YouTube - 5 minutes - 18/8/2023)
-> Interview du Dr. BENOÎT OCHS, médecin au Luxembourg, par Michel Caulea.

Suisse / Switzerland

Swiss Policy Research (mars 2020)

CovidHub -> Qui sont-ils? est une plateforme francophone d'information en ligne, résultat d'une initiative citoyenne pour une information libre et plurielle. Nous sommes un collectif de citoyens (médecins, journalistes, enseignants, artistes, chercheurs et penseurs) investis pour rassembler les informations nécessaires à une compréhension éclairée de la situation actuelle. Réunis autour d'une affirmation simple et essentielle : nous avons besoin d'une politique sanitaire juste, d'une transparence de l'information et d'un débat scientifique et démocratique libre et ouvert.

Je signe la pétition contre le certificat COVID généralisé.

Le virus des libertés. -> Des avocats et juristes suisses au service de nos droits fondamentaux.

HUMANISMUS 2020 - Dr. Thomas Binder, MD

Covid-19 : Regards sur l'actualité du mois de mars 2020. (Jean-Marc Berthoud - La Lumière du monde - 20/3/2020)

Lettre ouverte adressée au Parlement suisse: Projet de loi fédérale sur le Coronavirus mis en consultation par le Conseil fédéral. (Dr. Christian Zürcher - Association Santé Suisse - 26/7/2020) -> PDF

Les Eglises évangéliques déplorent un confinement partiel affectant l’organisation des cultes. (Évangé - 27/10/2020)

Dr Astrid Stuckelberger - Conférence. [exposé dans le cadre de la conférence de presse que les Ami.e.s de la constitution ont tenue à Lausanne le 30.10.202] - Viméo - 20 min. -> remise en question des stats de décès et quelques magouilles à l'OMS où Stuckelberger a travaiilé... [le son n'est pas très bon...]

Recette pour une pandémie perpétuelle et référendum urgent ! (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-Logiques - 28/11/2020)

Claire-Anne Siegrist, vaccinologue, refuse de se vacciner ! (Aguelid/Le LIbre Penseur - 3/12/2020)

Thousands protest Covid curbs in Switzerland. (AFP/YahooNews - 20/3/2021)

La pétition pour une Commision d'enquête indépendante sur les mesures Covid a été déposée au parlement fédéral. (Jean-Dominique Michel - 24/4/2021)

Le vote historique. Loi Covid : NON !
(Pascal Prod' - YouTube - 6min. - 2/5/2021)
En juin, le peuple suisse sera face à son destin pour une Votation Historique : dire NON à la loi d'urgence (loi Covid) et montrer aux autres peuples sa détermination et son union.

Covid Vaccine: Athlete Collapses and Deaths. (Swiss Policy Research - 1/5/2022)

"Vaccin" Covid : baguette magique ou roulette russe ?! Lettre ouverte de médecins aux Médecins cantonaux et à la FMH. (Jean-Dominique Michel - 2/5/2021)

Droits fondamentaux et passeport vaccinal : un collectif d'avocats interpelle le Conseil fédéral. (Jean-Dominique Michel - 6/6/2021)

96 yo Metal Grandma Holocaust Survivor "The Universe Echoes Back" Inge Ginsberg & the TritoneKings
(ManhattanCamerata - YouTube - 4 minutes - 18/7/2021)

Les vaccins ARNm contre la Covid-19 comparés à ceux contre la grippe en Suisse. (Martin Hoegger - blog de Liliane Held-Khawam - 1/8/2021)

Swiss Police Threaten to Stop Enforcing COVID-19 Rules: Group warns in letter that lockdown laws violate fundamental rights. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 10/8/2021)

La TV officielle suisse confirme que la vaccination ne marche pas ! (Dana Anderson - VK- 1 minute - 12/8/2021) -> on examine des données touchant l'Icelande

RETOUR DANS LA NEF DES FOUS 3.9.2021 — Le briefing avec Slobodan Despot
(Antipresse - YouTube - 34 minutes - 3/9/2021)
Le goût de cendre la réalité totalitaire (en Suisse)

Pourquoi les médias ont failli à leur mission d'informer correctement sur la crise sanitaire. (Christian Campiche - Anthropo-Logiques - 25/10/2021)

Le Temps étiquette plus vite que son ombre. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 14/11/2021)

RFK Jr. Exposes 'New World Order' COVID Censorship: 'They Want to Destroy Democracy Worldwide'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 15/11/2021) -> RFK Jr. visited Switzerland last week to speak alongside a panel of local leaders. He called for citizens around the planet to rise up and resist the authoritarian mandates.

"Il faut donner le signal du retour à la raison et à la vraie science" : le message du Pr Perronne au peuple suisse. (Anthropo-logiques - 25/11/2021)

Énorme !! Cette conversation a lieu dans un bureau de vote en Suisse romande. Merci aux témoins. (Conspiration - Chercheur de vérité - News - Odysée - 13 minutes - 29/11/2021)

Témoignage d'une personne travaillant dans un hôpital du canton de Vaud.
(Sabrina - YouTube - 6 minutes - 3/1/2022)

Les inquiétantes découvertes de Jacques Bauer, pharmacien-clinicien. (Ligne Droite • La matinale de Radio Courtoisie - YouTube - audio avec images - 19 minutes - 1/6/2022)

Émotions à Saintes - résister à la dérive totalitaire.
(Jean-Dominique Michel - YouTube - 14 minutes - 23/6/2022)

'Crimes Against Humanity': Wanted Posters Featuring Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab Appear in Switzerland. (Baxter Dmitr - News Punch - 20/7/2022)

Doctors, Scientists and Professionals from More than 34 Countries Declare "International Medical Crisis" due to Diseases and Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 10/9/2022)

Mesures « sanitaires » inutiles et dommageables selon les meilleurs experts. Comment sortir de l'impasse ? (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 5/11/2022)

Dr. Thomas Binder — They sent me to a Swiss psychiatric hospital for warning against Covid lockdowns… (Taylor Hudak - Citizen Free Press - 21/110/2022)

Accusé de « Corona Insanity » : un médecin suisse enfermé dans un asile psychiatrique pour avoir parlé contre les lois COVID, avril 2020. (Thomas Binder interviewé par Taylor Hudak - Les moutons enragés - 27/11/2022)

Swiss Banker Files Criminal Charges Against Swiss Government Related to Pfizer's COVID "Vaccine". (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 5/2/2023)

Criminal Charges Laid against President of Switzerland for Fraudulent Vax Campaign. (Pam Barker - Europe Reloaded - 9/2/2023) -> Pascal Najadi has filed criminal charges of Abuse of Office under Article 310 of the Swiss Criminal Code against Swiss President Alain Berset, who is also that country's former Minister of Health.

Recommandations de vaccination. (Office fédéral de la santé publique OFSP - Confédération Suisse - 31/3/2023)

Swiss Government no Longer Recommends Covid Vaccinations. (Daily Sceptic - 9/4/2023)

Switzerland withdraws all Covid vaccination recommendations. (Pam Barker - Europe Reloaded - 9/4/2023)

Dr. Thomas Binder FORCED Into Hospital After Speaking Against COVID Narrative
(Dr. Drew - YouTube - 60 minutes - 11/4/2023)

COVID-19: "Des droits fondamentaux ont été violés" | Suzette Sandoz
(Anti|thèse - YouTube - 93 minutes - 5/6/2023)

Data Shows Increase in Miscarriages & Stillbirth Rates Directly Linked to Covid Jabs. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 29/7/2023) -> A Swiss medical study.

L'information totalitaire
(Jean Dominique Michel - YouTube - 22/9/2023)

Calls Mount to Arrest Klaus Schwab for 'Democide' Over 'BioWeapon COVID Shots'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 24/10/2023)

Vaccins grippe et Covid: risqués et inefficaces selon une vaste étude Les données portant sur 11'000 patients montrent accidentellement que ces deux injections ne réduisent ni les hospitalisations ni les décès. Au contraire. (Igor Chudov et Steve Kirsch - - 31/10/2023)

Les mensonges du Covid sous la loupe de J-D Michel. ( - 7/1/2024)

Le film suisse qui raconte le «débat étouffé» sur le Covid a failli être bâillonné: «Totalitarisme helvétique?!» de Daniel Künzi relate avec ingénuité trois ans de répression parfois violente et de discussion impossible. (Covid Hub - 20/1/2024)

L'ancien officier de l'armée de l'air suisse Pascal Najadi a fait un rapport et présenté des preuves aux officiers du corps du JAG de l'USAF et de l'USSF le 27 janvier 2024. (Profession Gendarme - 7/2/2024)

#CovidFilesSuisse, les révélations d'Amèle Debey et Viviane Cuendet. (France-Soir - vidéo, 39 minutes - 23/4/2024)

Italie / Italy

Italian Law Professor Warns Lockdown Presents Serious Abuse of Authority. (Thomas D. Williams - Breitbart - 27/4/2020)

Vittorio Sgarbi député italien balance du très lourd sur la supercherie du Coronavirus !!!
(YouTube - sous-titres français - 2 minutes)

COVID Survivor Andrea Bocelli Says Italy’s Lockdown ‘Humiliated’ Him: "I felt humiliated and offended by being deprived of the freedom to leave my house..." (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 28/7/2020)

Thousands Gather in Rome to Protest ‘Health Dictatorship’. (Thomas D. Williams - Breitbart - 6/9/2020)

Italians Rise Up Against "Health Dictatorship" As Country Moves Toward New Lockdown. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/10/2020)

La patologizzazione del dissenso. (Enrica Perucchietti - - 24/11/2020)

Covid Italie: ministres dénoncés pour crime contre l'humanité ! (Eric Montana - Media Zone.FR - 20/12/2020)

Italians Hit the Streets to Protest Mandatory Vaccine Passports: Demonstrators shout "No dictatorship!" (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 22/7/2021)

Protests Erupt In Italy After New "Health Passports" Revealed. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/7/2021)

Des députés opposés au pass sanitaire manifestent dans l'hémicycle du Parlement italien (VIDEO) (RT France - 30/7/2021)

France, Italy Swept by Mass Protests Against COVID Health Pass. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 8/8/2021)

Il premio Nobel Luc Montagnier incontra il pubblico italiano. (Irene Oliveri - ByoBlu - video, 55 minutes - 13/8/2021)

En Italie, les soignants refusent massivement la vaccination. (FranceSoir - 17/8/2021)

La dichiarazione di voto di Sara Cunial alla Camera durante la discussione del vergognoso decreto "Green Pass". (Jan van Elzen - Korazym - 10/9/2021)

Les universités italiennes en ébullition contre le "Green Pass" et la vaccination obligatoire. (FranceSoir - 14/9/2021)

Italy Rocked by Nationwide Protests as Resistance Against Vaccine Passport Scheme Explodes Dockers vow to block ports until government scraps 'green pass' law. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 15/10/2021)

Message du philosophe Giorgio Agamben, lu devant le sénat italien le 7 octobre 2021. (Vigilance Pandémie - 16/10/2021)

Un Solidarnosc anti passe sanitaire à l'italienne ? (Sully-Morlandimus - Les moutons enragés - 17/10/2021)

Things Are Getting Messy In Draghi's Italy. (Nick Corbishley/NakedCapitalism - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 20/8/2021)

Italie, Antilles, Telegram : aucun vaccin n'arrête le virus de la révolte. (Pierrick Tillet - Chroniques du Yéti - 20/10/2021)

En Italie, la percée aux municipales d'un nouveau parti opposé à l'obligation vaccinale : Alessandra Bocchi, du mouvement 3V. (FranceSoir - 20/10/2021)

Italie : Ugo Mattei et le collectif Generazioni Future rassemblent les intellectuels du pays pour lutter contre le gouvernement. (FranceSoir - 1/12/2021)

Italian man in hot water after attempting to receive COVID vaccine in a fake silicone arm in order to receive 'super' health pass. (Leon Wolf - The Blaze - 4/12/2021)

« La gente come noi », nouvel hymne à la résistance de Francis Lalanne. (France Soir - 5 minutes - 5/12/2021)

Des intellectuels italiens viennent rencontrer "en urgence" les acteurs de la résistance française. (FranceSoir - 28/1/2022)

Vaccino bello, se lo fai ti cresce il pisello.. (Riccardo L - YouTube - 1 minute - 31/7/2022)

Peer-Reviewed Study Finds 'Metal Objects' in 94% of Jabbed People. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 8/9/2022) -> A peer-reviewed study in Italy has found that over 94% of jabbed people who experienced side effects had abnormal blood containing metallic substances one month after vaccination.

Italy's new government says it will reinstate unvaxxed doctors, cancel fines for COVID jab mandates: The Meloni government is also going against the Great Reset agenda with a plan to raise the cap on cash payments. (Andreas Wailzer - LifeSite - 31/10/2022)

"Après 6 mois, les vaccinés à 4 doses ont plus de chance d'avoir le Covid que les non-vaccinés" Pr Mariano Bizzarri. (FranceSoir - 22/1/2023)

Italie: le premier Prix Luc Montagnier décerné à cinq personnalités pour "leur indépendance" pendant la crise du Covid-19. (FranceSoir - 4/2/2023)

Italy 2020: Inside Covid's Ground Zero. (Michael Bryant - OffGuardian - 11/3/2023)

Italians Refuse to 'Eat Ze Bugs' . (Tom Kington/The Times - Daily Sceptic - 25/3/2023)

Italy tells the "Great Reset" to go screw itself… (Revolver - 3/4/2023)

Italy Bans Bill Gates' Lab Grown Meat Citing "Serious Health Concerns". (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 8/11/2023)

"Le vaccin était un dieu" - Tour d'horizon sur les actions juridiques autour du covid en Italie avec la journaliste Maddalena Loy. (France-Soir - vidéo, 43 minutes - 11/4/2024)

Husband of Italian MEP Who Exposed Covid Vaccines Found Dead in Gruesome Scene. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 28/5/2024)

Il faut regarder la télé italienne pour entendre la vérité sur la volonté de génocide mondial. (Les moutons enragés - 23/7/2024)

Covid : l'Italie amnistie les non vaccinés. (Michel Janva - Le Salon Beige - 12/12/2024)

Grèce / Greece

Greek Church Rebels and Rejects Government Lockdown Measures. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 5/1/2021)

Mass Protests in Greece in Response to Unvaccinated Being Banned From Social Life "Hands off our kids!" (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 15/7/2021)

Protest Against Mandatory Vaxxing Turns Violent In Greece, 47 Detained. (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 30/8/2021)

Greek Union Holds Nationwide Health Worker Walk-Out over Mandatory Vaccines. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 21/9/2021)

Allemagne / Germany

Aerzte fuer Aufklaerung (ÄfA, Médecins pour l'élucidation).

The undemocratic arrogance of the EU: The spat between the ECJ and Germany's Constitutional Court reveals the EU’s disdain for accountability. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 12/5/2020)

Un rapport officiel allemand dénonce la pandémie COVID-19 comme « une fausse alerte mondiale ». (Daniele Pozzati - - 1/6/2020)

Corona Ausschuss. (10/7/2020)

Germany: ‘Freedom’ Protesters Gather to Call for End of Coronavirus Restrictions. (Breitbart - 1/8/2020)

Thousands join protest against coronavirus restrictions in Germany: Up to 17,000 turn out in Berlin as officials warn of rising infection rate nationwide. (Peter Stubley - Independant - 1/8/2020)

Corona Demo Berlin Live FILMT ALLE MIT! Geht zum Reichstag. SITZBLOCKADE!!!
(YouTube - 8 min. - 1/8/2020)

Germany’s populist revolt against the lockdown: The ‘Freedom Day’ protesters are challenging far more than the Covid restrictions. (Sabine Beppler-Spahl - Spiked - 7/8/2020)

Thousands in Germany Gather to Protest Coronavirus Restrictions. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 7/10/2020)

Covid 19 & tests PCR : Crimes contre l'humanité ? l'avocat Reiner Fuellmich
(Fils de Pangolin - YouTube - 49 min. - 5/10/2020)

Germany’s lockdown is already fraying: In the absence of any clear strategy, politicians have taken to blaming the public for their failings. (Sabine Beppler-Spahl - Spiked - 5/11/2020)

German Police Use Water Cannon to Disperse Anti-Lockdown Protest. (Breitbart London - 18/11/2020)

The unreason of Germany’s Covid propaganda: It offers humour and threats, but no rational case for lockdown. (Daniel Hardaker - Spiked - 23/11/2020)

'The Germans' Are Back! (Tyler Durden/ZeroHedge - CJ Hopkins/The Consent Factory - 24/11/2020)

Le test PCR va au tribunal : au Portugal, mais aussi en Allemagne et dans de nombreux pays. (FranceSoir/CrashDebug - 30/11/2020)

Guerilla Mask Force Protest Denmark and Germany Covid-19 Coronavirus Lockdowns Quarantine Masks. (AllTheWorldsAStage - - 4/12/2020)

Whistleblowers Claim Pandemic is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated on The Human Race. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 9/12/2020) -> German Lawyers Gear Up to Expose the Hoax

German Intelligence Suggests Anti-Lockdown Protestors Could be Violent. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 11/12/2020)

Reiner Fuellmich : "cette pandémie a été mise en scène". (FranceSoir - 21/12/2020)

Christian Drosten : l'heure des comptes ?: Le "Monsieur Corona" allemand, le virologue Christian Drosten, va devoir répondre devant la justice des prémisses faussés de la gestion de crise. Il est poursuivi par l'avocat Reiner Fuellmich. (Nicole Delépine - FranceSoir - 21/12/2020)

Preuves que la pandémie a été planifiée ? (Joseph Stroberg - Nouveau Monde - 24/12/2020)

Weimar Court: Germany’s Lockdown Restrictions Are Unconstitutional. (LockDown Sceptics - 23/1/2021)

L'étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos. (Jean-Michel Grau - Riposte laïque - 8/2/2021) -> Rappelons en préambule que le procès intenté contre le Dr Drosten par l’avocat allemand Reiner Fuellmich a pour but de le poursuivre pour crimes contre l’humanité, pour avoir faussé le protocole des tests PCR pour le compte de la clique de Davos.

Le plus grand Nuremberg de tous les temps se prépare. (Jean-Michel Grau - La Lumière - 17/2/2021) -> Aujourd’hui, c’est un deuxième tribunal de Nuremberg qui se prépare, avec la mise en place d’une «Class Action» sous l’égide de milliers d’avocats mondiaux derrière l’avocat américano-allemand Reiner Fuellmich qui poursuit les responsables du scandale de la Covid-19 instrumentalisée par le Forum de Davos.

Legal team wants 'second Nuremberg tribunal' to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity. (Leo Hohmann - 28/2/2021)

Face à la colère populaire, Angela Merkel annule le reconfinement et demande pardon aux Allemands. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Médias-Presse-Info - 25/3/2021)

Germany Limits Use of AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine for Under-60s. (LockDown Sceptics - 31/3/2021)

Jugement sensationnel au tribunal de Weimar le 8 avril 2021, en Allemagne : pas de masques, pas de distance, plus de tests pour les enfants et les étudiants. (Guy Boulianne - 11/4/2021)

« Verdict sensationnel à Weimar: pas de masques, pas de distance, plus de tests pour les élèves ». (Enfance & Libertés - 11/4/2021)

'Laboratoria in VS kunnen in niet één van 1500 positief getesten Covid-19 vinden'. (Xander Nieuws - 11/4/2021)

Covid : vers un nouveau tribunal de Nuremberg ? Entretien avec l'avocat Rainer Fuellmich. (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 19/4/2021)

German Police Tell People to Stop Posting Vaccination Passports on Social Media. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 2/5/2021)

Covid Hoaxers Face Death for Violating Nuremberg Code. (Henry Makow - 11/5/2021) -> A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Le meilleur est à venir: ️La loi et le droit restent notre dernier espoir avant que les choses ne dégénèrent. (Reiner Fuellmich - - 6/6/2021)

Chef-Pathologe der Uni Heidelberg drängt auf mehr Obduktionen von Geimpften. (Augsburger Allgemeine 1/8/2021)

Videos: Chaos Erupts on The Streets of Berlin As Police Attack Anti-Lockdown Protesters: Throwing old women to the ground and hitting kids, all for their own health. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 2/8/2021)

Editor-in-Chief of Germany's Top Newspaper Apologizes For Fear-Driven COVID Coverage: Says sorry for telling children "that they were going to murder their grandma." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 3/8/2021)

Pro-vaccine German pathologist believes vaccine deaths are undercounted based on autopsy findings. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 6/8/2021)

Des morts vaccinés non-déclarés ? Il faut autopsier davantage, selon le Dr Peter Schirmacher. (FranceSoir - 16/8/2021)

Plus de 23 000 médecins sur 52 600 se sont retirés de la campagne de vaccination. (BusinessBourse - 18/8/2021) -> texte allemand

90 Per Cent of Germans Who Haven't Had the Vaccine Say They Won't Get It Vaccine passports harden opposition to getting jabbed, survey finds. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 29/10/2021)

'You will never be able to coerce me into being vaccinated': EU politician blasts COVID jab mandates Member of European Parliament Christine Anderson delivered a clear challenge to the European and German governments during a press conference at the EU parliament in Strasbourg last week. (Pierre Boralevi - LifeSite - 4/11/2021)

German Leaders to Debate Imposing National Restrictions on The Unvaccinated. (Daily Sceptic - 13/11/2021)

L'Autriche et l'Allemagne en ébullition : les dissidents sonnent l'alarme. (FranceSoir - 17/11/2021)

Obsessing Over 'The Health of The Nation' Conjures Some Very Dark Place: Hatred of vaccine dissidents expresses itself first in marginalization and demonization. Then it advances to punishment. The larger end game appears to have little to do with public health. (Maureen Mullarkey - The Federalist - 8/12/2021) -> discusses Germany's Euthanasia Society declaring COVID vaccination a requirement for physician-assisted suicide...

SCANDAL in Germany Over Scapegoating of Unjabbed Lies, damn lies and statistics. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 22/12/2021)

Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead of COVID Measures Set to go Into Effect Tuesday. (Katabella Roberts/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/12/2021)

Germany Lockdown Saw up to Three-Fold Increase in Child Suicide Attempts. (Peter Caddle - Breitbart - 13/1/2022)

German Government "Concerned" About Massive Anti-COVID Restriction Protests Never before in history have demonstrations been so widespread. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 21/1/2022)

German Health Insurer Reveals 'Alarming' Underreporting of Vaccine Side-Effects. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/2/2022)

Effets secondaires des vaccins: un assureur allemand pulvérise les rapports officiels. (FranceSoir - 25/2/2022)

Allemagne : Les pompiers disent stop au vaccin, « tant que l'augmentation des cas d'AVC et de crise cardiaque ne sera pas expliquée ». (Qactus/Informateur - 20/4/2022) -> Pour les québécois, en France les pompiers sont également ambulanciers...

Lockdown Forever! German Court Finds Forced Vax for Caregivers Constitutional. (Peter Caddle - Breitbart - 20/5/2022)

Report by German Parliament Expert Committee Finds No Evidence that Lockdowns did Anything. (Eugyppius - Daily Sceptic - 11/6/2022)

The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany. (CJ Hopkins - Consent Factory - 20/6/2022)

German Government Admits Covid Vaccines Cause Serious Injury for One in 5,000 Doses – But its Own Data Show the Real Rate is One in 300 Doses. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 21/7/2022)

The "Unvaccinated" Question (Revisited). (CJ Hopkins - Consent Factory - 6/8/2022) -> discusses the segregation and persecution of "the Unvaccinated" in Germany

Passe sanitaire Allemagne: un projet de lier le statut vaccinal à des couleurs accordant différents droits est à l'étude. (FranceSoir - 11/8/2022)

German Insurer Sees Staggering Rise in Adverse Effects from Covid-19 Vaccines: Approximately 11 million people are insured by the Techniker Krankenkasse. 473,593 cases of medical treatment resulting from vaccination thus amounts to around one in every 23 people insured. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 13/8/2022)

Profitez du Moment clé : arrêtez MAINTENANT le carnet de vaccination numérique… (KLA TV - Les moutons enragés - 15/8/2022)

German Official Trashes Cost of Living Protesters as "Enemies of the State" Says they're extremists who want to overthrow the government. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 17/8/2022) -> Those who get in the way of Davos puppets are labelled "ennemies of the State"...

Vaccins anti-Covid: une étude allemande rapporte des effets inquiétants sur le sang: « Les programmes de vaccination Covid-19 doivent cesser sur-le-champ ». C'est ainsi que s'achève un rapport allemand sur les effets néfastes des vaccins anti-Covid. (FranceSoir - 30/8/2022)

Prominent Christian Leaders Introduce Statement Against Last 2 years of Govt Totalitarianism. (Protestia - 1/9/2022) -> The Frankfurt Declaration signed by some of the more notable North American signatories include Voddie Baucham, John McArthur, Joe Boot, Tom Buck, Josh Buice, James Coates, Phil Johnson, Jeff Durbin, Jacob Reaume, Justin Peters, Aaron Rock, Tim Stephens, Doug Wilson, and James White.

The Frankfurt Declaration of Christian & Civil Liberties: This new document on the limits of the state is very important indeed. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 1/9/2022)

Time to Support Vera Sharav… The Unthinkable happened at Nuremberg – Again! (Senta Depuydt - Alliance for Human Research Protection - 2/9/2022)

La déclaration de Francfort sur les libertés chrétiennes et civiques. (Vigilance Pandémie - 19/9/2022)

Grand Jury, tribunal de l'opinion publique. Grand Jury, tribunal de l'opinion publique. Procédure du grand jury par le tribunal d'opinion publique des peuples. (Vigilance Pandémie - 4/10/2022) -> Renforcer la conscience publique par le droit naturel « L'injustice faite à un seul est une injustice faite à tous. ».

Why I believe the Frankfurt Declaration is necessary. (Tobias Riemenschneider - Evangelical Times - 10/10/2022)

Covid: un professionnel de santé sur quatre en incapacité de travail après une injection de vaccin bivalent, selon une étude. (FranceSoir - 22/11/2022)

Allemagne : l'obligation vaccinale devrait être supprimée pour les soignants en 2023. (FranceSoir - 22/11/2022)

The War on Farmers Technocrat globalists target Germany. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 3 minutes - 5/12/2022)

Une étude prouve la létalité des « vaccins » Covid par réaction auto-immune ! (Franck Pengam - Les moutons enragés - 21/12/2022) -> discute de recherches faites par des pathologistes médicaux de l'hôpital universitaire de Heidelberg, en Allemagne.

German Doctor Gets 2 Years In Jail For Illegally Writing Thousands of Mask Exemptions. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/1/2023)

German court orders Holocaust survivor to be sent to psychiatric institution for forced COVID shots Jewish composer Inna Zhvanetskaya has been taken to a safe place by friends to prevent her arrest. (Andreas Wailzer - LifeSite - 12/1/2023)

Unvaccinated German care home worker, accused of sparking a November 2021 outbreak in her residence that left three elderly women dead, to face criminal trial. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 18/1/2023)

Fighting for Freedom" – der Dokumentarfilm / the documentary
(Christine Anderson, MdEP - YouTube - 34 minutes - 23/1/2023)
-> English interview with German subtitles

Covid Restrictions Were "Idiocy" and School Closures Were an "Unnecessary Mistake" – Germany Lockdown Chief. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 11/2/2023)

Don't Be Fooled by the Faux Apologies From the Lockdown Fanatics. (Eugyppius - Daily Sceptic - 15/2/2023)

Explosif : Les vaccins Covid-19 peuvent provoquer des "handicaps permanents" ! (Lorenz Duchamp/The Epoch Times - Les moutons enragés - 223/2023)

European Spring: Millions of Germans Rise Up and Reject the 'New World Order'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 29/3/2023)

Un avocat poursuit la République fédérale: Les politiciens s'attendaient à des dommages causés par le vaccin - et on rendu l'indeminisation impossible. (Silvano Trotta Officiel - 5/4/2023)

Is Germany persecuting lockdown sceptics? The arrest of Querdenken leader Michael Ballweg raises some troubling questions. (Sabine Beppler-Spahl - Spiked - 5/4/2023)

Allemagne : Dietmar S perd la vue après une seconde injection Pfizer. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 27/4/2023)

German Government Admits it Has No Evidence Face Masks Work. (Eugyppius - Daily Sceptic - 3/5/2023)

Political satirist CJ Hopkins facing criminal prosecution. (OffGuardian - 10/6/2023) -> legal case in Germany

Who Owns BioNTech? No, it's Not Bill Gates or the Chinese Communist Party. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 11/6/2023) -> German Government money invested in BioNTech...

New Normal Germany Blues: The first rule of New Normal Germany is "You Do Not Compare New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany!" (CJ Hopkins - Consent Factory - 12/6/2023)

German news reports a 17-year-old girl was paralyzed by the Pfizer COVID vaccine. The state gov't confirms vaccine caused it and pays her 854 euros/month. However, the family is denied compensation from the manufacturer due to its liability immunity. (KanekoaTheGreat - ThreadReader - 14/6/2023)

"We Will Bring You Down": German MP Vows to Dismantle WHO's Grip on Governments. (Zero Hedge/Summit News - 17/7/2023)

Vaccine Safety Concerns Sparked by Cosy Relationship Between BioNTech and German Regulator. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 21/7/2023)

More now known about vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS). (Dr Jochen Ziegler - UK Column - 22/7/2023) -> study by German doctor

Impftote nun plötzlich Hitzetote. (Ivo Sasek - Kla.TV - 4/8/2023)

German MEP Christine Anderson: COVID Pandemic Was Beta Test For Globalist Totalitarian Agenda. (Infowars - 12/8/2023)

Fragwürdiger Impfstoff-Deal – wie Ursula von der Leyen Aufklärung verhindert. (Das Erste - 6/8/2023)

La télévision allemande enquête sur l'opacité des contrats d'achat des vaccins anti-Covid-19 par l'Union européenne. (Chloé Lommisan - France-Soir - 16/8/2023)

Dr Jobst Landgrebe—mRNA injections are inherently deadly. (UK Column - video, 78 minutes - 17/8/2023)

The Road to Totalitarianism, Part 3: CJ Hopkins' Trial (& Sentencing) For 'Thoughtcrimes'. (CJ Hopkins/The Consent Factory - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/8/2023)

German Leader Urges Public To Disobey Gov't COVID Tyranny Before It's Too Late. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 17/9/2023)

'Go to Hell': Brave EU Politician Delivers Damning Message to the Global Tyrants MEP Anderson took no prisoners in her latest warning to the globalitarian elite. (The Vigilant Fox - 20/9/2023)

Critics Cast Doubt on Christian Drosten's Doctorate. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 9/11/2023) -> Christian Drosten is well known as Germany's Covid 'oracle'.

Why were German politicians so eager to vaccinate children, and why are they lying about it now? (Eugyppius - 18/11/2023)

Die niemals endenden Gefahren von RNA-Impfstoffen ‒ Ein Brandbrief von Sucharit Bhakdi und Team. (KLA.TV - vidéo, 10 minutes - 22/12/2023)

Les dangers éternels des vaccins à ARN – Une lettre de mise en garde du Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi et son équipe. (KLA.TV - vidéo, 10 minutes - 22/12/2023) -> autre interview de 2020 avec Sucharit Bhakdi

ADN dans les vaccins : les médecins allemands en colère ! L'institut de contrôle sanitaire accusé d'avoir caché l'information et trahi sa mission. (Covidhub_ch - 28/12/2023)

"We, The Powers That be Are Done Playing Grab-Ass. STFU, Follow Orders, or Else...". (CJ Hopkins/The Consent Factory - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/1/2024) -> So, my trial for thoughtcrimes in New Normal Germany takes place next Tuesday, January 23rd.

'I want a total change to the system': Spiked meets the German farmers and truckers revolting against the green elites. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 21/1/2024)

Covid Totalitarianism is Akin to Nazi Totalitarianism and Even if the German State Imprisons me for Saying This I Will Continue to do so. (C.J. Hopkins - Daily Skeptic - 8/2/2024)

Un médecin héroïque décède quelques jours après avoir exposé le composant mortel du COVID-Vax. (Peter et Ginger Breggin - America Out Loud - 15/3/2024)

It's Never Wrong to be Wrong When You're Christian Drosten. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 20/3/2024)

« Moins dangereux qu'une grippe », « mise en scène »… Le coup de tonnerre des RKI Files! ( - 28/3/2024) -> Le magazine allemand « Multipolar » a intenté une action en justice sur la base de la loi allemande sur la liberté d'information pour la publication des procès-verbaux des réunions de l'équipe allemande de crise sur la covid, basée au RKI (Institut Robert Koch)

RKI protocols reveal pandemic managers providing "fictitiously accurate" R-values and overstating Covid risk on the explicit directions of their political overseers in the Health Ministry. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 29/3/2024)

La manipulation covid dévoilée en Allemagne, les médias mainstream obligés de revoir leur narratif et d'adhérer aux thèses dites complotistes qu'ils attaquaient il y a encore un an. (Silvano Trotta - France-Soir - vidéo, 37 minutes - 29/3/2024)

German domestic intelligence chief defends his efforts to police the "thought & speech patterns" of citizens, outlines the novel offence of "systematic delegitimisation of state conduct". (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 2/4/2024)

Leaked Dossier Shows German Government Conspired to Silence Reiner Fuëllmich. (Greg Reese - Discern Report - 13/4/2024)

On the anniversary of his passing: Arne Burkhardt on mRNA vaccines. (UK Column - video, 78 minutes - 30/5/2024)

German Tourists Found Guilty of Insulting Christian Drosten on Camping Trip. (Robert Kogon - Daily Sceptic - 11/6/2024)

German CDC documents show politics drove COVID response, not science The health authorities deliberately lied the public about COVID because they didn't want to lose the respect of the lawmakers. They knew that COVID was LESS dangerous than the flu!! (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 25/6/2024)

The People's Court of New Normal Germany. (CJ Hopkins - The Consent Factory - 21/7/2024)

Unredacted RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 25/7/2024)

Deranged regime virologoid Christian Drosten explains that lockdowns were necessary in Germany because Germans lack education, social cohesion and respect for government recommendations. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 13/8/2024)

Top health official admits in court that 'independent' pandemic expert advice was steered by politicians, that virus risk assessments were political & that vaccine mandates had no scientific rationale: The President of the Robert Koch Institut (the German CDC) destroyed much of the public mythology of the pandemic response in testimony before an Osnabrück administrative judge earlier this week. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 5/9/2024)

Alerte : le pass sanitaire de retour en Allemagne !
(David Engels/ Yves Pozzo di Borgo- Tocsin - YouTube - 39 minutes - 24/9/2024)

On the Unjust and Ridiculous Conviction of C.J. Hopkins. (Eugyppius: a plague chronicle - 1/10/2024)

200 German doctors who issued face mask exemptions were put on a state blacklist – the consequences are shocking. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 3/10/2024)

Entretien avec l'expert qui démonte toute l'arnaque sanitaire Covid L'analyste et ses collègues ont récupéré plus de 2'000 documents officiels des autorités allemandes. (Senta Depuydt + Tom Lausen - Essentiel News - 5/10/2024)

Témoignage inédit de Reiner Fuellmich sur ses conditions de détention à Rosdorf. (France-Soir - 14/10/2024)

4000+ pages leaked form German CDC, Robert Koch Institute containing meeting minutes on covid from 2020-2023. (Sasha Latypova - Due Diligence and Art - 9/11/2024)

Autriche / Austria

Autriche : les policiers enlèvent les casques et marchent avec le peuple contre la dictature sanitaire ! (Silvano Trotta - Twitter - 31/1/2021)

Gerald Grosz, auteur et ancien politicien autrichien, s'est fait vacciner deux fois et le regrette ! (tARTE à la crême - Rumble - 3 minutes 5/8/2021)

L'Autriche se soulève contre « la dictature sanitaire ». (Emilien Lacombe - Infodujour - 16/11/2021)

L'Autriche et l'Allemagne en ébullition : les dissidents sonnent l'alarme. (FranceSoir - 17/11/2021)

'War Zone': Massive European protests against COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccine mandates erupt into an 'orgy of violence'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 20/11/2021)

Austrian Government Warns of 'Radicalisation' After Weekend of Lockdown Protests. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 22/11/2021)

COVID-19 - Austria national lockdown & mandatory vaccine, 'we will not stop protesting'.
(The Sun - YouTube - 3 minutes - 22/11/2021)

Autriche URGENT : Le résistant HÉRO, le Dr Andreas Noack est mort de façon inattendue quelques heures après avoir dénoncé les risques de l'hydroxide de graphène. [Vidéo] ( - 1/12/2021)

First EU Country to Imprison Unvaccinated Hit by Historic Uprising. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 5/12/2021)

Massive U-Turn: Austria to Repeal Almost All 'Corona Apartheid' Rules Targeting Unvaxxed. (Peter Caddle - Breitbart - 17/2/2022)

L'Autriche supprime l'obligation vaccinale, par Ulrike Reisner. (Éric Verhaeghe - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 23/6/2022)

'Cash Is Printed Freedom' - 530,000 Austrians Betrayed After Referendum on Cash Payments in The Constitution. (John Cody/Remix News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 1/6/2023)

Témoignage d'une médecin généraliste autrichienne au sujet des symptômes après vaccination. (@ResilientsTv - X - vidéo, 4 mnutes - 20/11/2023)

Pays-Bas / Holland

1000s Denounce COVID Lockdown in Amsterdam as Chaos Unfolds at "Unauthorized" Gathering. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 18/1/2021)

Pays-Bas : un tribunal ordonne la fin immédiate du couvre-feu. (RTFrance - 16/2/2021)

L'insurrection qui vient : ce soir aux Pays-Bas. (Pierrick Tillet - Chroniques du Yéti - 19/11/2021)

'War Zone': Massive European protests against COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccine mandates erupt into an 'orgy of violence'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 20/11/2021)

Scandale aux Pays-Bas : des héros populaires ont révélé les liens accablants entre des politiciens corrompus et le Forum Économique Mondial. (Archibald - - 30/12/2021)

Watch: Dutch Police Use Attack Dogs Against Anti-Lockdown Protesters. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 3/1/2022)

Le député néerlandais Thierry Baudet: Évoque le rapport prophétique de la Fondation Rockefeller de 2010, déroulant dans le détail le scénario de la pandémie actuelle.
(Salim Laïbi - Le Libre Penseur - Odysée - 5 minutes + sous-titres français - 9/1/2022)

Agent Provocateurs Caught on Camera: This is so obvious. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/7/2022)

Dutch Farmers Land Face Confiscation to "Save our Climate" - Nitrogen Excuse to Shut Down Family Business.
(Clyde Do Something - YouTube - 12 minutes - 6/7/2022)

Dutch Police Fire Live Rounds at Anti-Green Agenda Protesters Claim tractor drove into officers, but video shows otherwise. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 6/7/2022)

Dutch Government Launches Canadian-Style Crackdown on Farmer Protests. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 6/7/2022)

Watch: Police Open Fire on 'Threatening' Dutch Farmer Protest. (Kurt Zindulka - Breitbart - 6/7/2022)

16-year-old under attempted manslaughter investigation after police try to kill him: Jouke Hospes, the 16-year-old that was shot at by Dutch police for participating in a distribution centre blockade, says that he is currently under investigation for attempted manslaughter. (The Counter Signal - 7/7/2022)

Dutch Farmers Ignite Worldwide Anti-Globalist Uprising: The Revolution Will Not be Televised. (Greg Reese - Banned Videos/InfoWars - 6 minutes - 9/7/2022)

Dutch Farmers Resisting the Toxic Transition. (Colin Todhunter - Off-Guardian - 21/9/2022)

Getting Vaccinated to Prevent Transmission to Others Was 'Always a Lie' Says Dutch MEP. (Niamh Harris - News Punch - 12/10/2022)

Conspiracy Author David Icke Banned From EU, Labeled a "Terrorist": Was set to speak at event in Amsterdam this weekend. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 4/11/2022)

Three Cheers For the Dutch Resistance: Way to go Dutch freedom fighters. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 13/1/2023)

Dutch mayor threatens army deployment as farmer protests escalate. (Mike Campbell - Countersignal - 10/3/2023)

Organizer says Dutch govt is 'blocking' farmers' major protest: 'More and more they take our civil rights, like today, they are blocking our protest in all kinds of ways with bureaucracy,' says Mark van den Oever, the organizer behind a farmers protest set for this Saturday in the Netherlands. (Callum Smiles - Rebel News - 10/3/2023)

WATCH: Dutch Farmers Stage Massive Protest Despite Threat of Military Force. (The American Journal/Infowars - 15 minutes - 13/3/2023) -> Dutch farmes starts at 10:30 minutes...

The Dutch farmers' revolt is far from over: The EU's stringent climate targets are a threat to their way of life. (John Lee Shaw - Spiked - 8/5/2023)

EXCLUSIVE: Dutch farmer 'families are crying at the kitchen table every day' and some have committed suicide, warns Dutch MEP Robert Roos about government farm expropriation plans. (John Cody - Remix News - 16/5/2023)

Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: The People Who Feed Us. (Elze van Hamelen - Solari Report - 1/9/2023)

Time for the truth about the pandemic Betsy McCaughey applauds those exposing the lies about COVID and cures. (Betsy McCaughey - WND - 12/6/2024)

Bill Gates tries to squirm out of court case but the Dutch aren't having it. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - 23/10/2024)

Le milliardaire Bill Gates inculpé par un tribunal néerlandais pour sa promotion des vaccins anti-Covid. (France-Soir - 25/10/2024)

Espagne / Spain

La Quinta Columna

The revolt against lockdown: More and more people are standing up for their communities and liberties. (Tom Slater - Spiked - 2/10/2020) -> Marseille, Madrid and Middlesbrough

Spain's Top Court Rules That Lockdown Was Unconstitutional After lawsuit filed by right-wing Vox party. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 14/7/2021)

Populist Politicians Threaten Legal Action Against Proposed Covid Passports. (Chris Tomlinson - Breitbart - 6/8/2021)

Police charge big pharma boss with falsifying his Covid vaccination status. (Baxter Dmitry/Newspunch - SOTT - 26/5/2022)

President of European Pharma Giant Charged for Falsifying COVID Vaccination Record & Purchasing Fake Vaccine Passport. (Rhoda Wilson/The Exposé - InfoWars - 30/5/2022) -> Fernández-Sousa is accused of arranging to be injected with a saline solution instead of a Covid "vaccine"

Coup de théâtre en Espagne : la justice donne 10 jours à l'Etat pour dévoiler tous les contrats signés avec Pfizer. (Cheikh Dieng - Profession Gendarme - 3/8/2022)

Vaccins anti-Covid : la justice espagnole demande à l'État de dévoiler tous les contrats signés avec les laboratoires. (Nexus - 6/8/2022)

Pablo Campra a identifié et montré l'existence de graphène dans les vaccins Covid. (Profession Gendarme - 8/9/2022)

Espagne : les ex-ministres de la santé poursuivis après les décès d'enfants vaccinés Pfizer. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 26/7/2024)

Another study finds link between COVID shots and serious heart issues: A study of more than 950 heart patients in Madrid found that the 'combination of vaccination and natural SARS-CoV2 infection was associated with the development of severe heart failure and cardiogenic shock.' (Calvin Freiburger - LifeSiteNews - 30/9/2024)


Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests "Unreliable" & Quarantines "Unlawful". (Tyler Durden - ZeroHedge - 22/11/2020)

Le test PCR va au tribunal : au Portugal, mais aussi en Allemagne et dans de nombreux pays. (FranceSoir/CrashDebug - 30/11/2020)

Suède / Sweden

Suède: l’épidémie se termine même sans confinement. (Covidinfos - 23/4/2020)

Et si le confinement n’avait servi à rien pour éviter les morts du COVID -19 ? La Suède pourrait en apporter la preuve. (Jeanne Smits - 30/4/2020)

Why they hate Sweden: Sweden’s civilised and open approach is an important challenge to lockdown mania. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 25/5/2020)

Sweden Had It Right All Along: Whitney: Looks Like Sweden Was Right After All. (Mike Whitney - Prophecy Update - 11/7/2020)

Why we aren’t wearing masks in Sweden: Anders Tegnell, architect of a unique response to the pandemic, defends his approach. (Freddie Sayers - UnHerd - 24/7/2020)

Sweden’s Top Epidemiologist Says ‘We See No Point In Wearing Masks’ As COVID-19 Cases Drop. "Not even on public transport." (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 3/8/2020)

New Study Finds Sweden’s Refusal To Lock Down Saved The Economy Without Sacrificing Lives: Sweden has an intact economy, a citizenry with greater immunity to COVID-19, and a death rate per million lower than Italy's — all with no lockdown. (Sumantra Maitra - The Federalist - 10/8/2020)

Sweden’s Top Infectious Disease Doctor Says Face Masks Alone Aren’t Enough to Stop Coronavirus Spread. (Ashe Schow - DailyWire - 20/8/2020)

Sweden has exposed the cruel folly of lockdown: Sweden’s strategy was subjected to a global smear campaign, but now it’s showing results. (Fraser Myers - Spiked - 21/9/2020)

Sweden has destroyed the case for lockdown: Predictions of mass death never came to pass. It’s now clear we can manage the virus without extreme measures. (Christopher Snowdon - Spiked - 1/10/2020)

World Freedom Alliance : pour un monde meilleur. (Odyssée - 8/1/2021)

Sweden saw lower 2020 death spike than much of Europe. (Johan Ahlander - Reuters - 24/3/2021)

No-lockdown Sweden broke with most of the world and didn't require face masks. Those who wear them say they're treated with suspicion and abuse. (Sinéad Baker - Business Insider - 5/6/2021)

Pr Shahar : « Sans l'ombre d'un doute, la Suède avait raison ! ». (Jean-Dominique Michel - Anthropo-logiques - 28/7/2021)

« L'heure est à la désobéissance civile (pacifique) ! »
(Robert F Kennedy Jr. - Rumble - 13 minutes - 28/8/2021)

Despite Vaccine Passport Schemes, COVID Cases Surging Across Europe While no lockdown, no mandate Sweden is doing just fine. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 11/11/2021)

Swedish Doctors Demand The Pfizer Jab Is Banned Over Suspected Fraud. (News Punch - 14/11/2021) -> A group of Swedish doctors and researchers have signed a petition demanding an end to the roll out of Pfizer covid vaccinations in their country due to suspected fraud.

"We Can Open Up Society": Sweden Lifts Nearly All Covid-19 Restrictions. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 3/2/2022)

Sweden Declares the Pandemic to be "Over": Country that refused to impose strict lockdown rules exits COVID-19 nightmare first. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 9/2/2022)

Sweden saved children from lockdown One country was wise enough to resist school closures. (Johan Anderberg - UnHerd - 17/6/2022)

Mistake to Recommend COVID-19 Vaccines For All Children: Top Danish Health Official. (Zachary Steiber/The Epoch Times - Zero Hedge - 23/6/2022)

La vaccination contre le Covid-19 favorise-t-elle le développement du cancer ? (FranceSoir - 10/8/2022) -> Discussion des travaux du Dr Ute Kruger, anatomo-pathologiste - Växjö (Suède)

Covid-19 : la Suède ne recommande plus la vaccination pour les adolescents âgés de 12 à 17 ans. (FranceSoir - 4/10/2022)

Sweden Wins! Country That Refused Lockdown and Kept Schools Open Has Lowest Pandemic Mortality in the World. (Joel Smalley - Daily Sceptic - 8/11/2022)

Covid Vaccines Are "Obviously Dangerous" and Should Be Halted Immediately, Say Senior Swedish Doctors. (Dr Johan Eddebo - Daily Skeptic - 13/1/2023)

Excess Deaths in Finland and Norway in 2022 Were Higher Than in Sweden in 2020. (Nick Rendell - Daily Sceptic - 22/1/2023)

Pandemic Strategies, Lessons and Consequences: A hugely successful conference in Stockholm - shunned by the mainstream media of course. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 24/1/2023)

When Anders Tegnell Stood Alone. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 23/3/2023)

Sweden Did Exceptionally Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Peter C. Gøtzsche - Brownstone Institute - 28/3/2023)

Stockholm Syndrome Prevails. But not in Stockholm: Governments around the world hid their insecurity by scolding Sweden's Covid-19 strategy, because Sweden undermined the mantra that we had no choice. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 2/4/2023) -> Thank you Sweden for standing up to the Davos puppets!

How Common Sense Prevailed in Sweden: The success of Sweden may be viewed as a victory for the cool-headed utilitarianism of the sober and conscientious public health bureaucrats, at all times keeping their eyes on the big picture.(Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 11/4/2023)

"Sweden Had No Lockdown and Came Out Better": Anders Tegnell Submits Devastating Evidence to U.K. Covid Inquiry. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 20/12/2023)

Suède : chute du taux de natalité suite aux vaccinations Covid. Entretien avec le psychiatre Sven Román. (Xavier Azalbert et Romain Pauc - France-Soir - vidéo, 23 minutes - 25/12/2023)

Sweden Scraps Agenda 2030 Goals. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 19/1/2024)

Sweden's Top Soccer Player Fighting for His Life Following COVID Shot. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 27/2/2024)

How Sweden proved the world wrong about lockdowns: The evidence is clear: authoritarian restrictions did not save more lives. (Fredrik Andersson and Lars Jonung - Spiked - 29/2/2024)

La leçon suédoise du Covid-19 : il ne fallait pas confiner. (Fredrik NG ANDERSSON et Lars JONUNG - Laurent Mucchielli - Profession Gendarme - 23/3/2024)

How Long Until People Are Willing to Hear That Lockdown Wasn't Worth It? (Daniel Hannan - Daily Sceptic - 4/9/2024) -> discusses why Sweden's Covid strategy is still ignored...

Turbo-cancers, maladies auto-immunes et pathologies neurologiques survenant après la vaccination ARNm anti-Covid. (AIMSIB - 27/10/2024)


Danemark / Denmark

A Pots and Pans Protest. (LockDown Sceptics - 23/11/2020)

Covid-19 : le Danemark lève toutes ses restrictions, et la France ? (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 1/9/2021)

Danish Health Minister Threatens to "Shut Down Society" if More People Don't Get Vaccinated Opposition calls announcement a "completely wild message." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 27/10/2021)

"We Failed": Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/1/2022)

Denmark Officially Becomes First EU Country to Drop All Domestic COVID Restrictions. (Sebastian Hughes - Daily Caller - 1/2/2022)

Danish Newspaper Apologizes For "Hypnotically" Following Government Narrative on COVID "We failed." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 13/1/2022)

Le Danemark a suspendu sa campagne de vaccination. (FranceSoir - 27/4/2022)

Denmark bans COVID vaccine for youth under 18. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 9/8/2022)

Danemark : la vaccination anti-Covid n'est plus recommandée aux moins de 50 ans. (FranceSoir - 14/9/2022)

Vaccinating the Under-50s is an Utter Waste of up to £1 Billion of Taxpayers' Money. (Mark Ellse - Daily Sceptic - 7/10/2022)

Ils ne pourront plus marcher dans les rues, le Premier ministre interpellé et sommé d'expliquer la mort des 83 000 Danois dues aux soi-disant vaccins corona. (Quactus - 26/11/2022)

Denmark stops testing those hospitalized with a respiratory infection for Covid-19. (Mike Campbell - The Counter Signal - 9/12/2022)

It is Impossible to Reconcile a Highly Effective Vaccine With Excess Mortality in Denmark Since 2021. (Dr. Eyal Shahar - Daily Sceptic - 28/4/2023)

The working-class revolt against Net Zero: Danish truckers are the latest workers to rise up against eco-authoritarianism. (Brendan O'Neill - Spiked - 16/5/2023)

Le docteur Mikael Nordfors a rejoint le Valhalla. (Senta Depuydt - - 29/8/2023)

"Il y a un lien entre des lots de vaccins Covid-19 et des effets secondaires" (Dr. Vibeke Manniche, PhD, et Max Schmeling). (Xavier Azalbert - France-Soir - 4/12/2023) -> médecin et statisticien danois

Danish Healthcare Trainee Seeks $1.6 Million Compensation After Severe COVID-19 Vaccine Injury. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 22/12/2023)

Norvège / Norway

Funeral Homes In Fully-Vaccinated Norway 'Overwhelmed' With Corpses. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 18/1/2023)

Norwegian Man Forcibly Confined in Psychiatric Unit For Sharing Covid 'Conspiracies' on Facebook. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 29/7/2023)

Norway LOCKED Man in Psychiatric Ward for Questioning mRNA Shots. (Peter Imanuelsen - The Gateway Pundit - 24/8/2023)

Norwegian Researchers Find Masks Linked With Covid Infections. (Guy Gin - Daily Sceptic - 25/11/2023)

My Biggest Battle
(Heiko Sepp - YouTube - 34 minutes - 22/8/2024)

Extreme Triathlete Devastated by COVID Vaccine Injury Shares His Heart-Wrenching Journey in a Must-See Documentary. (Jim Hᴏft - Gateway Pundit - 27/8/2024)

Islande / Iceland

La TV officielle suisse confirme que la vaccination ne marche pas ! (Dana Anderson - VK- 1 minute - 12/8/2021) -> on examine des données touchant l'Icelande

Iceland Stops Using Moderna Vaccine Over Heart Inflammation Risk. (Ivan Pentchoukov - The Epoch Times - 8/10/2021)

Iceland: Funding of Promising Research into COVID-19 Treatment Withdrawn Without Explanation Lab results showed fish liver oil could destroy 99.9% of SARS-CoV-2 but funding of further research was withdrawn. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 10/6/2022)

New Study from Iceland Shows Infection Rates Rise With Number of Injections In the authors' own words: "Surprisingly, 2 or more doses of vaccine were associated with a slightly higher probability of reinfection compared with 1 dose or less." (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 14/8/2022)

The Elephant and the Athletes: After mass-vaccination for Covid-19 started, twice as many footballers as before have collapsed in the field with heart attacks. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 21/9/2022)

We Must Never Forget: We are still in the phase of denial, we still cling to our false beliefs, we still cannot comprehend the consequences of what was done to us ... But this stage cannot last long... (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 18/6/2022)

Dr. Aseem Malhotra's Warning has Reached Icelandic Sportsmen Who Push Back Against Covid Vaccine Mandate. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - Daily Sceptic - 30/11/2022)

Covidians Ruining 2023 Handball World Cup Is the International Handball Federation joking, asks Icelandic goalkeeper Björgvin Páll Gústavsson in a tweet on the Federation's quarantine rules for the 2023 World Cup. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 4/1/2023)

Journalists and the Elephant in the Room: What was once perceived as a reliable and impartial media has increasingly been transformed into entities that often resemble mere mouthpieces for corporations. (Helgi Viggosson - From Symptoms to Causes - 27/5/2023)

The Cheerleader Who Demanded Lifelong Quarantine for the Unvaccinated Now Admits Nobody Under 50 Should Have Been Vaccinated: What is it that prompts Dr. Stefánsson to come forward now, years after it became abundantly clear how useless the vaccines were and how dangerous to the young and healthy? (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 3/8/2023)

Covid Vaccination in Iceland: A Failed Experiment Only 20 lives potentially saved in Iceland by Covid-19 vaccination, while 60-70 may have been lost from it. Catastrophe for the fully vaccinated, covered up by lumping them up with the unvaccinated. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 18/11/2023)

L'Islande arrête de vacciner contre le Covid Une ex-cadre repentie de la pharma convainc tout un pays de l'inutilité et de la dangerosité des injections - qui ont été suivies par une hausse record de la mortalité. (Sasha Latypova - Covid Hub - 23/11/2023)

Iceland No Longer Offers Covid Vaccines to General Population After Spike In Sudden Deaths. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 3/12/2023)

Covid Vaccination in Iceland: A Failed Experiment Only 20 lives potentially saved in Iceland by Covid-19 vaccination, while 60-70 may have been lost from it. Catastrophe for the fully vaccinated, covered up by lumping them up with the unvaccinated. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 18/2/2024)

Finlande / Finland

Finland Exposes Massive Covid Reporting Scandal: Nearly 40% of 'Covid Deaths' Were Fraudulent. (Kyle Becker - Trending Politics - 3/11/2022)

Three Good News Stories! (Nigel Watson - YouTube - 20 minutes - 5/12/2022) -> A Finish museum compares restrictions during the Nazi era to restrictions under the Covid crisis...

WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports May Have Been a Scam: Testifying in a lawsuit, WHO's leading vaccine expert said she advised against COVID vaccine passports as the vaccines did not stop transmission and gave a false sense of security. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 12/4/2024) -> Court testamony by Dr. Hanna Nohynek, chief physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

Irelande / Ireland

Des milliers d’Irlandais manifestent contre la dictature sanitaire. (Pierre-Alain Depauw - Medias-Presse.Info - 24/8/2020)

Irish Taoiseach Micheál Martin Tells Scientific Advisors to Take a Hike. (LockDown Sceptics - 7/10/2020)

Van Morrison Is Being Blacklisted for Anti-Media Song. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 10/5/2021)

Urgent message from university hospital manager and academic Kieran Morrissey.
(Freedommedia - Odyssee - 9 minutes - 30/9/2021)

No More Forced Masks: Ireland to Dump Almost All Remaining COVID Rules. (Peter Caddle - Breitbart - 23/2/2022)

Enquête en Irlande sur le décès d'un adolescent après avoir reçu un vaccin Pfizer, "préoccupation publique". (FranceSoir - 5/12/2022)

Ireland's Covid amnesia: The establishment refuses to say a word about the past few years of madness. (Darragh McManus - Spiked - 19/1/2023)

The fury of Ireland's farmers: All across Europe, put-upon farmers are rising up against green dogma. (John Mac Ghlionn - Spiked - 25/1/2024)

Mandatory Vaccination and Confinement Included in Draconian Health Bill for NI. (Dr. Elizabeth Evans - The Daily Sceptic - 26/9/2024)

Dr. Mike Yeadon's message to Northern Irish politicians: Speak out because if you don't the consequences are terrifying. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 9 minutes - 6/12/2024) -> In July 2024, Northern Ireland published a consultation document regarding a proposed Public Health Bill which appears to include, among others, a proposal to enable forced vaccination. It hasn't been made clear, but it seems the purpose of Dr. Yeadon's video is so that it can be submitted to the Northern Ireland Assembly in response to this proposed bill, the consultation for which ended on 14 October 2024.


Roumanie / Romania

« C'est le protocole Covid appliqué dans les hôpitaux qui tue les malades ! » (Flavia Groșan, pneumologue roumaine - Visegrad Post - 23/03/2021) -> texte original roumain

Romanians, Bulgarians Overwhelmingly Reject CV Shots - Govts Forced to Sell Off Their Supplies. (Chris Menahan - InformationLiberation - 22/7/2021)

Romanian EU Representatives Expose Culture of Silence on Vaccines, Big Pharma Deals and Vaccine Mandates "What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 2/11/2021)

Romanian MEP Blasts Moderna and AstraZeneca in EU Parliament Over Covid Vaccine. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 8/9/2022)

République tchèque / Czech Republic

A Summary of Why the Czech Republic Vaccine Data are So Devastating to the "Safe and Effective" Narrative. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 30/7/2024)

Czech Republic data: vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women: Meanwhile, in the US, the CDC continues to recommend pregnant women in the US get the COVID vaccine. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 1/2/2025)

Slovénie / Slovenia

Slovénie : La cour suprême suspend le décret sur le passe vaccinal pour les fonctionnaires. (FranceSoir - 2/10/2021)

Slovakie / Slovakia

Slovakian PM Orders Covid Vaccine Probe As Excess Deaths Skyrocket. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 29/1/2024)

Biélorussie / Belarus

Coronavirus et géopolitique : l'incroyable exigence du FMI pour la Biélorussie - UPR
(reportage avec François Asselineau - YouTube - 15 min. - 7/9/2020)