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And he who becomes master of a city accustomed to freedom and does not destroy it, may expect to be destroyed by it, for in rebellion it has always the watchword of liberty and its ancient privileges as a rallying point, which neither time nor benefits will ever cause it to forget. And whatever you may do or provide against, they never forget that name or their privileges unless they are disunited or dispersed, but at every chance they immediately rally to them, as Pisa after the hundred years she had been held in bondage by the Florentines.
But when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince, and his family is exterminated, they, being on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the other hand not having the old prince, cannot agree in making one from amongst themselves, and they do not know how to govern themselves. For this reason they are very slow to take up arms, and a prince can gain them to himself and secure them much more easily. But in republics there is more vitality, greater hatred, and more desire for vengeance, which will never permit them to allow the memory of their former liberty to rest; so that the safest way is to destroy them or to reside there.
(Nicolo Machiavelli - The Prince - 1532 - ch. V)
Dossier Covid19
Covid-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project.
Les articles sont en ordre chronologique croissant (plus vieux d'abord) / Articles are in chronological order (oldest first, recent articles at the bottom) -> articles plus récents
DOJ Supports Church Suing Virginia Gov. Northam For Threatening Fines, Imprisonment of Pastor. (Chrissy Clark - The Federalist - 13/4/2020)
Cet article (ci-dessus) remet en question l'hypocrisie des décrets -> "Northam’s executive order bans in-person religious services of more than 10 people, meanwhile it permits gatherings of more than 10 people in non-essential retail businesses such as liquor stores, dry cleaners, department stores, and more."
Justice Department intervenes in Mississippi church's lawsuit for breaking up 'drive-in' service. (Jeff Mordock and James Varney - The Washington Times - 14/4/2020)
How Christians should respond to religious oppression in the coronavirus era: This isn't new, even if it feels like it. (Aaron Colen - The Blaze - 14/4/2020)
Rush Limbaugh warns of 'Your papers, please' checkpoints in U.S.: 'Can you say George Orwell, folks? Do you know what an immunity card is?' (WND - 13/4/2020)
Gov. Whitmer hit with multiple lawsuits from Michigan residents over 'draconian' pandemic orders. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 14/4/2020)
Anti-confinement protests in Texas. (YouTube - 18/4/2020 - English/Spanish - 1 min.)
Mayor Bill de Blasio's social distancing 'snitch' line backfires spectacularly: New Yorkers let their mayor know how they really feel about the 'service'. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 21/4/2020)
A Texas judge just ordered all county residents to wear masks in public or face fines, jail time. But law enforcement is punching back hard. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 22/4/2020)
Ben Shapiro says politics are driving states' coronavirus policies and it's a 'problem'. (Julia Musto - FoxNews - 22/4/2020)
«La Constitution n'est pas suspendue en temps de crise», avertit le Procureur général Barr. (Yapasdepresse - 4/5/2020)
COVID-19 : Distanciation sociale sévèrement critiquée par la Police de New York. (Yapasdepresse - 5/5/2020)
Wisconsin Judge Slams Dem Governor’s Stay-At Home Orders: ‘The Very Definition of Tyranny’. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 6/5/2020)
America the Wuss - From Rugged Pioneers to Cowering Sheep. (Don Feder - FrontpageMag - 7/5/2020)
Hours after Pittsburgh dumped sand on skate park, a pile of sand was left at City Hall. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 8/5/2020)
Memories of tyranny prompt religious liberty defense: First Amendment | Romanian-American pastors challenge Illinois’ in-person worship restrictions. (Steve West - World Mag - 12/5/2020)
The Proper Response of Law Enforcement to Unconstitutional Executive Orders. (Jake Macaulay - News With Views - 13/5/2020)
How You Can Help Roll Back The Coronavirus Police State: Not everyone seething about the ongoing abuses by local potentates is going to file a lawsuit, but everyone can contribute to a shift in the national mood. (Molly McCann - The Federalist - 12/5/2020)
Blue State Governors Move the Goalposts: Why are they playing keepaway with the American people? (Jim Breslo - The American Spectator - 1/5/2020) [on dénonce les changements des justifications du confinement par les gouverneurs d'états]
‘Worrisome’: NYC Hires 3,000 People For Contact Tracing, But Finds Most People Won’t Cooperate. (James Barrett - DailyWire - 22/6/2020)
Is California Governor Newsom Leading the Communist Takeover of America? Walmart is now Apparently a Communist China Store in the U.S. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 5/7/2020)
The Anti-American Pattern of Elites’ Coronavirus Restrictions: While gathering to worship God, celebrate the country, and vote are deemed selfish attacks on our neighbors, gatherings to protest Christianity, the country, the police, the Republican president, and capitalism are viciously defended. (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 7/7/2020)
Confessions of a California Quarantine Outlaw: My latest crime: Singing in Church. (Rob Crisell - The Federalist - 12/7/2020)
3 churches sue Newsom after California bans singing in places of worship because of coronavirus: They claim a double standard because of Newsom's support of protests. (Morgan Phillips - Fox News- 16/27/2020)
‘We’re Going to Make An Example Out of Them’: Liberty University Sues New York Times Over Allegedly Misleading COVID-19 Story: 'It's just not right for the mainstream media to lie about and target conservative Christian organizations..." (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 16/7/2020)
California Churches Fight Back Against Gov. Newsom’s Crackdown on Worship. (Penny Starr - Brietbart - 20/7/2020)
They Keep Moving the COVID-19 Goalposts: Will the Next Step Be Masks to Protect From the Flu and the Common Cold? (Paula Bolyard - PJMedia - 24/7/2020)
Science And Data Say School Reopening Is Safe, So Why Do Democrats Oppose It? (Allison Schuster - The Federalist - 24/7/2020)
Christ, not Caesar, Is Head of the Church: A Biblical Case for the Church’s Duty to Remain Open. (John MacArthur - Grace to You - 24/7/2020)
Escape to Alcatraz: In San Francisco, an unexpected beacon of freedom during the shutdown. (Edward Grossman - The American Spectator - 26/7/2020)
John MacArthur: Not an hour to fear, but triumphant hour for the church. (Capstone Report - 26/7/2020)
Anthony Fauci Floats Eye Protection and Masks for Every Flu Season Ever. (John Nolte - Breitbart News - 30/7/2020)
A Response and Addition To “Why I Oppose Mask Mandates”: A huge factor in our COVID response and that is significantly underdiscussed: the rules we create themselves communicate something about the danger to people. (David Shane - The Aquila Report - 30/7/2020)
California Church Defies Newsom’s Shutdown Mandate: John MacArthur reopens his church despite statewide shutdowns. (William Burns - The Federalist - 2/8/2020)
End the shutdown madness. (Steve Hilton - Fox News - 3/8/2020)
Mask mutiny: First Amendment | COVID-19 rules test the balance of personal liberty and social good. (Steve West - WorldMag - 4/8/2020)
John MacArthur Lawyers Up as LA Threatens Jail Time Over in-Person Church Services. (Tyler O'Neil - PJMedia - 5/8/2020)
California District Attorney Designates County a ‘Sanctuary County for Worship and Praise’. (Pulpit and Pen - 10/8/2020)
Open letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19. (George C. Fareed, MD; Michael M. Jacobs, MD; Donald C. Pompan, MD - The Desert Review - 13/8/2020)
MacArthur launches preemptive strike: Churches: The showdown between California officials and churches intensifies. (Steve West - WorldMag - 13/8/2020)
We Cannot Yield to Caesar That Which Belongs To God. (John MacArthur - DailyWire - 13/8/2020)
COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself. (Revolver - 31/8/2020)
Hundreds Rally at Massachusetts State House Against Mandatory Flu Vaccine For All Students: "We feel like we have to just comply". (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 31/8/2020)
The Lockdown Has Gone From a Mistake to a Crime. (Dennis Prager - PJMedia - 1/9/2020)
John MacArthur is obeying the law; Governor Newsom is not". (Bryan Fischer - Renew America - 3/9/2020)
Pastor John MacArthur Responds to California’s Threats of Imprisonment: ‘Bring It On’. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 16/9/2020)
‘Worship Protests’ Are Bringing Revival to America’s Troubled Cities: People have asked me why we are holding these 'worship protests,' and the answer is simple: God is moving, and our nation desperately needs it. (Sean Feucht - The Federalist - 17/9/2020)
COVID-19 lockdowns are the 'greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history' besides slavery, AG Barr says. (Aaron Colen - The Blaze - 17/9/2020) -> AG = Attorney General
COVID numbers games from Nashville mayor’s office reveal true agenda and endgame of lockdown. (David Horowitz - The Blaze - 17/9/2020)
‘Endured Six Months of Closures’: Josh Hawley Calls on DOJ to Protect Religious Liberties. (Mary Margaret Olohan - The Stream - 17/9/2020)
Flyover Folks Sideline Coronavirus Bureaucrats to Enjoy Classic Car Show: The classic car show was noisy, random, and unsupervised by busybodies the perfect opportunity to flip a giant community middle finger to liberal scolds and meddling bureaucrats everywhere. (J.C. Bourque - The Federalist - 19/9/2020)
Rachel Maddow Attacks Kristi Noem On COVID. Noem Fires Back, ‘Stop Spreading Fear’. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 25/9/2020)
Tens of thousands of Christians converged on DC and Trashed the City. (Michael L. Brown - OneNewsNow - 28/9/2020)
‘Draconian’: Department of Justice Rebukes San Francisco Mayor For 1-Person Limit on Churches. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 29/9/2020)
Elon Musk Says He And His Family Won’t Get Covid Vaccine: Says his family's "not at risk," lockdowns did not "serve the greater good". (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 29/9/2020)
Michigan Supreme Court Rules Whitmer’s Shutdown Order ‘In Violation’ of State Constitution. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 2/10/2020)
No link between schools reopening and COVID-19 spread, global study finds: 'Children, initially thought to be major potential spreaders of coronavirus infection, do not appear to be playing that role'. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 2/10/2020)
How Civil Disobedience Curbed The Michigan Governor’s COVID Abuses of Power: The political drama in Michigan reveals how essential it is in a Republic that the citizens defy unconstitutional and illegal orders of their government. (Thomas Tacoma - The Federalist - 5/10/2020)
The Great Barrington Declaration. (4/10/2020) -> lettre ouverte signée par des milliers de scientifiques et de médecins américains.
Police try to shut down celebration during Jewish holiday. Cuomo issues new 'draconian' measures, and community comes together to burn masks in the street: 'Jewish lives matter!' (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 7/10/2020)
The End of Covid Hysteria. (David Prentice - The American Thinker - 9/10/2020)
Orthodox Jews vs Bill De Blasio and Andrew CuomoWhy New York is Battling Anti-lockdown Protests. (Soo Kim - NewsWeek - 12/10/2020)
If We Don’t Fight Back Against Corona Fascism, It Will Never End. (Scott Morefield - Townhall - 12/10/2020)
With Lockdowns, Progressives Peddle a Sham ‘Right to Safety: But it’s not a right we want or need. (Robert Harris - American Spectator - 14/10/2020)
Holocaust Survivor: Don't Let Authorities Use Fear to Turn You Into a 'Robot': Holocaust survivor and activist Vera Sharav has some strong words for adults who value their health and individual freedom... (The Defender - 15/10/2020)
Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Slams Coronavirus Lockdowns on Businesses, But Owners Begin Organizing Revolt. (Warner Todd Huston - Breitbart - 23/10/2020)
Kirstie Alley Rips CNN’S COVID Coverage: ‘Fear of Dying is Their Mantra’. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 30/10/2020)
Country Star Morgan Wallen Blasts COVID-19 ‘Hypocrisy’: ‘Time To Start Booking Shows’: "If it's ok for us to party in the streets with no 'social distancing' then we can book shows...". (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 9/11/2020)
Dr. Scott Atlas Attacks Fauci, Raising Tensions Among Task Force Members. (Andrew Trunsky - Daily Caller - 11/11/2020)
Commentary: Mask-wearing fanaticism sure looks a lot like a religion: 'Kneel before Zod'. (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 13/11/2020)
Mississippi governor says his state won't participate in a potential national lockdown, promises to fight it: 'It's not the way the economy works'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 14/11/2020)
Trump Coronavirus Adviser Urges Michigan To ‘Rise Up’ Against Whitmer’s New Coronavirus Restrictions. (Ryan Saavedra - DailyWire - 15/11/2020)
Broadway Actor Who Survived COVID Takes Flak For Planning To ‘Respectfully Disobey’ State Church Lockdowns. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 16/11/2020)
Jim Jordan: ‘Don’t Cancel Thanksgiving’; Instead, ‘Cancel Lockdowns. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 16/11/2020)
Media goes nuts after Alito warns religious freedoms at risk. (Billy Davis, Steve Jordahl - OneNewsNow - 16/11/2020)
Michigan Lawmakers Push For Whitmer’s Impeachment Over New Lockdown Order: ‘Call Is Overdue’. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 17/11/2020)
Rand Paul Promises to Resist Biden Lockdown: ‘We Can’t go on Like This Forever’. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 17/11/2020)
Gov. Cuomo Slams New York Police For Not Enforcing Indoor-Gathering Restrictions. (Elizabeth Louise - Daily Caller - 18/11/2020)
Protesters Gather in California Beach City to Defy Gov. Newsom’s Curfew Order. (Jeffrey Cawood - DailyWire - 22/11/2020)
WATCH: NY Business Owners Kick Out Health Dept, Sheriffs: ‘Civil Disobedience Starts Now’: “Go get a warrant ... This is private property.” (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 21/11/2020)
Will The Supreme Court Finally Defend Religious Liberty From Pandemic Tyrants?: A second challenge to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s discriminatory COVID rules that targeted Orthodox Jews provides a crucial test for the new Supreme Court. (Jonathan S. Tobin - The Federalist - 24/11/2020)
SCOTUS Blocks Cuomo’s COVID Restrictions on Church Attendance in New York. (Paulina Enck - The Federalist - 26/11/2020)
Van Morrison, Eric Clapton Protest Government Lockdowns In New Single. (Harry Khachatrian - DailyWire - 27/11/2020)
Why Is Big Media Hiding That Illinois Has Far More COVID Cases Than Florida? Because Illinois Has A Democrat In Charge And Tighter Lockdowns. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 27/11/2020)
NY Gym Owner Rips Up $15,000 Lockdown Fine On Live TV: "We Will Not Comply". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/11/2020)
Americans increasingly comfortable with church defiance of COVID-19 restrictions: survey. (Ryan Foley - Christian Post - 27/11/2020)
Michigan Business Owner Interrupts Local Newscast, Rips Whitmer’s Lockdown: ‘I Have to Fight Back’. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 3/12/2020)
Popular Los Angeles lifestyle boutique goes viral for mercilessly mocking Democrats, leftist celebrities over hypocrisy and more: On the nose. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 3/12/2020)
LA Sheriff Says He Won’t Enforce Newsom’s Stay-At-Home Order Against Businesses: Report. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 4/12/2020)
California Sheriff: I Won’t Enforce Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ‘Ridiculous’ COVID-19 Rules. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 5/12/2020)
Wisconsin Parents Sue City For Closing Down Schools. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 7/12/2020)
It’s Time For Mass Civil Disobedience Against Lawless Lockdown Orders: For too long, mayors and governors and health officials across the country have overstepped their authority. Time to ignore them. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 8/12/2020)
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Refuses to Adhere to NC Governor’s Lockdown Order. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 13/12/2020)
Some School Districts Are Teaching In-Person. One Will Find ‘Every Excuse We Can To Stay Open’. (Mary Margaret Olohan - Daily Caller - 13/12/2020)
WATCH: Furious CA Restaurant Owner Confronts Inspectors Issuing Citation: ‘Are You Gonna Pay My Rent?’. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 15/12/2020)
Over 150 Small Minnesota Businesses Will Resist Virus Restrictions if Extended Wednesday. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 15/12/2020)
Americans Are in Full Revolt Against Pandemic Lockdowns: Individually and in organized groups, people are pushing back against lockdown orders. (J.D. Tuccille - Reason - 16/12/2020)
David Mamet Rips COVID-19 Lockdowns: ‘We’ve Forgotten The Constitution’. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 17/12/2020)
Petition to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom has more than half the signatures needed with several months still to go: 'You have to see it to believe it'. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 17/12/2020)
‘The Constitution, What’s It Worth?’ Eric Clapton, Van Morrison Release Anti-Lockdown Song: "Do you wanna be a free man or do you wanna be a slave?" (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 21/12/2020)
‘Duck Dynasty’ Patriarch Phil Robertson: ‘Politicians Put People Out of Work, Killed Small Businesses’. (Paul Bois - DailyWire - 22/12/2020)
The Sovietization of California. (Dennis Prager - PJMedia - 22/12/2020)
Actor Kirk Cameron Organizes Christmas Caroling Event to Protest CA Lockdowns. (Warner Todd Huston - Breitbart - 23/12/2020)
As Christmas Approaches, Actor Kirk Cameron Continues ‘Caroling Protests’ Against COVID-19 Orders. (Jeffrey Cawood - DailyWire - 23/12/2020)
‘Open or go Bankrupt’: Gym Re-Opens In Defiance of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s Partial Lockdown. (Elizabeth Louise - Daily Caller - 23/12/2020)
We Are Winning The Fight to Recall Governor Newsom. (Kevin Kiley - Daily Caller - 28/12/2020)
'A Direct and Severe Violation': Court Strikes Cuomo's COVID-19 Orders on Churches, Synagogues. (Tyler O'Neil - PJMedia - 28/12/2020)
Salon owner sues Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, accusing Democrat of retaliating over lockdown defiance: 'She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family.' (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 29/12/2020)
Oregon Mayor Leads the Charge to Open Businesses on Jan 1, Despite Lockdowns. (Jeff Reynolds - PJMedia - 31/12/2020)
‘Don’t Want To Be A Guinea Pig’: Health Care Workers Rejecting COVID-19 Vaccine In Droves: Ohio governor says about 60% of nurses in state are refusing the shot. (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 3/1/2021)
NY Democrat introduces bill allowing gov to 'order the removal,' detention of people with contagious diseases: The New York Libertarian Party is speaking out against the bill. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 3/1/2021)
7 ways conservatives can fight back at the state and local levels: We must make 2021 better than 2020. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 4/1/2021)
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown - Jan. 2020. -> The End of Cash. (Honey.Lightwings - BitChute - video, 48 minutes - 6/1/2021) -> using the Covid crisis to use fear to pressure the population to accept digital currency. -> interview done: Dec. 22, 2020 -> Globalists are preparing an outcome that could lead to the dystopia described by the (2013) scifi movie Elysium.
'We're not revolutionists': Pennsylvania brewery champions fight against 'unlawful orders'. (James Varney - The Washington Times - 10/1/2021)
Goya Foods CEO: Dems 'Declared Martial Law' With Virus Shutdowns. (Sandy Fitzgerald - NewsMax - 15/1/2021)
Church Deacon Arrested For Outdoor Worship Service Discusses Victory Against Idaho. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 18/1/2021)
City Councils Are Last Line of Defense Against Tyranny. (Patrick Wood - Technocracy.News - 29/1/2021)
Rapper Pitbull issues warning about communism, says Fidel Castro would have been jealous of lockdowns: 'My family comes from communism, they fled communism, they had everything taken away from them'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 6/2/2021)
Lettre ouverte au Dr Fauci concernant l'utilisation de l'hydroxychloroquine. (Bible & Science Diffusion - 14/2/2021) -> médecins américains
Gov. Kristi Noem At CPAC: 'Dr. Fauci Is Wrong A Lot'. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 28/2/2021) -> South Dakota did not shut down...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Ends Mandatory Mask Mandate: 'Time To Open Texas 100%'. (Ryan Saavedra - DailyWire - 2/3/2021)
NY Legislature moves to strip Gov. Andrew Cuomo of emergency powers NEWS Top Democrats reached a deal to revoke special authority from the scandal-plagued leader. (Breck Dumas - The Blaze - 2/3/2021)
Mississippi Gov Fires Back After Biden Mocks Lifting Lockdowns As 'Neanderthal Thinking'. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 3/3/2021)
16 States Are Now Following The Science. (Jordan Schachtel - American Institute for Economic Research - 3/3/2021)
If We Can't Stop Wearing Masks Now, Then When? (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 5/3/2021)
Rand Paul trashes Dr. Fauci: 'He fashions himself some sort of Greek philosopher, tells you noble lies': Rand Paul does not hold back on Fauci or President Biden. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 13/3/2021)
Florida is Already Making Up for Lost Time. (Michael Curzon - LockDown Sceptics - 15/3/2021)
Celebrating One Year of Rebellion Against Dr. Fauci And The Government's Arbitrary Tyranny. (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 17/3/2021)
If Lockdowns Work, Why Has Florida Done Better Than California? (LockDown Sceptics - 22/3/2021)
Deux semaines après que le Texas ait mis fin à son obligation de porter un masque, les cas sont… en baisse ? (Aguelid - Le libre penseur - 22/3/2021)
Idaho Churchgoers Sue Police, City Government After Being Arrested For Not Wearing Masks Outside. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 24/3/2021)
Immigrant Business Owner Who Fled Communism Jailed For Staying Open, Supporters Back Her With GoFundMe. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 24/3/2021)
Fauci "Needs To Put Up Or Shut Up", 'America's Doctor' Dismantled In Scathing Op-Ed. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/3/2021)
Federal Judge Rules D.C. Capacity Limits on Religious Gatherings Are Unconstitutional. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 26/3/2021)
Texas Manufacturing Smashes Expectations with Record-Breaking March Surge. (John Carney - Breitbart - 29/3/2021)
Newsom, Biden Engage in Neanderthal Thinking on Texas Mask Mandate. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 30/3/2021)
Fauci Has No Idea What's Going on in America, And That's Just How We Might Beat Him: Outside of our most liberal strongholds and even inside some of them, Americans are sick and tired of unending lockdowns. (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 30/3/2021)
The coming death match against vaccine passports in the states OP-ED 'Remember, these governors are just getting warmed up'. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 31/3/2021)
Wisconsin Supreme Court slaps down Democratic governor's ongoing mask mandate: 'Such unilateral, unchecked power was anathema to the framers of our constitutions': Can't use emergencies to abuse power. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 31/3/2021)
Which US States Have Lifted COVID-19 Restrictions? (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/3/2021)
The Texas Neanderthals were right Texas ditched the mask mandate and opened up – and it's all fine. (Sean Collins - Spiked - 1/4/2021)
Texas COVID-Positivity-Rate Plunges To Record Low After Mask-Mandate Lifted, Restaurants Back To Pre-Crisis Levels. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/4/2021)
Florida Man Plans 'Million Maskless March and Mask Burning'. (Amy Furr - Breitbart - 2/4/2021)
Idaho Becomes Fourth State To Ban 'Vaccine Passports'. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 8/4/2021)
High School Coach Fired After Refusing To Enforce "Insane" Outdoor Masks During Sports: "I will not stand up in front of the kids and lie to them and tell them that these masks are doing anything worthwhile". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 9/4/2021)
State Supreme Court Voids Restraining Order Against Salon Owner Who Opened Despite Lockdowns. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 9/4/2021)
Newsom Neutered Again - Supreme Court Blocks California's Restrictions On In-home Religious Gatherings. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 10/4/2021)
'Data is in': Dr. Makary on Fauci cautioning against indoor dining after being vaccinated 'Medical officials are losing credibility' because of mixed messaging. (Dr. Marty Makary - Fox News - 13/4/2021)
Is Dr. Fauci the 'Father of the Pandemic?' Dr. Fauci's NIH funneled American taxpayer dollars -- some $7 million -- into the Wuhan Lab. (Peter Navarro - The Washington TImes - 13/4/2021)
Tucker Carlson Responds to Fauci Labelling His Basic Questions 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' "Why do people who have been previously infected and show high levels of antibodies have to live under the restrictions that the vaccines were supposed to eliminate?" (Steve Watson - Summit News - 15/4/2021)
Chris Cuomo chastises Ted Cruz for no longer wearing a mask at the Capitol, Texas senator strikes back: 'At this point I've been vaccinated'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 16/4/2021)
Exclusive – Mike Garcia: The Pandemic Was an 'Insidious Encroachment on Our Bill of Rights'. (Jacob Bliss - Breitbart - 2/4/2021)
Americans Are Irrationally Afraid of COVID Because The Ruling Class Has Demonized Risk 'Why do so many vaccinated people remain fearful?' David Leonhardt asks with a straight face in Monday's New York Times newsletter. Let me tell you. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 20/4/2021)
Alaska Airlines bans state lawmaker over mask dispute, so she's forced to take 19-hour trip by ferry and road to the capital: 'Alaska airlines is part of mask tyranny'. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 26/4/2021)
Tennessee Republican Governor Strips Mask Mandate Authority From Health Departments. (Eric Quintanar - DailyWire - 27/4/2021)
Oregon Town Declares Emergency to Fight Gov. Brown's Lockdowns. (Jeff Reynolds - PJMedia - 28/4/2021)
Oregon city issues emergency declaration to fight liberal governor's COVID edicts. Now other local governments are asking them how they did it. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 29/4/2021)
Le gouverneur de Floride, Ron DeSantis, annule les mesures sanitaires liberticides de l'Etat fédéral. (Le Courrier des Stratèges - 6/5/2021 )
UMass Amherst honor students suspended for not wearing masks off-campus while outside, parents ready to fight: 'It's been devastating'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 8/5/2021)
Anthony Fauci Is Funding Experiments on Aborted Baby Scalps and Livers. (Kurt Mahlburg - Caldron Pool - 8/5/2021)
Wyoming Bans Vaccine Passport Requirement In Public Spaces. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 10/5/2021)
Counting Down Dr. Fauci's 5 Biggest COVID Flip-Flops. (Beth Baumann - DailyWire - 10/5/2021)
Montana Governor Strips Mask Fanatics of Their Power: Greg Gianforte signs law invalidating mask laws and other COVID-related restrictions. (Brian D'Ambrosio - American Spectator - 10/5/2021)
America's elites are fuelling vaccine hesitancy: Their refusal to open up society has led many to conclude that vaccination is pointless. (Sean Collins - Spiked - 11/5/2021)
NYT catches CDC in gravely consequential lie about outdoor transmission. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 11/5/2021)
Covid Jab Deaths: The Numbers Point to a Catastrophe. (Jon Rappoport - Lew Rockwell - 11/5/2021)
Bill Cassidy: Americans 'Lost Patience' with CDC Coronavirus Guidelines. (Sean Moran - Breitbart - 11/5/2021)
Michigan Restaurant Sues Gretchen Whitmer over Coronavirus Penalties. (Kyle Olson - Breitbart - 11/5/2021)
House Republicans introduce bill to fire Dr. Fauci. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 12/5/2021)
How a Year of Unfounded, Contradictory CDC Guidelines Destroyed That Agency's Credibility Forever Will Americans ever be able to trust the CDC again after the agency mismanaged, lied, and bent to politics of this moment? (Madeline Osburn - The Federalist - 14/5/2021)
5 Big Things Wrong With Biden's Mask-or-Vaccine Ultimatum From being impractical to contradicting his own actions to being just plain obnoxious, here's a list of problems with Biden's latest bout of Twitter preaching. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 14/5/2021)
The CDC Inadvertently Outs the Mask Cult: This strange collection of secular zealots have zero scientific credibility. (David Catron - The Federalist - 16/5/2021)
Report: Government Scientific Advisors Admit They Used 'Totalitarian' Fear TacticstTo Control People During Pandemic "The way we have used fear is dystopian". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 17/5/2021)
Utah Legislature Passes Bill That Would Ban Face Mask Requirements For Public Schools, Universities. (Charlotte Pence Bond - DailyWire - 19/5/2021)
A 'never again' law to prevent future public health fascism. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 19/5/2021)
California Loses Lawsuit, to Pay Church $1,350,000 For Shutting Them Down. (Protestia - 21/5/2021)
Federal law prohibits mandates of emergency use COVID vaccines, tests, masks — 3 resources you can use to inform your school or employer. (News Target - 23/5/2021)
Rand Paul Says He Won't Get COVID-19 Vaccine: 'Show Me Evidence'. (Jack Phillips - The Epoch Times - 23/5/2021) -> "In a free country, you would think people would honor the idea that each individual would get to make the medical decision, that it wouldn't be a big brother coming to tell me what I have to do," Paul said in the interview, suggesting that the pressure campaign around vaccines could be an attempt to manufacture consent for other power grabs.
Michigan residents tired of lockdown mandates say they 'identify as fully vaccinated,' ditch masks. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 24/5/2021)
"Governor Brown, Rescind this Vaccine Passport Order Immediately". (Freedom Foundation - 26/5/2021)
How Anthony Fauci Made Himself The Face of America's Institutional Decay: Few events have accelerated Western institutional decay as the coronavirus pandemic, and it's been Dr. Anthony Fauci's foot on the gas. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 27/5/2021)
DeSantis Administration Fires Warning Shot over Requiring Vaccine Passports in the Cruise Industry. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 27/5/2021)
"No One is Talking About Covid Here. It's Over, Life is Normal" – Report From Texas. (Lockdown Sceptics - 29/5/2021)
Cafe charges extra fee to people who wear face mask, are caught 'bragging' about being vaccinated NEWS 'I've been told this whole time that wearing a mask is a small price to pay'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 30/5/2021)
'Bob Barker Phase of The Pandemic': Bill Maher Mocks States For 'Bribing' Americans to Get Vaccinated. (Nicole Silverio - Daily Caller - 29/5/2021)
Texas Hospital Employees Sue Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. (Joseph Curl - DailyWire - 30/5/2021)
There Will Be Consequences For Government And Big Tech Isolating Americans Through Lockdowns: After what the Democrats and their allies did to Americans, it is warranted for people to feel a sense of anxiety as they leave their homes. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 1/6/2021)
Newsom, California Agree to Pay More Churches in Settlements Over Lockdown Discrimination. (Jon Brown - DailyWire - 2/6/2021)
FNC's Carlson: Fauci Deserves to be Under Criminal Investigation. (Jeff Poor - Breitbart - 3/6/2021)
Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Bill to Ban Vaccine Passports For Domestic Flights. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 4/6/2021)
'Florida Chose Freedom Over Fauci-ism': Gov. DeSantis Gets Huge Applause At Country Music Festival. (Katie Jerkovich - Daily Caller - 7/6/2021)
TPUSA Launches 'No Forced Vax' Campaign: 'It's Time America's Students Had Someone in Their Corner Fighting for Their Freedom to Choose'. (Charlie Kirk - 8/7/2021)
Few professors can back up claims that churches are significant spreaders of COVID. (Henry Kokkeler - Washington State University/The College Fix - 9/6/2021)
Parents send face masks worn by children at school for lab analysis. Results show 'dangerous pathogens' on masks. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 16/6/2021)
Eric Clapton says his musician friends cut him off after he spoke out about his 'disastrous' vaccine side effects: 'I just don't hear from them anymore'. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 16/6/2021)
DeSantis: 'We Are Not Allowing Discrimination Based on Vaccination Status'. (Jeff Poor - Breitbart - 16/6/2021)
America is Open, So Why Aren't We? (Mark - Lockdown Sceptics - 18/6/2021)
Pharmacist Quits CVS Job Over Refusal to Kill People with COVID-19 Shots and Becomes a Whistleblower (Video). (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 17/6/2021)
NFL Wide Receiver Refuses Vaccine, Wants to 'Represent' Other Silent Players: 'If I'm Forced Into Retirement, So Be It' "My way of living and my values [are] more important to me than a dollar." (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire -21/6/2021)
U.S. senator requests Canada investigated for religious freedom violations over Alberta pastors arrests. (Bob Weber - Global News - 25/6/2021)
Indiana University sued by students over its vaccine requirement. (Alex McKenna - The College Fix - 26/6/2021)
DeSantis: America Would Look Like Canada if Florida Hadn't Fought Against Lockdowns. (Trent Baker - Breitbart - 27/6/2021)
Des médecins à travers le monde mettent en garde contre les "vaccins" Covis-19. (Qactus - vidéo 29 minutes - 28/6/2021) -> plus infos sur Pfizer.
Rand Paul rips delta variant 'fearmongers,' cites .08% death rate in unvaccinated group. (Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - 29/6/2021)
Sen. Johnson's News Conference With COVID Vaccine Injured Families, Ignored by Medical Community. (Megan Redshaw - The Liberty Beacon - 30/6/2021)
Military Members Say They'll "Quit" If Army Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine: Congressman. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 20/6/2021)
Had COVID, Not Getting Vaccinated: Forcing vaccines on previously infected people goes against science and constitutional freedoms. (Paul Kengor - The Spectator - 5/7/2021)
Internet Erupts After Biden, Psaki Push 'Door-To-Door' Plan Targeting Unvaccinated People. (Hank Berrien - DailyWire - 6/7/2021)
Enough! Time to stop this farce': Sen. Rand Paul aims to bring an end to mandatory mask-wearing aboard airplanes. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 8/7/2021)
Star U.S. Swimmer Refuses Coronavirus Vaccine Ahead of Olympics. (Warner Todd Huston - Breitbart - 9/7/2021)
GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Admin Doesn't Have the Right to Force Americans to Get Vaccinated. (Trent Baker - Breitbart - 9/7/2021)
Ted Cruz Introduces Bill Banning Feds Maintaining Vaccine Database amid Biden's Door to Door Outreach. (Wendell Husebø - Breitbart - 9/7/2021)
Parents Sue City of Washington D.C. For Vaccinating Minors Without Parental Consent. (Evita Duffy - The Federalist - 14/7/2021)
Hohmann: Technocrats are Leading The World Into a New Dark Age. (Patrick Wood - Technocracy.News - 15/7/202 )
Los Angeles County Sheriff Will Not Enforce Reinstated Indoor Mask Mandate. (Jacob Bliss - Breitbart - 17/7/2021)
Massive Lockdowns and Many Vaccines Later, We Appear to be Where We Were 18 Months Ago. (Michal Every/Rabobank - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/7/2021)
Physicians group: Biden's home-vaccine visits unconstitutional, unethical Federal government has no authority to be involved in medicine. (Art Moore - WND News - 19/7/2021)
Michigan GOP lawmakers end Gov. Whitmer's 'rule by decree' — and she is powerless to veto it NEWS Republican lawmakers in Michigan killed a law Wednesday that underpinned Whitmer's draconian coronavirus restrictions. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 21/7/2021)
Fauci or Frankenstein? He funded the type of research that led to the outbreak of a monster virus. (Daniel J. Flynn - The Spectator - 22/7/2021)
Michigan Legislature Yanks Emergency Powers That Enabled Whitmer's COVID Tyranny. (Maggie Hroncich - The Federalist - 23/7/2021)
Minnesota Vikings coach is gone after opting not to get vaccine and defying NFL mandate: 'You're going to see more of this'. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 23/7/2021)
Italian restaurant posts sign requiring patrons provide 'proof of being UNvaccinated': 'We have zero tolerance for treasonous, anti-American stupidity.' (Dave Uurbanski - The Blaze - 26/7/2021)
California reports higher COVID-19 rates in areas with higher vaccination rates, and vice versa. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 27/7/2021)
Stop the Fearmongering: Johns Hopkins Doctor Shreds Latest COVID Madness Peddled by CDC and Fauci. (Matt Vespa - Townhall - 27/7/2021)
Governors and legislatures must declare war on the CDC. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 28/7/2021)
Congress Has Refused to Enforce Perjury, And Now People Like Fauci Lie To Them Constantly: Few who have testified on Capitol Hill have been prosecuted for false statements to Congress. Prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci would be a rare break from tradition. (Tristan Justice - The Federalist - 28/7/2021)
The CDC's Hysterical Delta Flip-Flop Might Be Its Final Undoing. (Jeffrey Tucker/RealClearMarkets - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/7/2021)
California Restaurant Requires "Proof Of Being UNvaccinated" For Service. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/7/2021)
Makary to Fauci: "It's Time to Stop The Fearmongering" Amid Widespread Natural Immunity: It is not the first time Dr. Marty Makary has dared to speak out against the establishment's doom narrative. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/7/2021)
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons dismantles push to mandate COVID vaccines for all: 'The ethical commitment to protect others does not require workers to surrender their bodily integrity and self-determination.' (Patrick Delaney - LifeSite News - 29/7/2021)
Who watches the watchmen? Fauci's 'noble lie,' exposed: In our moment of greatest need, Science protected... itself. (Charles Rixley - The Blaze - 29/7/2021)
'That Science Thing? Inoperative': Ted Cruz Goes Thermonuclear In Senate, Flames CDC As A Discredited Institution. (Gabrielle Temaat - Daily Caller - 29/7/2021)
Offspring Drummer Writes Viral Post Opposing Vaccine Mandates After Band Parts Ways With Him Over Medical Inability to Get Shot: 'I do not find it ethical or wise to allow those with the most power (government, corporations, organizations, employers) to dictate medical procedures to those with the least power'. (Megan Basham - DailyWire - 3/8/2021)
One of The Largest School Districts in Florida Drops Mask Mandate After DeSantis' Order. (Caroline Kucera - Daily Caller- 3/8/2021)
'Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story' August 4 Conference. (LifeSite - 4/8/2021) -> LifeSite will be hosting a townhall conference with The Truth For Health Foundation, "Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story." This online meeting will feature Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Sister Deidre Byrne, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dr. Jose Trasancos, and other prominent physicians, scientists, attorneys, and religious leaders who will be discussing vital information related to the COVID jab, clinical trials, and more.
"They Can't Arrest Us All" - Sen. Rand Paul Urges Americans To "Resist" Pelosi & The Petty Tyrants. (Rand Paul/Fox News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/8/2021)
'It's Un-American And Socialist': Former NFL Player Rips League's Vaccine Policy. (Joe Morgan - DailyWire - 5/8/2021)
"I'm Not Trusting The Government" - New Yorkers Explain Why They Refuse to Get Vaxxed. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/8/2021)
Dr. Drew: Vaccine Passports Are New Form of "Segregation" For Black Communities: Majority of African-Americans haven't taken COVID shot, according to CDC. (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 5/8/2021)
'I Don't Need It': Would-Be Olympian Bryson DeChambeau Doesn't Regret Skipping Vaccine. (Joe Morgan - DailyWire - 5/8/2021)
Mike Rowe says he regrets what he said publicly about the pandemic lockdown. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 5/8/2021)
Rand Paul: A 'no-fly list' for the unvaccinated is 'obscene' and 'authoritarian'. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 5/8/2021)
"He's A Pathological Liar": Cornell Chemistry Professor Dave Collum Unloads on Dr. Fauci And Covid Hysteria. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/8/2021)
Mike Rowe Says He Won't Endorse Vaccine, Government Needs To 'Stop Treating The Unvaccinated Like The Enemy'. (Katie Jerkovich - Daily Caller - 6/8/2021)
Rapper Busta Rhymes has had it with government overreach: 'F*** your mask ... it's called the God-given right of freedom'. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 6/8/2021)
Rick Scott on Masks in Schools: 'We're All Sick and Tired of Government Dictating Things' — Let the Parents Decide. (Trent Baker - Breitbart - 6/8/2021)
After Russiagate, Why Wouldn't People Be Skeptical About COVID? (Caitlin Johnstone - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 7/8/2021)
Joe Rogan warns vaccine passports take America 'one step closer' to dictatorship as outrage mob tries to cancel him again. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 7/8/2021)
Ron DeSantis Is Defending Freedom By 'Getting In The Way' of COVID Authoritarians. (Jordan Schachtel/The Dossier - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/8/2021)
Sen. Rand Paul on Pandemic Lockdowns: 'It's Time for Us to Resist'. (Katherine Hamilton - Breitbart - 9/8/2021)
6 Governors Stripped of Power Because of Overreach During The COVID-19 Pandemic. (Ailan Evans - Daily Caller - 9/8/2021)
DeSantis Threatens To Withhold Salaries From School Officials Who Defy Mask Mandate Ban. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/8/2021)
'I'm Not Sure When YouTube Became an Arm of The Government': Rand Paul Slaps Back After YouTube Suspension. (Ian Haworth - DailyWire- 10/8/2021)
Fauci Says His Baseless Mandates Are More Important Than Your Constitutional Rights: In another one of his infamous corporate media talking head moments, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that baseless mandates for masks and vaccines are more important than Americans' constitutional rights. (Jordan Davidson -The Federalist - 10/8/2021)
Florida's Health Department Blasts CDC For Pushing Misinfo About State's COVID Numbers. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 10/8/2021)
Rand Paul's Revolt: "We Will Make Our Own Health Choices!": "I've been telling everyone for a year now, that Doctor Fauci, and other public health bureaucrats were NOT following the science; and I've been proven right time and time again." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 10/8/2021)
America's Elites Want to Control You More Than They Want to Control COVID: America's elites have seized the pandemic to expand their control over our political discourse, our freedom, and our social lives. (Spencer Lindquist - The Federalist - 10/8/2021)
Ph.D.s actually the most hesitant to get COVID-19 vaccines compared to all other education levels, study finds. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 11/8/2021)
Texas Restaurants Back Down After Government Informs Them Vaccine Requirements Are Illegal. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 12/8/2021)
'Save Our Paychecks' Tour To Expose Democrat Policies Leveling Small Businesses 'I thought if I ever lost my business, I would've lost it in an earthquake,' Kious said. 'Never did I ever think that I would've lost everything I worked for to leftist politics.' (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 13/8/2021)
"They're Experimenting On Us" - Why Black New Yorkers Don't Trust The Vaccine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 13/8/2021)
Just Get The Damn Vaccination. (Michael Peroutka - News With Views - 14/8/2021)
Military Members, Families Fighting Potential Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate. (Kristina Wong - Breitbart - 15/8/2021)
Hundreds gather for 'Freedom Rally' at Oklahoma state Capitol to protest vaccine mandates. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 15/8/2021)
NYC Restaurant Manager Resists Vaccinated Only Rules: 'Hard to Go Up Against a Machine'. (Amy Furr- Breitbart - 17/8/2021)
Will Americans Accept No-Fly List For Unvaccinated? (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Technocracy.News - 17/8/2021)
Nazi Vaxxers – The New Segregationists. (Lex Greene - News With Views - 17/8/2021)
Tucker Carlson Call to Action: American Citizens Must Speak Up or Become Complicit in 'Soviet Society' of Censors, Conformists. (Robert Kraychik - Breitbart - 17/8/2021)
I'm Not Going to Wear A Mask in a County Where no One is Dying Of COVID: Wearing a mask to 'save lives' even though nobody is dying from COVID is on caliber with calling a man 'she' because he playacts as a woman. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 19/8/2021)
'This Is Not Science, This Is Scientism': Will Cain Says Americans Have Traded Science For 'Experts' On COVID-19. (Jack Kerley - Daily Caller - 19/8/2021)
"We Do Not Consent!": San Diego Resident Goes Viral After Sharp Tongued Speech at Board of Supervisors Meeting. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/8/2021)
Joe Rogan blasts Anthony Fauci for public mistrust in science, says people are expected to believe him when he's '100 percent wrong'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 19/8/2021)
Wisconsinites Take Legal Action Against Dane County's Mask Tyrants, But This Fight is Bigger Than The Courtroom: If we ever want to live free, really truly free, we must stop putting on a mask just to avoid confrontation despite knowing that at this point, it's all a farce. (Kylee Zempel - The Federalist - 20/8/2021)
5 Months Pregnant, I Face Losing My Job And Health Care For Choosing Not to Get A COVID-19 Injection: The state of Oregon is forcing me to contradict what I think is best for myself and my baby or face losing my job and health coverage when I need it most. (Lori Fisher - The Federalist - 20/8/2021)
Country Star Travis Tritt Rails Against Vaccine Mandates With Call For 'Unified Front Against Them' AUGUST 20, 2021 By Gabe Kaminsky Country music singer and songwriter Travis Tritt is calling for freedom amid governments and private companies mandating COVID-19 vaccines. (Gabe Kaminsky - The Federalist - 20/8/2021)
Does The Definition of 'Fascism' Apply to The Biden Administration?: Erasing the line between government and private enterprise. Ensuring only government-approved messages are heard. Squashing dissent. Intruding government into every aspect of our lives. (Ben Carson - The Federalist - 20/8/2021)
Fear Porn Inc. (Terry Paulding/AmericanThinker - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/8/2021)
NYC Restaurateurs: It's Not Our Job to Enforce Vaccine Mandates. (Enrico Trigoso/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 21/8/2021)
DeSantis Punches Back at AP's Political 'Smear Piece' Peddling COVID 'Conspiracy Theory'. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 23/8/2021)
Why The Military's Covid Vaccination Mandate Is An Ethical Abomination Control over one's own body is the basis of all freedom. If the government can mandate injections in the name of health and welfare, then it can mandate other procedures as well. (Josiah Lippincott - The Federalist - 24/8/2021)
In Viral Video, Fed Up Mother Unloads On Kafka-esque School Mask Rules. (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 24/8/2021)
Who Is 'The Real Anthony Fauci'? (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Principia Scientific International - 25/8/2021)
Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About Covid Vaccines. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 25/8/2021)
LA firefighter under investigation after vowing to fight back against vaccine mandate: 'This is tyranny'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 25/8/2021)
Screaming mom crashes Portland press conference, goes ballistic on media for ignoring blatant attack on family church service. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 26/8/2021)
George Mason University Professor Speaks Out After Challenging Anti-Science Vaccine Mandate George Mason University tried to penalize Zywicki for possessing the 'wrong type' of COVID immunity, but he just wasn't having it. (Audrey Unverferth - The Federalist - 26/8/2021)
John MacArthur's Church Set to Win $800,000 Settlement From County For Shutdown Scheme. (Protestia - 27/8/2021)
Don't Take Me for Granted. (MN Gordon - Economic Prism - 27/8/2021) -> "Screw your freedom." – Arnold Schwarzenegger, August 11, 2021
États-Unis – L'Armée & l'État Major défient Biden et refusent la vaccination obligatoire ! (Michael Baxter - Divulgation.fr - 27/8/2021)
Military members speak out against vaccine mandates: 'I wanted to serve my country, now I am looking at a result in which I am lumped in with felons'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 29/8/2021)
Military Members Speak Out Against Vaccine Mandates: 'Servicemembers Should Be Given the Right to Decline'. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 29/8/2021)
What the Church Needs to Know about Covid-19 And What to Do About It. (Jeff Childers - Coffee and Covid - 29/8/2021)
Mass Resistance Arises As Washington Makes It Nearly Impossible To Get Vaccine Exemptions: It's unlikely Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee expected this level of pushback. In progressive Washington, it's rare to see such bipartisan ire towards an Inslee policy. How will he respond? (Jason Rantz - The Federalist - 30/8/2021)
Florida Department of Education hits two school districts in the pocketbook, withholding funds over mask mandates. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 30/8/2021)
Say no to Vaccine Passports: Whether imposed by government or the private sector, vaccine passports must be resisted. (Helen Andrews - The American Conservative - 30/8/2021)
High-Profile FDA Officials Resign Over Biden's Rushed Push For Booster Shots. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 1/9/2021)
Florida to Start Issuing $5,000 Fine for Requiring Proof of Coronavirus Vaccine. (Penny Starr - Breitbart - 2/9/2021)
AZ dad threatens 'citizen's arrest' of school principal because she quarantined his son, and gets arrested himself: He went with two other men and posted video of the altercation on Instagram. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 3/9/2021)
Authoritarianism Pandemic is the Real Threat. (Ron Paul - Ron Paul Institute - 6/9/2021)
U.S. NEWSPolice, Firefighters in LA Form Group to Resist Vaccine Mandates: "Our goal is to stop the mandated vaccinations for all City employees as well as the citizens of this great country." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 7/9/2021)
200,000 Unvaccinated Military Members Denied Temporary Restraining Order as Commanders Threaten Those who Refuse COVID-19 Vaccines. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 7/9/2021)
The Only Thing Worse Than Civil War: A Tyrant's Peace. (John Zmirak - The Stream - 8/9/2021)
'You're Only as Good as Your Last COVID Test'. (Trevor Thomas - American Thinker - 9/9/2021)
Biden To Announce Mandatory Vax For Federal Workers, Contractors; Psaki Bolts Over 'My Body, My Choice' Question. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/9/2021)
'We Will Fight': Ron DeSantis Promises to Battle Biden's Sweeping COVID-19 Mandates. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 9/9/2021)
In Fascist Move, Biden Administration to Force Vaccine Mandates on Private Companies. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 9/9/2021)
"Not Now, Not Ever": RNC to Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandate as GOP Governors go Ballistic. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/9/2021)
Daily Wire Co-CEO On Vax Mandate: 'We're Prepared' To End Biden's 'Unconstitutional Bullsh*t'. (DailyWire - 10/9/2021)
Kristi Noem to Joe Biden: We'll See You in Court. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 10/9/2021)
Quietly Say "No" To Joe Biden's Call For Civil War. (Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 11/9/2021)
Hospital to pause delivering babies as maternity workers quit over vaccine mandate. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 11/9/2021)
DeSantis Fires Back at Biden: He Promised to End Pandemic And Now Cases 300% Higher, Policies Failing. (Daily Wire - 11/9/2021)
Courts Will Rule Against Biden on Vaccine Mandate Penalties: Alan Dershowitz. (Jack Phillips - The Epoch Times - 12/9/2021)
California Medical Ethics Prof With Natural Immunity Sues University Over Vaxx Mandate. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 12/9/2021)
DeSantis: Businesses Asking For Proof of Vax Will be Fined $5,000 a Violation. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 13/9/2021)
Vaccine Mandate Protests Explode Across New York City, With Some Chanting 'F*ck Joe Biden'. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 14/9/2021)
Army officer resigns, gives up pension in protest of Biden's 'tyrannical' vaccine mandate, 'Marxist takeover of the military.' (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 14/9/2021)
Arizona Becomes First State To Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandates. (Thomas Catenacci - Daily Caller - 14/9/2021)
Texas Hospital Faces Closure Over Vaccine Mandate, CEO Says. (Becker Hospital Review - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/9/2021)
California County Sheriff: 'I Will Not Enforce Vaccine Mandate'. (Katabella Roberts - The Epoch Times - 14/9/2021)
TV station asks for stories of unvaxxed fatalities but gets deluged with jab death and injury stories: An ABC affiliate in Detroit sought stories of death to the unvaccinated. Instead, it got countless stories of harm from the COVID jab. (Emily Mangiaracina - LifeSiteNews - 14/9/2021)
Un juge fédéral bloque l'obligation de vaccination des soignants de l'État de New York. (Nicole Delépine - Nouveau Monde - 15/9/2021)
Police Called on High School Students For Protesting Masks. (Ben Warren - InfoWars - 16/9/2021)
Mayor Glenn Jacobs tells Biden the vaccine mandate is illegal, says Knox County won't comply. (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 17/9/2021)
FDA Panel Overwhelmingly Rejects Biden's Booster Shot Plan For All Americans. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 17/9/2021)
Florida Surgeon General Bashes Virus Hysteria: 'Done with Fear,' Vaccines 'Treated Almost Like a Religion'. (Paul Bois - Breitbart - 21/9/2021)
Federal Workers Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 23/9/2021)
We Will Not Comply: Red States Should Offer Sanctuary To Businesses, Military And Medical. (Brandon Smith - Alt-Market.us - 29/9/2021)
Nous ne nous conformerons pas Les États rouges devraient offrir un sanctuaire aux entreprises, aux militaires et au personnel médical. (Brandon Smith/ Alt-Market.us - Le Saker Francophone - 29/9/2021)
US Service Members File Lawsuit Against Department of Defense Over Vaccine Requirement. (Katabella Roberts/ The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 1/10/2021)
In a Dark Wood. (James Howard Kunstler - 1/10/2021) -> Behold the photo (above) showing President "Joe Biden" getting his booster shot of the Covid-19 "vaccine," with the news media clustered to the left of what is apparently a stage-set built in a larger chamber.
Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Trusted Treatments with Untested Novel Therapies. (Dr. Peter McCullough - AAPS Speech - video, 65 minutes - 1/10/2021)
US Army Flight Surgeon is Grounding "Vaccinated" Pilots, Citing Deaths, Calls For Halt to Shots For Military. (Coronavirus News - 2/10/2021)
Fauci gets hammered for saying it is 'too soon to tell' if American families can gather for Christmas: 'We are living in two different realities right now'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 3/10/2021)
US Air Force doctor warns pilots of 'sudden cardiac death' after jabs The affidavit of Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long is also part of a federal lawsuit against the US Army's forced vaccination regime. (Free West Media - 4/10/2021)
Even Arkansas Republicans refuse to protect bare-bones individual liberty in the face of shot mandates. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 6/10/2021) -> RINO = Republican In Name Only...
A Handful of NBA Players Have Become The Voice of Reason in The COVID Vaccine Debate: The fact that 24-year-old Jonathan Isaac can speak more cogently about COVID and freedom of conscience than the entire corporate press is an astonishing development. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 7/10/2021)
Southwest Pilots Union Sues to Block Airline's Vaccination Mandate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 9/10/2021)
Seattle PD May Lose 40% of Officers Over Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/10/2021)
Le gouverneur du Texas interdit l'obligation vaccinale. (FranceSoir - 12/10/2021)
911 System In Jeopardy as First Responders Reject Jab. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/10/2021)
Health Officials Said Cigarettes, Heroin, And Asbestos Were Safe. Today They Say, 'Get A COVID Shot' Lead paint, asbestos, heroin, and cigarettes were all once considered 'safe' by the U.S. government. But now we must not question their vaccine mandate. (Aaron Poynton - The Federalist - 12/10/2021)
EPIC: American Pilots REBEL Against Vaccine Mandate. (Adan Salazar- InfoWars - 12/10/2021)
Does Biden Want the Sick to Get Sicker? Hospital CEO Crushes Biden's Vaccine Mandate. (Dillon Burroughs - The Western Journal - 13/10/2021)
Job Creators Network Hammers Biden with Massive Times Square Billboard: 'Hey Joe, Time to Let the Mandate Go!' (Jerome Hudson - Breitbart - 13/10/2021)
Military Archbishop Supports Religious Exemptions from Vaccine Mandates. (Thomas D. Williams - Breitbart - 14/10/2021)
Chicago Police Union Head Urges Members To Defy Vaccine Mandate, Warns Force To Shrink 50% This Weekend. (Isabel van Brugen/Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 14/10/2021)
Mother escorted from hospital in handcuffs for refusing to leave her recovering daughter's side — in violation of COVID rules. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 14/10/2021)
Why The F**k Is Anyone Still Listening to Dr. Anthony Fauci? (Virginia Kruta - Daily Caller – 14/10/2021)
Iowa conservatives introduce gold standard bill to fight the dangerous COVID mandate. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 15/10/2021)
Delta Airlines CEO takes defiant stand against vaccine mandates, praises 'respecting' employees — not forcing them to get vaccinated. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 16/10/2021)
DeSantis says 'we have to protect the jobs,' vows to sue Biden over vaccine mandate: 'You are trying to plunge people into destitution'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 16/10/2021)
Washington state trooper of 22 years delivers emotional sign-off after being fired because of vaccine mandate: 'Gov. Jay Inslee can kiss my a**'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 17/10/2021)
Dozens of Top Nuclear Scientists With "Highest Security Clearances" Being Fired From Los Alamos Lab After Vax Mandate. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 19/10/2021)
In-N-Out Burger Location Forced to Shutdown Because Employees Refused to Check Vaccination Status. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller – 19/10/2021)
Courts Aren't Stopping Vaccine Mandates But Workers Are. (Jordan Davidson - The Federalist - 20/10/2021)
211: Resisting The Mandates. (Douglas Wilson - Podcast - 13 minutes - 20/10/2021)
Veteran news reporter fired for drawing the line against vaccine mandate turns to her faith: 'God has a purpose to this and will use it for good'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 21/10/2021)
Former ESPN reporter Allison Williams says President Biden's comment on COVID-19 vaccination 'was something a dictator says'. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 21/10/2021)
NASA Engineer Prepared to Retire After 37 Years if Religious Exemption to Vaccine Mandate Denied. (Nick Gilbertson - Breitbart - 21/10/2021)
Video: Vindicated Rand Paul Blasts Lying Fauci Over "Civilization-ending" Experiments: "If you have half a brain you know if you combine two viruses it might be more deadly". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 7 minutes - 22/10/2021)
COVID Authoritarians Are The Cause of America's Problems, Not The Unvaccinated. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/10/2021)
Biden Plays Chicken With Semitruck Drivers. (Jackson Elliott, Cara Ding, Allan Stein, Steven Kovac, Jannis Falkenstern and Nick Ciolino/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 25/10/2021)
Alaska Now Welcomes Police Officers Who Defy Vaccine Mandates: 'We Back The Blue. (Jenna Tobin - DailyWire - 25/10/2021)
CDC Director: Unvaccinated Police, Government Workers to be Sent For "Education And Counseling:" "There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 25/10/2021)
Biden's "Come on, Man" Defense Will Not Fly on Religious Freedom. (Jonathan Turley - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/10/2021)
NYC Firefighters Union Tells Members To Defy Vaccine Mandate; NYPD Union Loses Bid To Halt. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/10/2021)
Our Degenerate Elites Are Losing Control And Lashing Out In Desperation: The increasingly authoritarian tendencies of our elites and the institutions they control is a sign of their weakness and impotence and loss of control. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 28/10/2021)
Alabama Gov Blasts Biden's Vax Mandate, Orders State Agencies to Fight 'Illegal Overreach'. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 28/10/2021)
I'm A California Teacher About to be Fired Because of The Vaccine Mandate. Here's How I'm Fighting Back. (Martin Reid - DailyWire - 29/10/2021)
12,000 Air Force Personnel, Including Elite Pilots, Have Rejected Vax Order As Tuesday Deadline Looms. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/10/2021)
NYC Firefighters, City Workers Protest Vaccine Mandates Outside De Blasio's Home: 'Let's Go, Brandon!'. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 29/10/2021)
ESPN Forced Me Out Over Their Vaccine Mandate. Here's Why I Stood My Ground. (Allison Williams - DailyWire - 1/11/2021)
Viral video shows nurse being escorted out of hospital after her religious exemption is denied: 'Count the costs'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 1/11/2021)
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr speaks at Freedom Rally Broadway NYC 16 Oct 2021. (John Gideon Hartnett - Bible Science Forum - 1/11/2021)
Disgusting Garbage Piles Up In NYC After De Blasio Sent Sanitation Workers Home For Refusing Vaccines: NYC now literally a trash heap. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 4/11/2021)
Noam Chomsky Goes Off The Deep End – Proving That All Socialism Leads to Tyranny. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/11/2021)
Florida Governor DeSantis Announces Lawsuit Against Biden's "Unconstitutional" Employer Vaccine Mandate. (Katabella Roberts/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 5/11/2021)
Trucking associations warn Biden that his vaccine mandate would 'cripple an already strained supply chain,' say US could lose 37% of truckers. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 5/11/2021)
Hundreds of Thousands to go on Four-Day Nationwide Strike Over Vaccine Mandates. (Enrico Trigoso/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/11/2021)
Courageous LA County Sheriff Tells The Truth About COVID Vax Mandates. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/11/2021)
"Il y a quelque chose qui ne colle pas" : le pavé dans la mare du Pr Peter Doshi. (FranceSoir - 9/11/2021)
Southern Seminary and Al Mohler File Lawsuit Against Biden Admin Vaccine Mandates. (Reformation Charlotte - 9/11/2021)
Unions Issue Warning: Biden's COVID Vaccine Mandate Could Slash Trucker Workforce by 37%. (Samantha Chang - The Western Journal - 9/11/2021)
Video: 8-Year-Old Girl Tells School Board They Should All go to Jail For Forcing Masks on Kids: They suspended her almost 40 times and told her she's going to fail 2nd grade. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 11/11/2021)
10 U.S. States Sue the Federal Government to Block Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers. (Daily Sceptic - 11/11/2021)
Federal Appeals Court Affirms Stay On Biden's Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate. (Haley Strack - The Federalist - 13/11/2021)
Oklahoma National Guard 'Goes Rogue' After New Commander Rejects Vaccine Mandate — Pentagon to Respond 'Appropriately': "No negative administrative or legal action will be taken against Guardsmen who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine," says Army Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino. (Zero Hedge - InfoWars - 14/11/2021)
VICTORY: Florida School District Ends Mask Mandate After 8-Year-Old Girl Told Them They Should Be In Prison: "A face covering opt-out will be reinstated". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 15/11/2021)
Corona Task Force Insider Reveals: Fauci and Birx Knew NOTHING About COVID. (Selwyn Duke - The New American - 18/11/2021)
The Benefit of SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity In The Armed Forces. (Scott Sturman/RealClearDefense - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/11/2021)
Thousands of Marines Defying Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate. (Kristina Wong - Breitbart - 22/11/2021)
Los Angeles firefighter allegedly pulled down his pants and wiped his butt with a vaccine mandate order. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 24/11/2021)
Disney Caves On Vaxx Mandate, White House Flips Out, DeSantis Wins Again. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 24/11/2021)
New York ER Closes as Employees Refuse to Comply With Vaccine Mandate: Workers were given an ultimatum to either get vaccinated or be banned from coming to work. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 26/11/2021)
Rand Paul, Ted Cruz roar back at Dr. Fauci, who claims criticism of him is 'dangerous' because 'I represent science'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 28/11/2021)
White House Quietly Delays Vaccine Mandate As Another Federal Judge Objects. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/11/2021)
Pfizer Is Lobbying to Thwart Whistleblowers From Exposing Corporate Fraud: Pfizer is among the Big Pharma companies trying to block legislation strengthening whistleblowers' ability to report corporate fraud. (Lee Fang - The Intercept_ - 29/11/2021)
Fauci Dons Funny Hat, Declares Himself to be Pope of Science. (BabylonBee - 29/11/2021)
YouTube Censors Song Exposing Fauci As A 'Sad Little Man'. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 29/11/2021)
'You First' policy would impose a penalty on our most hypocritical politicians. (Delano Squires - The Blaze - 30/11/2021)
Escobar: Fauci As Darth Vader of The COVID Wars. (Pepe Escobar/The Asia Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/11/2021) -> McCullough complained last year that Fauci has never, to date, published anything on how to treat a Covid patient." He additionally alleged: "Anyone who tries to publish a new treatment protocol will find themselves airtight blocked by the journals that are all under Fauci's control."
Louisiana Judge Delivers A Nationwide Block On Biden's Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers. (Kira Mautone - Daily Caller - 30/11/2021)
Anthony Fauci's dangerous narcissism: Science can't be above questioning. (Kat Rosenfield - UnHerd - 3/12/2021)
Rand Paul: 'Throw Fauci in Prison for Five Years for Crimes Against Humanity'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 4/12/2021)
Vaccine Segregation And Quarantine Camps Are Flashing Warnings to Stop Covid Insanity Before It's Too Late: While patriots battle draconian Covid measures in the United States, a watchful eye must be kept on the forced medication laws subsuming Europe. (Connor Tomlinson - The Federalist - 6/11/2021)
113 Los Angeles Firefighters Suspended Without Pay Due to Vaccine Mandate. (Joshua Caplan - Breitbart - 7/12/2021)
Dr. Mark McDonald: Covid & the United States of Fear – a Psychiatric Perspective on Vaccination, Mandates & Authoritarianism. (Concerned American Dad - 53 minutes - 7/12/2021)
Coup de théâtre aux Etats-Unis : l'Etat de Géorgie suspend l'obligation vaccinale pour violation de droits. (Les moutons enragés/Le Courrier de Soir - 10/12/2021)
Bill That Would Have Forced Unvaxxed to Pay Their Own Medical Costs Pulled: Lawmaker says legislation was "divisive." (Paul Joseph Watson - Summit News - 10/12/2021)
Her Husband Gets Myocarditis From A Covid Shot. (The American Journal/InfoWars - 10 minutes - 10/12/2021) -> can skip to 3 minutes...
Navy Destroyer #2 Officer Fired Over Refusal to Get Covid-19 Vax or Tested. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/12/2021)
Hospitals: You know, maybe firing unvaccinated staff isn't such a great idea after all. (Chris Field - The Blaze - 13/12/2021)
Dr. Scott Atlas savages Fauci, claims he undermined Trump and misled Americans on COVID: 'I was stunned at what I saw'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 13/12/2021)
US pilot deaths increase by 1,750% after covid vaccine rollout. (Lance D Johnson - VaccineInjuryNews - 13/12/2021)
While Holocaust Survivors Denounce Resurgent Nazi Medical Ethics, David Frum Channels Himmler at Posen. (John Zmirak - The Stream - 14/12/2021)
LA District Postpones Vaccine Mandate as Thousands of Students Remain Unvaccinated. (Isabel van Brugen - The Epoch Times - 15/12/2021)
16 of Biden's Biggest Whoppers About COVID-19 Vaccines: Here are the president's top 16 lies about the jab. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 15/12/2021)
As His Presidency Founders, Biden Scapegoats The Unvaccinated. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 21/12/2021)
Wearing an anti-cancel culture sweatshirt, Aaron Rodgers says it's time to have pandemic conversations on 'how to be healthier' and 'about legitimate COVID treatment options'. (Sarah Taylor - The Blaze - 22/12/2021)
Alex Berenson Sues Twitter, Says Company Acted 'On Behalf' of Biden Administration. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 22/12/2021)
Media Says No Shame In Breakthrough COVID After Guilting The Unvaxxed For Months. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 23/12/2021)
Dear Stanford: I Will Not Spend Another Semester Locked Down & Miserable. (Jacob Reses/TheNewAtlantis - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 29/12/2021)
After Thousands of Parents Refused to Comply, California School District Reverses Child Jab Mandate. (Matt Agorist/The Free Thought Project - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 29/12/2021)
The blueprint for ending COVID and COVID fascism in 2022. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 5/1/2022)
"Everyone Who Died With Covid Should Be Considered Murdered": Nurse Promoting Early Treatment Exposes Scamdemic in Epic School Board Rant. (Infowars - 6/1/2022)
We Have Been Lied To': Megyn Kelly Slams Bureaucrats Like 'Prophet' Dr. Fauci Raking In The Cash. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 7/1/2022)
2022 is The Year to Stop Letting Fear Control us And Hold Tight to Hope. (Sean Feucht - The Federalist - 10/1/2022)
I'm Never Getting A Covid Vaccine, And I'm Not Alone. (John Daniel Davidson - The Federalist - 11/1/2022)
COVID: Sue the Person Denying Your Rights Taking legal action is the only recourse open to those bullied by unqualified HR mandate enforcers. (Paul Kengor - The Spectator - 11/1/2022)
Prominent Doctor, Boston College Parent Leads Petition Against University Booster Mandate. (Tim Meads - DailyWire - 12/1/2022)
Why Biden is Guilty of Murder. (Anthony Fava - The Evangelical Dark Web - 12/1/2022)
Dr. Mehmet Oz challenges Dr. Anthony Fauci to a debate, calls him 'a petty tyrant' and 'the J. Edgar Hoover of public health'. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 13/1/2022)
How many federal agencies are tracking people who ask for religious exemptions? (Wintery Knight - 18/1/2022)
Bill Maher says he's 'never' getting a COVID-19 vaccine booster: 'What the f*[**] is the use of a booster shot?' (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 21/1/2022)
The CDC Has Destroyed Public Trust By Pushing Obvious Falsehoods. (Doug Badger - The Federalist - 21/1/2022)
"A Catastrophic Moral Crime" - Bari Weiss & Bill Maher 'Say The Quiet Part Out Loud' On Leftist COVID Policies. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 24/1/2022)
Whistleblowers share DOD medical data that blows vaccine safety debate wide open. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 26/1/2022)
Des lanceurs d'alerte partagent des données médicales du ministère de la Défense qui font exploser le débat sur la sécurité des vaccins. (Daniel Horowitz - Actuintel - 26/1/2022)
Unmasked Students Face Immediate Suspension From Loudoun County Public Schools. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/1/2022)
We Are All Canadian Truckers Now! (Ron Paul - Institute for Peace & Prosperity - 31/1/2022)
American truck drivers plan freedom convoy from California to DC in protest of COVID restrictions 'We believe everyone has a voice,' the grassroots group said. 'We support our freedom. Help us spread the word about this group and together we all can make it a better place. God Bless America.' (Ashley Sadler - LifeSite - 1/2/2022)
Exclusive – NJ Trucker Sen. Ed Durr Supports Canada Freedom Convoy: 'When the Wheels Stop, the World Stops'. (Paul Bois - Breitbart - 3/2/2022)
Shaq indicates that he does not think people should 'be forced' into getting vaccinated. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 3/2/2022)
It's time for a government shutdown fight over COVID measures. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 3/2/2022)
Young Americans: Leave Those Creepy College Covid Camps And Start Your Careers Now. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 2/2/2022)
God Bless The Hero Schoolkids Who Refuse to Let Mask Police Abuse Them: God Bless The Hero Schoolkids Who Refuse to Let Mask Police Abuse Them. (Elle Reynolds - The Federalist - 9/2/2022)
Law Enforcement (or) Gestapo for Hire? (Lex Greene - News With Views - 10/2/2022)
Nearly 1,000 Troops Discharged over Biden Administration's Vaccine Mandate. (Kristina Wong - Breitbart - 10/2/2022)
NYC Could Fire Around 3,000 City Employees Over Vaccine Mandate. (Charlotte Pence Bond - DailyWire - 11/2/2022)
Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig Backs Canadian Trucker Protests, Infuriating Michigan Democrats. (Wendell Husebø - Breitbart - 11/2/2022)
Truck Drivers Are the Atlas that Finally Shrugged. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 11/2/2022)
Joe Rogan Rips Into Justin Trudeau For 'Demonizing' The Unvaccinated. (Amanda Prestigiacomo - DailyWire - 12/2/2022)
"Qui est stupide maintenant ?" Tomi Lahren atomise les "confinistes". (Fox News - France Soir/Chaîne Odysee - 5 minutes - anglais avec sous-titres français - 13/2/2022)
The propaganda war on the Canadian truckers: The US media are shamefully smearing the 'Freedom Convoy' as a far-right menace. (Sean Collins - Spiked - 16/2/2022)
Horowitz: Red states should offer asylum to persecuted Canadian truckers. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 21/2/2022)
EXCLUSIVE – GiveSendGo Founder: 'It's a Moment for People to Stand Up'. (Allum Bokhari - Breitbart - 21/2/2022)
What Have We Learned From Ottawa? (Lex Greene - News With Views - 22/2/2022)
Hundreds cheer on launch of 'People's Convoy' from the Mojave Desert in California on its way to Washington, DC. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 23/2/2022)
Canada's Trucker Convoy Could Be Coming to D.C. Justin Trudeau has backed down from his Emergencies Act, but what happened in Ottawa may soon be replayed. (George Parry - The American Spectator - 23/2/2022)
California Crumbles: First Responders in The Golden State Recall Getting Fired For Refusing The Vaccine. (Christine Sellers - Daily Caller - 23/2/2022)
No Matter How Peaceful The American Freedom Convoy is, Our Corrupt Regime Will Demonize it. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 23/2/2022)
U.S. truckers push back against 'extremist' 'far-right' corporate media slander: On assignment for Rebel News, I spoke to many of the convoy's participants at their stop in Glenrio, New Mexico to set the record straight about the movement's aims and beliefs. (Jeremy Loffredo - Rebel News - 26/2/2022)
Joe Rogan blasts Bill Gates for lecturing people about health when he has 'man boobs,' a gut, and 'toothpick arms' . (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 27/2/2022)
The CDC Discovers Actual Public Health, Just In Time. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 27/2/2022) -> Follow the politics, NOT the Science...
US Trucker Convoy Swells As It Moves Across Country to DC. (Enrico Trigoso and Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 28/2/2022)
Think For Yourself: Amid mass formation psychosis, use your own critical thinking skills even when outside your core competencies. (Dr. Robert Malone - InfoWars - 28/1/2022)
Fifth Circuit Upholds Injunction for Navy SEALs Challenging DOD Vaccine Mandate. (Kristina Wong - Breitbart - 1/3/2022)
U.S. truckers praise Canadian convoy, say they're willing to go to prison for their freedoms On assignment for Rebel News in Saint Robert, Missouri I spoke to American truckers about the Canadian trucker convoy or 'Freedom Convoy' and learned how it was an inspiration for the U.S. truckers' trek to Washington D.C. (Jeremy Loffredo - Rebel News - 2/3/2022)
Capital Beltway Hit With Delays as People's Convoy Truck Protest Rolls in. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 6/3/2022)
Watch Live: U.S. Trucker Convoy Rolls on D.C. Beltway. (Breccan Thies - Breitbart - 6/3/2022)
EXCLUSIVE: In Leaked Audio Former NIH Director/New Biden Science Adviser Laughs Over Threatening Unemployment to Force Vaccines, Blames Trump For Covid Deaths. (Megan Basham - DailyWire - 7/3/2022)
GOP Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson to meet with 1,000 strong People's Convoy today. (Daily Mail - InfoWars - 8/3/2022)
BOMBSHELL: Government BRIBED 'conservative' media to push the vaccine. (The Blaze - 8/3/2022)
The People's Convoy Makes Its Mark Despite Media Blackout. (Rick Moran - PJMedia - 8/3/2022)
Catholic, Orthodox Jewish New Yorkers Drop Lawsuit After Vaccine Restrictions Lifted: The group called it an "unprecedented abuse of power" by city leadership. (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 11/3/2022)
Dr. Naomi Wolf Details Unsettling Pfizer Documents, Enlisted 161 Attorneys to Address 'Crimes of Extraordinary Scale' [VIDEO] "We're starting to see what was really done to the American people and to people around the world." (Gregory Hoyt - Red Voice Media - 12/3/2022)
Rand Paul Introducing 'Fauci Amendment' to Prevent 'Health Dictatorship': Senator says action will "ensure that ineffective, unscientific lockdowns and mandates are never foisted on the American people ever again." (Steve Watson - Summit News - 14/3/2022)
Report: Students Thrived at Non-Lockdown Schools During Pandemic. (Breccan F. Thies - Breitbart - 16/3/2022)
Two Years to Slow The Spread, Too Few Lessons Learned. (Evangelical Dark Web - 16/3/2022)
CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons. (Dr. David Gortler, professor of pharmacology - The Federalist - 22/3/2022)
NIH Director Francis Collins Ordered "Takedown" of The Great Barrington Declaration. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Technocracy.News - 24/3/2022)
YOU are Non-Essential and Unsustainable. (Lex Greene - News With Views - 26/3/2022)
Flight attendants sue CDC over mask mandate, ask court to prevent gov't from ever issuing such a mandate again. (Phil Shiver - The Blaze - 29/3/2022)
Culture Lost: How Two Years of Covid Cracked And Strained Our Traditions. (Christopher Bedford - The Federalist - 31/3/2022)
Censored: Doctors and Researchers Testify to Massive Fraud of The COVID-19 Response. (Banned.Video/InfoWars - 31/3/2022)
Rand Paul likens Anthony Fauci to 'mafia don,' shares old video of Fauci praising natural flu immunity as 'most potent vaccination'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 2/4/2022)
NJ Gym Owners Who Defied COVID Lockdowns Have Their Business License Restored. (John Rigolizzo - DailyWire - 7/4/2022)
Robert Malone Says He Will Sue New York Times Unless It Corrects 'Defamatory' Article. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 10/4/2022)
Why Did so Many Fall for the Covid Narrative?: A hidden global coup uses mass-formation psychosis, propaganda, and corporatism to promote its transhumanist agenda and the fourth industrial revolution. (Dr. Robert Malone - The New American - 11/4/2022)
'I've Been Grounded': Six Marine Pilots Speak Out Against COVID Vaccine Mandate. (Kristina Wong - Breitbart - 11/4/2022)
Joe Rogan and Bill Maher question COVID-19 vaccine and big pharma: 'I don't trust them to tell me the truth'. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 14/4/2022)
WATCH: Air Travelers And Crews Celebrate After Judge Strikes Down Mask Mandate. (Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - 19/4/2022)
Fauci crushed for saying it's 'disturbing' that a U.S. court can overrule the CDC 'Fauci may want to take a little time and review the Constitution and the case law.' (Gabriel Hays - Fox News - 22/4/2022)
Editorial: COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? (Russell L. Blaylock - Surgical Neurology International • 2022 • 13(167) - PDF - 22/4/2022)
Pilot Blames COVID Vaccine For Massive Heart Attack He Suffered Just 6 Minutes After Landing Plane: "I was hoping to teach my daughter to fly. She wanted to be a pilot. That will probably never happen. All courtesy of the vaccine," Captain Snow said. (Caldron Pool - 24/4/2022)
Biden official says court plays 'important role' days after Fauci questions their involvement The White House and CDC have asked the DOJ to fight the court decision. (Peter Aitken - Fox News - 24/4/2022)
Covid Jab Victims Remain Uncompensated For Death and Injuries. Time To Make Big Pharma Liable. (Ray Fava - Evangelical Dark Web - 24/4/2022)
It's time for governments to apologize for COVID response. (Daniel Horowitz - The Blaze - 27/4/2022)
Josh Yoder, "Freedom Flyers": "nous allons leur faire payer très cher" les accidents vaccinaux des pilotes. (FranceSoir - 28/4/2022)
Rand Paul: Fauci "Is A Man That Is Against Everything That America Stands For" "He's against individual choice, he's against American freedoms". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 29/4/2022)
Won't Get Fooled Again: After the pandemic, Americans should never let public-health authorities deprive them of their liberties. (John Tierney - City Journal - 1/5/2022)
Air Force master sergeant fights for right to refuse COVID jab, expose vaccine bait and switch: 'Forcing me to receive an emergency use authorized product, contrary to Federal laws, would constitute an unlawful order.' (Calvin Freiburger - LifeSite - 2/5/2022)
The CDC Surveilled for Lockdown Compliance; The CDC was essentially monitoring if people went to get an illegal haircut, attended an illicit house party, or left the house after a 10 pm curfew. (Jeffrey A. Tucker/BrownStone Insitute - InfoWars - 4/5/2022)
Did Fauci and Collins Receive Royalty Payments from Drug Companies? (Wesley J. Smith - Evolution News/Discovery Institute - 12/5/2022)
Dad Allegedly Burns $3,500 Worth of Olivia Rodrigo Concert Tickets Over Vax Mandate. (Christine Sellers - Daily Caller - 19/5/2022)
Biden-Backed W.H.O. Treaty Amendment Would Yield United States Public Health Powers to U.N. (John Hayward - Breitbart - 20/5/2022)
Exclusive – RSC Memo: Holding Partisan Public Health Bureaucrats Like Fauci 'Accountable' Should Be Major Priority Under GOP Majority. (Sean Moran - Breitbart - 23/5/2022)
American sovereignty is about to be overruled by the World Health Organization. For your own good, of course. (Steve Deace - The Blaze - 24/5/2022)
EXCLUSIVE: Over 500 Military Service Members Sue the Government for Mandating a Vaccine that Was Not FDA Approved and Should Not Have Been Administered. (Joe Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 25/5/2022)
Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies. (Dr Naomi Wolf - Outspoken - 29/5/2022)
Chers amis, désolée d'annoncer un génocide: C'est réellement vrai : ils savent qu'ils tuent les bébés. (Dr Naomi Wolf - Nouveau Monde - 31/5/2022)
MONEY & MURDER IN HOSPITALS · How medical crimes kill millions. (StopWorldControl - 30 minutes - 1/6/2022)
Video: Fauci Openly Admits Biden Mask Mandate Is About Preserving "Authority": "It's more of a matter of principle of where the authority lies". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 2/6/2022)
A Review of The Bodies of Others. By Naomi Wolf. (Bill Muehlenberg- CultureWatch - 2/6/2022) -> Wolf is a long-standing American leftist and feminist.
Elections Won't Fix This. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Brownstone Institute -Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/6/2022)
With 'Terror On The Prairie,' Gina Carano Takes on The Entertainment Establishment: 'Hollywood doesn't own art'. (Megan Basham - DailyWire - 14/6/2022)
Will the Whole Hollywood Soon Be Either Dead like Ray Liotta, or Paralyzed Like Justin Bieber? Will They Still Trust Lies of Government and the CDC? (Wayne Allyn Root - Gateway Pundit - 15/6/2022)
The Fauci Protocol: Treating Fauci's Covid Diagnosis According to His Own 'Standard of Care'. (Jordan Schachtel - The Brownstone Institute - 17/6/2022)
Gov. Ron DeSantis Plants Flag As First Governor to Oppose COVID Vaccines For Kids. (Dylan Housman - Daily Caller - 17/6/2022)
How the Media Fueled the Lockdowns. (Michael Betrus - The Brownstone Institute - 19/6/2022)
Ron DeSantis: Florida Will Not Have Programs 'Where We're Trying to Jab 6-Month-Old Babies with mRNA'. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 21/6/2022)
Sen. Marsha Blackburn Backs 40,000 Unvaccinated National Guard Soldiers Facing Termination Over Vaccine With New Legislation. (Brandon Drey - DailyWire - 30/6/2022)
To the Police State, We're All Criminals Until We Prove Otherwise. (John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead - Off-Guardian - 1/7/2022)
Dr. Zalenko's Uplifting Final Public Speech. (Infowars - 30 minutes - 2/7/2022)
Ron DeSantis touts Florida law ensuring patients' right to visitors in response to COVID lockdowns 'We are ensuring Floridians are never again denied the right to see their relatives and friends while in hospitals or nursing homes.' (Calvin Freiburger - LifeSite - 5/7/2022)
75,322 Dead 5,938,318 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines – Babies and Toddlers Hallucinating and Having Seizures After Shots. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 6/7/2022)
This July 4th we should ALL declare our independence from the New Normal. (Kit Knightly - Off-Guardian - 4/7/2022)
Parents Not Rushing to Vaccinate Very Young Children For COVID, Report Finds. (Greg Wilson - DailyWire - 9/7/2022)
Can Repentance Save This Nation? (Wylie Marshall - News With Views - 9/7/2022)
Our New Antoinettes These humanitarian rich feel just terrible about the sins of America, but not terrible enough to sacrifice any element of their privileged lifestyles—the just deserts they feel for being so righteous. (Victor Davis Hanson - American Greatness - 10/7/2022)
Deborah Birx's Guide To Destroying A Country From Within. (Michael Senger/'The New Normal' - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/7/2022)
Largest study to date finds alarming percentage of women experienced menstrual cycle changes after receiving COVID vaccines. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 16/7/2022)
Watch: As Mask Mandate Looms, LA Hospital Officials Mock COVID "Media Hype". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 17/7/2022)
DHS shuts down controversial Disinformation Governance Board. (Carlos Garcia - The Blaze - 18/7/2022)
Dr. Birx Admits She And Fauci Made Up 'The Science' On Lockdowns, Social Distancing. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/7/2022)
33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago. All 33 Vaxxed. A "Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster." (Wayne Allyn Root - The Gateway Pundit - 22/7/2022)
Congressional Leftists Block Bans On Vaccine Mandates For U.S. Military: "An important lesson drawn from COVID-19's vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 23/7/2022)
Unlike COVID, There's No Behavior-Shaming to Halt Monkeypox Spread. (John Nolte - Breitbart - 25/7/2022)
Fauci claims he 'didn't recommend locking anything down' over COVID — but the internet NEVER forgets THE RUBIN REPORT 'He knows the shutdowns were a catastrophic mistake, so he's trying to rewrite history'. (Dave Rubin - The Blaze - 26/7/2022)
World Economic Forum, Totalitarian Enslavement. (Kelleigh Nelson| - News With Views - 26/7/2022)
What Part of Agenda 21 Didn't You Get? (Kathleen Marquardt - News With Views - 26/7/2022)
A $10M class action lawsuit settles, requiring a hospital to rehire everyone they fired for not taking the jab. (Rebel News - 29/7/2022)
Senate Witnesses: It's Time To Make Sure Research on Pandemics Isn't Causing Them: In the wake of a virus that killed millions, these Senate witnesses say it's time to start treating pandemic research as a national security issue. (Olivia Hajicek - The Federalist - 5/8/2022)
Vaccine Deaths Outnumber Covid Deaths in U.S. Households, Two New Polls Confirm. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 6/8/2022)
In His Own Words, Fauci Says He Symbolizes Truth, Integrity, Caring, Consistency. (M Dowling - Indepedant Sentinel - 11/8/2022)
Former College Football Coach Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine Files $25 Million Claim Against Washington State: A former Washington State University football coach is seeking $25 million from the university for wrongful termination after he was fired last year for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. (Megan Redshaw - The Defender - 11/8/2022)
It's Over: CDC Says People Exposed to COVID no Longer Need to Quarantine. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 12/8/2022)
Emboldened by success in pushing lockdowns and mandates the Left now thinks it's invincible: The left are confident, as America's new 'god,' that they are invincible, infallible and will be in power in perpetuity, believing the majority of the populace will always look to them for salvation. (Steve McCann - LifeSite - 13/8/2022)
Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols: The protocols require 'mind-blowing cognitive dissonance'. (Matt McGregor - The Epoch Times - 14/8/2022)
Reporter corners DC mayor with her own data on city's vaccine mandate hurting black students — but she denies it anyway. (Chris Enloe - TheBlaze - 16/8/2022)
Kim Iversen: What I Would Have Asked Fauci If I'd Been Allowed to Interview Him In a recent interview with Russell Brand, Kim Iversen said she's no longer co-host of The Hill's "Rising" because she wasn't allowed to interview Dr. Anthony Fauci. (Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. - The Defender - 17/8/2022)
Church Gets COVID-19 Fines Canceled In Court, May Face Millions From County. (Trevor Schakohl - Daily Caller - 17/8/2022)
A Deeper Dive Into The CDC Reversal. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Brownstone Institute - Zero Hedge - 18/8/2022)
"I Don't Know What's Happening. I Don't Know Why the Policy Has Not Changed" – Lt. John Bowes Discusses Challenges of 700 Unvaccinated US Pilots with TGP's Jim Hoft (VIDEO). (Maggie Flavin - The Gateway Pundit - 32 minutes - 18/8/2022)
'Defamed' Dr. Robert Malone sues Washington Post. Watch exclusive interview Paper called him spreader of 'dangerous lies' for stating vaccines don't work. (Art Moore - WND - 19/8/2022)
Tucker Carlson just crucified Lord Fauci once and for all… (Revolver - 17 minutes - 22/8/2022)
Good Riddance, Saint Fauci: No person has ever done more to damage trust in public health. (David Harsanyi - The Federalist - 23/8/2022)
Mary Holland: COVID Globalists Who Violated Nuremberg Code Must be Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 23/8/2022)
19 US states fed up with BlackRock's brazen efforts to function as a private government. (Mark Anderson - UK Column - 23/8/2022)
More than 90 pastors have declared they will 'never again' shut down their churches. Is your pastor one of them? (Chris Pandolfo - The Blaze - 26/8/2022)
Tennis star Novak Djokovic forced to miss US Open due to vaccination status. (Eric Cervone - TheBlaze - 27/8/2022)
Aaron Rodgers Blasts Media's Vaccine 'Witch Hunt' In Chat With Joe Rogan, Reveals 'Immunized' Strategy. (Greg Wilson - DailyWire - 28/8/2022)
'Clearly two classes of players': Aaron Rodgers says NFL discriminated against unvaccinated. Watch eyebrow-raising highlights from 3-hour Joe Rogan interview. (Paul Sacca - TheBlaze - 28/8/2022)
Rockefeller Foundation Wants Behavioral Scientists to Come up With More Convincing COVID Vaxx Narratives. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 29/8/2022) -> Discusses the "Mercury Project"...
Biden's White House Colluded With Big Tech To Gag Covid Dissenters Like Alex Berenson. (Jonathan S. Tobin - The Federalist - 31/8/2022)
Navy Seals Forced to Live In Squalor for Refusing Vax Mandate: "The mandate is clearly not about readiness, it is about compliance, even if it violates a service member's sincerely held faith." (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 6/9/2022)
Embalmers Are Making Shocking Discoveries in the Blood of the Dead. (Kevin Downey Jr. - PJMedia - 6/9/20222)
Fox Corp Told Me to Comply With The NYC Covid Vaccine Mandate, So I Resigned: Fox Corp attempted to force me to get the experimental Covid vaccine while I was a booking producer for Fox Business. As a result, I resigned. (Breanna Morello - 6/9/2022)
Science is Compliance: On the problem of top-down and center-out medicine. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 8/9/2022)
Many companies dropping vaccine mandate: 'The rationale ... had become weak' . (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 9/9/2022)
The COVID Reckoning Is Overdue: The damage done to children is manifest. (Scott McKay - The American Spectator - 13/9/2022)
When Republicans Take Back Congress, They Must Hold The Covid Cabal Accountable. (Chip Roy - The Federalist - 14/9/2022)
Overthrow the Government: All the Ways in Which Our Rights Have Been Usurped. (John & Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - 14/9/2022)
Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID: As boosters that have not been tested on humans are being rolled out across the country, a new study indicates that the jab is far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself. And the CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events linked to the vaccines. (Jonas Vesterberg - The Florida Standard - 14/9/2022)
'You guys are f***ed up!' Former NYC firefighter who says his 20-year career ended after his vaccine religious exemption was denied absolutely shreds city council. (Dave Urbanski- The Blaze - 16/9/2022)
Yale Professor Emeritus on the Biggest Pandemic Lie – Treatment. (M Dowling - The Sentinel - 17/9/2022)
Why So Many Cling to COVID Panic? (Mark Oshinskie/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/9/2022)
Pompeo Chides Biden 'Kicking' Unvaccinated Soldiers Out After Declaring Pandemic's End. (Charles Kim - NewsMax - 19/9/2022)
NIH-Funded Study Doesn't Offer Great News for Vaccinated Children. (Spencer Brown - NewsMax - 19/9/2022)
Vera Sharav Statement Against Efforts by the World Health Organization to Dictate Global Health Policy. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 20/9/2022)
Comedian Jim Breuer has Glenn Beck in stitches with HILARIOUS (but powerful) message about finding faith: 'She's in a CULT!' (The Blaze - 21/9/2022)
The U.S. Government's Vast New Privatized Censorship Regime Censorship of wrongthink by Big Tech at the behest of the government is government censorship, which violates the First Amendment. (Jenin Younes - The Tablet - 21/9/2022)
'Troubling Track Record': Ron Johnson Questions YouTube Over COVID 'Censorship'. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 23/9/2022)
Covid Conspiracy Uncovered: "Everyone had to agree to the narrative," says former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield. (Lloyd Billingsley - FrontPage - 26/9/2022)
Idaho Mom Arrested In 2020 For Letting Kids Play at a Public Park is Still Being Prosecuted By Republican AG's Office. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 26/9/2022)
COVID Experimental Injections: Criminal Prosecutions Must Happen Now. (Devvy Kidd - News With Views - 26/9/2022)
Anti-Globalism is Going Mainstream – Which Means Engineered Disaster is About to Strike. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 30/9/2022)
U.S. Coast Guard Boots Christians for Opposing Vax Mandate: An estimated 1,200 active service members of the United States Coast Guard have filed a class action against the US government, arguing that "vaccine" mandates violated their religious freedom. (Rod Lampard - Caldron Pool - 1/10/2022)
Naomi Wolf: Elites covering up deadly vax 'complicit in a massive crime': 'Nice' people turn out to be 'monsters and barbarians'. (Art Moore - WND - 1/10/2022)
Biden personally thanks Coast Guard hurricane hero who will be fired in a matter of days because of president's vaccine policy. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 2/10/2022)
Why Did So Many Intellectuals and Medics Refuse to Speak Out? (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Daily Sceptic - 7/10/2022)
Florida study shows mRNA COVID vaccines kill kids: They did a study. We've been lied to. (Steve Kirsch's Newsletter - 7/10/2022)
Florida Surgeon General Recommends Against mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines For Males Aged 18–39. (Mimi Nguyen Ly/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/10/2022)
FDA Withholds Autopsy Results of Those Who Died After COVID Shots. (Marco Cáceres/The Vaccine Reaction - InfoWars - 10/10/2022)
Waking up the sheep': Group exposes deadly hospital COVID protocols: Families charge loved ones died from federally funded treatment regimen. (WND News - 10/10/2022)
CDC Officials Concealed Millions of Adverse Events Reported to CDC V-Safe System Following Covid Jabs. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 10/10/2022)
Bombshell Covid-19 Lawsuit – Finally. (Devvy Kidd| - News With Views - 10/10/2022)
California Law to Punish Doctors For "Misinformation" About Covid: One problem is that a term like "scientific consensus" simply doesn't apply to discussion of the evidence collected during the pandemic. (MindMatters - 12/10/2022)
Alex Berenson says leaked emails show Pfizer board member and top Biden adviser secretly conspired to get him banned from Twitter. (Paul Sacca - The Blaze - 14/10/2022)
Only Dictators Censor Physicians – California Gov Newsom Exemplifies Tyranny. (Dr. Steve LaTulippe - America Out Loud - 16/10/2022)
Democrat Lawyer: ACLU 'Defended Terrorists, Nazis, And They Would Not Touch Covid Issues'. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 17/10/2022)
The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability The end game is near. (Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier - 18/10/2022)
The Left is Using Science 'Consensus' to Shut Down Free Speech In America. (Stephen Moore/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 19/10/2022)
Twitter censure le chirurgien en chef de Floride, qui met en garde contre le vaccin Covid ! (Franck Pengam - Les moutons enragés - 20/10/2022)
Judge Grants MO AG Request to Depose Dr. Fauci, Jen Psaki, FBI Agent Elvis Chan, etc. in Social Media Collusion Case Featuring TGP's Jim Hoft as Plaintiff. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 21/10/2022)
Unvaccinated Single Women Say 'No' to Vaccinated Single Men. (Laura J. Wellington - American Thinker - 21/10/2022)
My Children Will Not Get the Covid Shot No Matter What The CDC Recommends. (Jessica Marie Baumgartner - The Federalist - 21/10/2022)
The Weaponization of Medicine: Holding Hospitals Accountable. (Truth For Health Team - America Out Loud - 22/10/2022)
Lawyers Prepare to Sue Any State That Requires COVID-19 Vaccination to Attend School. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 23/10/2022)
Judge Orders Fauci to Testify Under Oath on Social Media Censorship. (Michael P. Senger - Daily Sceptic - 24/10/2022)
Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms. (John Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - 24/10/2022)
The NY State Supreme Court ruled that ~all unvaccinated NYC employees are "reinstated to their full employment" and are "entitled to back pay in salary from the date of termination." (@ActionInstitute - Twitter - 25/10/2022)
Oscar Winner Flames Actors Unions Over 'Discriminatory' COVID Vaccine Policies. (Virginia Kruta - DailyWire - 25/10/2022)
Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul Rip Fauci, Elites Who 'Believe They Are God'. (Nicole Silverio - Daily Caller - 25/10/2022)
After advocating for COVID-19 vaccination for over a year, Ben Shapiro says he was deceived: 'We were lied to by everyone'. (Joseph MacKinnon - The Blaze - 25/10/2022)
Post-jab prion disease case history in Sunnyvale, CA: All the Stanford doctors who looked at the case, which started a week after Moderna vaccination, are clueless as to the potential cause of this deadly disease. In this video, we hear the case history. (Steve Kirsch substack - 25/10/2022)
A Lost Small Town: Running Errands in the Wake of Emotional Violence, USA. (Dr Naomi Wolf - 26/10/2022) -> Naomi Wolf forgives her small town's Covid Nazis…
FDA Advisory Panel & CDC Director are Complicit in Sacrificing Children's Lives to Protect Pfizer from Liability. (Alliance for Human Research Protection - 26/10/2022)
Hey—sorry you lost your job b/c of the vax that doesn't work and your grandmother died alone... (Matthew J. Peterson - Twitter - 31/10/2022)
Not A Chance: Atlantic Writer Begs For 'Pandemic Amnesty,' Forgiveness For COVID Tyranny. (Tim Meads- DailyWire - 31/10/2022)
Military created prohibited digital tool to swiftly deny exemptions to its unlawful Covid-19 vaccine mandate: System is weaponized to automate rejections and generate denial letters. (Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier - 31/10/2022)
Big Tech Worked Closely With The FBI And DHS to Police 'Disinformation'. (Brandon Drey - DailyWire - 1/11/2022)
Don't bother to let the CDC know about safety issues with the COVID vaccines: they will ghost you Robert Edmonds developed severe tinnitus after getting one dose of the COVID vaccine. He discovered he was not alone. He found proof of causality. The CDC ghosted him. The proof. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 1/11/2022)
"You Murderous Hypocrites": Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests 'Amnesty' For Pandemic Authoritarians. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/11/2022)
No Mercy, No Quarter: It's Time to Crush The Branch Covidians. (Mary Rooke - Daily Caller - 2/11/2022)
"If You Believe..." (Jim Quinn/The Burning Platform - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/11/2022)
There Can Be No 'Amnesty' On Lockdowns Without A Reckoning. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 3/11/2022)
A veteran medical examiner who reviewed 4000 Covid deaths explains how many were REALLY from Covid (and how many were of healthy people): Dr. Brian Peterson ran the Milwaukee County medical examiner's office until he was suddenly forced to retire in September; did his honesty about Covid cost him his job? (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 4/11/2022)
School Closures Didn't Reduce The Number of Child COVID Deaths, Data Indicates: Claims of teachers unions and Democrats, now having faced the test of history, loom large in 2022's elections. (Luke Rosiak - DailyWire - 5/11/2022)
Rejecting The Atlantic's Covid Amnesty. (Anthony Fava - The Evangelical Dark Web - 5/11/2022)
The Unforgivable Request For Shamnesty. (Thomas Buckley/The Point' Substack - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 6/11/2022)
California doctors sue Gov. Newsom over 'misinformation' law that would discipline physicians who provide COVID advice contrary to 'contemporary scientific consensus'. (Candace Hathaway - The Blaze - 7/11/2022)
Independent scientist discovers poor health outcomes plague vaccinated children more than unvaccinated counterparts The analysis found an increase in chronic disorders including developmental delays, allergies, ear infections, and gastrointestinal ailments. (Tamara Ugolini - Rebel News - 10/11/2022)
I Used To Think School Vaccine Mandates Made Sense, But The Covid Jab Changed Everything. (Georgi Boorman - The Federalist - 11/11/2022)
Midterm Voters Rewarded Elected Officials Who Stood Up to Covid Tyrants. (Sophia Corso - The Federalist - 11/11/2022)
Experimental, Untested Genetic Biotechnology Administered in Pregnancy: An Egregious Breach of Bioethics. (Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD - America Out Loud - 12/11/2022)
They Will Lock You Down Again. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - The Brownstone Institute -14/11/2022) -> The principle seems to have emerged among the agencies, intellectuals, and politicians who did this. Whatever you do, never admit to having made any major mistakes. And never connect the economic, cultural, health, and educational disasters all around us to anything the govenrment did in 2020 or 2021! That would be nothing but a conspiracy theory.
I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying watching this case unfold. Thank you @Eric_Schmitt for initiating this lawsuit. (Julie Kelly - Thread Reader - 14/11/2022) -> A lawsuit targetting Fauci...
The U.S. Medical System is Collapsing after Mass Exodus of Doctors and Nurses. (Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News - 14/11/2022)
Stanford professor who challenged lockdowns and 'scientific clerisy' declares academic freedom 'dead'. (Emma Colton - MSN/Fox News - 21/10/2022)
Federal Gov Sues Doctor For $500 Billion For Being Right About Covid Vaccines And Alternative Treatments. (War Room - InfoWars - 22/110/2022)
L'obligation vaccinale dans les écoles désormais interdite au Texas. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 22/110/2022)
How Money From Gates And FTX Bought Scientific Silence. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/11/2022)
COVID Repentance is Preferred to Continued Dishonesty. (Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley - America Out Loud - podcast 55 minutes - 23/11/2022)
WaPo Finally Admits 'Vaccinated People Now Make Up a Majority of COVID Deaths'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - News Punch - 24/11/2022)
Deposition extracts shocking admission: China convinced Fauci to push lockdowns… (Aaron Kheriaty, MD - ThreadReader - 24/11/2022)
12 Ways The New Congress Should Hold Big Pharma Accountable For Covid Evils. (David Thalheimer - The Federalist - 29/11/2022)
The Question Fools Don't Ask: The abandonment of the question, "What is the price?" has led to terrible consequences in every area of life. (Dennis Prager - American Greatness - 29/11/2022)
Rand Paul: Fauci Caused 7 Million People To Die; "We've Caught Him Red Handed, He Won't Get Away": "This is right up there with decisions, some of them malevolent or military to kill millions of people" .(Steve Watson - Summit News - 2/12/2022)
Au moins 118.000 enfants et jeunes adultes sont «morts subitement» aux États-Unis depuis le déploiement des vaccins COVID. (Echelle de Jacob - Profession Gendarme - 3/12/2022)
The 'Twitter Papers' Reveal the Totalitarians Among Us. (Rep. Ron Paul/Global Research/The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity - 6/12/2022)
Veteran and restaurant owner's business raided by armed police: Matt Strickland's Virginia restaurant was raided by over a dozen armed police officers. (Rebel News - 6/12/2022)
Here's How The CDC Used a Backchannel With Twitter to Control The COVID-19 Narrative. (Alexa Schwerha - Daily Caller - 7/12/2022)
Duke University surgeons are refusing a 14-year-old girl a kidney transplant because she has not received the Covid shot: She has already had Covid and recovered. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 7/12/2022)
Les « Twitter Papers » révèlent les totalitaires parmi nous. (Ron Paul/L'Institut Ron Paul pour la paix et la prospérité/Globalresearch - Les moutons enragés - 7/12/2022)
Sen. Ron Johnson Hosts Historic Round Table Discussion on COVID Vaccines with Prominent Doctors Including Drs. McCullough, Malone, Cole, Risch, and Others. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 8/12/2022)
Aux USA, bientôt la fin de la vaccination obligatoire pour les militaires. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 9/12/2022)
Government Curated 'Science': Corporate Lies, Greed and Human Destruction. (Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD - America Out Loud - 11/12/2022)
Elon Musk Triggers Deep State Operative With 'Prosecute Fauci' Tweet: Promises that Twitter files on COVID information suppression are "coming bigtime". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 12/12/2022)
DeSantis Petitioning FL Supreme Court to Impanel a Statewide Grand Jury to Investigate Coronavirus Vaccines. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 13/12/2022)
Oversight Republicans Launch COVID Origins Investigation, Target Fauci, HHS Officials. (Ashley Oliver - Breitbart - 14/12/2022)
The dumbest, most dishonest argument for Covid jabs yet A computer model claims they prevented 3 million American deaths and almost 19 million hospitalizations. Imagine what they would have done if they actually WORKED against Omicron. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 14/12/2022)
Ubiquitous Federal Nudge Platoons: Wouldn't you love some wonderful injections mmm yes you would. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 15/12/2022)
Duke hospital DENIES orphaned girl from Ukraine lifesaving surgery over COVID vaccine: 'This child ... and her brother have been through so much'. (The Blaze - 15/12/2022)
Seeking Justice for Covid Crimes. (Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen - America Out Loud - 17/12/2022)
Ernest Ramirez Alerts Parents to the Danger of COVID Shots that Killed his Son. (Truth For Health Team - America Out Loud - podcast, 58 minutes - 18/12/2022)
Parents Sue After Duke U. Hospital Allegedly Refuses to Activate Teen's Name on Donor List Over COVID-19 Vaccine. (Mary Rooke - Daily Caller - 19/12/2022)
"No Vaccines, No Education," California Drives a Wedge in Family Medicine Podcast. (Dr. Peter McCullough - America Out Loud - podcast, 55 minutes - 20/12/2022)
Early Vaccine Recipient Involved in the Vaccine Rollout Campaign Speaks Out – Reveals He Suffered Adverse Reaction – Exposes How Corporate America Colluded with the Government to Push Mandate (VIDEO) (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 22/12/2022)
Medical officer dubbed an 'insider threat' after spotlighting COVID data. (J.M. Phelps - American Family News - 22/12/2022)
Dr. Robert Malone Tells Ben Shapiro COVID Vaccines Are Unsafe For All Age Groups. (Greg Wilson - DailyWire - 23/12/2022)
En Floride, la Cour suprême autorise un grand jury à enquêter sur les fabricants de vaccin anti-Covid. (FranceSoir - 25/12/2022)
Greatest 30 seconds in television history. (@FrontlineFlash - Twitter - video, 30 seconds - 26/12/2022) -> Ted Nugent appeared on Frontline and spoke directly to the people who took the COVID jab.
La justice US fait encore reculer la vaccination obligatoire. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 28/12/2022)
Top White House Covid Advisor Admits: 'No Study in the World Shows Masks Work': Despite his admission, Dr. Jha and other top Covid advisers have previously advocated for masking. (Infowars - 28/12/2022)
COVID Tyranny: Federal Judge Rules 'Public Safety' Overrides Personal Medical Autonomy. (Ben Bartee - PJMedia - 30/12/2022)
Dr. Atlas Stood Alone as Scientists Censored Truth, and People Died. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 1/1/2023)
On Damar Hamlin, mRNA shots, and spin: A young man collapsed playing football before our eyes last night; and the immediate public response of those who have pressed Covid vaccines was to seek an explanation that did not involve the jabs. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 3/1/2023)
Un américain sur quatre estime que la mort subite d'un de leurs proches est liée à la vaccination. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 5/1/2023)
Will universities ever admit they were wrong about COVID policy? (Matthew G. Andersson - American Thinker - 7/1/2023)
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on COVID-19 as One of the Most Divisive Events in American History. (Evolution News - podcast, 65 minutes - 7/1/2023)
Where's the Woodward and Bernstein of the Covid Scandals? (Bill Rice - Brownstone Institute - 8/1/2023)
The White House Covid Censorship Machine: Newly released emails show how officials coerce social-media companies to toe the government line.. (Jenin Younes and Aaron Kheriaty - Wall Street Journal - 8/1/2023)
VAERS Fraud – How The CDC Protects The Lie. (Dr. Henry Ealy - America Out Loud - 9/1/2023)
Project Veritas Strikes Again: Pfizer scientist admits the unthinkable on hidden camera… they all knew… (Revolver - 10/1/2023)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and The Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft Join Together with Several Others In Antitrust Lawsuit Against Legacy Media for Efforts to Exclude Rivals From Internet Platforms. (Jim Hoft - The Gateway Pundit - 11/1/2023)
Here Are The Republicans Attending The World Economic Forum Next Week. (Ben Zeisloft - Daily Wire - 12/1/2023)
Republicans Introduce Bill to Reenlist Service Members Discharged Due to Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate. (Hannah Bleau - Breitbart - 12/1/2023)
Even more proof: Masks don't work A new study shows COVID is highly likely present on every plane. No surprise! But when the mask mandate was lifted, COVID death rates remained FLAT. The masks made NO difference. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 13/1/2023)
CHD Win: NYSDOH Vax Mandate for Healthcare Workers Overturned. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 14/1/2023)
Remember when the US government bribed Americans with greasy, high-fat junk food to take the jab? (Revolver News - 16/1/2023)
Nevada county to consider banning COVID-19 and flu vaccines. (Andrew Chapados - The Blaze - 17/1/2023)
10 Letters – Legal Strategies for Vaccine Injury Accountability. (Truth For Health Team - America Out Loud - 19/1/2023)
Federal agencies withholding data behind pilot heart condition change, COVID vax stroke reversal FAA says "new scientific evidence" justified widening acceptable range for heart rhythms. Medical experts disagree whether change is "shocking" or "benign and practical" given pilot shortage. CDC called out for changing methodology to "get the result you want." (Greg Piper - JusttheNews - 20/1/2023)
My First Anti-Lockdown Article from 2020. (Jeffrey Tucker - Brownstone Institute - 21/1/2023
Elon Musk Claims He Had 'Major Side Effects' From Second COVID Booster Shot, Felt Like He Was 'Dying'. (Leif Le Mahieu - DailyWire - 21/1/2023)
Scott Adams Admits Anti-Vaxxers Were Right: "They Won" "The smartest, happiest people are the people who didn't get the vaccination and are still alive." (Caldron Pool - 22/1/2023) -> Adams is the author and creator of the Dilbert comic strip
Elon Musk finally comes clean about damage the COVID-19 vaccine did to him and his family… Revolver - 22/1/2023)
The Game Is Over and They Have Lost. (Robert Blumen - Brownstone Institute - 23/1/2023)
NYC Protesters Crash Fauci Event, Call For Arrest Of 'Murderer' Over Lockdowns & Jabs. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 26/1/2023)
Watch: Massive Rally at Texas State Capitol Calls Out Vaccine Deaths And Medical Tyranny: The people are rising up against the medical tyrants! (InfoWars - 12 minutes - 26/1/2023)
Yesterday's Pfizer Story - A Follow-up: But the final confirmation the story is genuine must be the recording of the executive attacking the reporter after he was told what had just happened to him. (Thorsteinn Siglaugsson - From Symptoms to Causes - 27/1/2023)
"It's Time For The Scientific Community To Admit We Were Wrong About COVID & It Cost Lives". (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 31/1/2023)
How the US gov't built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax 'bioterrorism': 'Congress and U.S. Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution… through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program… on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers,' writes legal researcher Katherine Watt. (Patrick Delaney - LifeSite - 31/1/2023)
The Worldwide Covid Revolts. (Noah Rothman - Commentary - 1/2/2023)
The Federal Government is Tracking Unvaccinated People Who go to The Doctor And to The Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program: 'There is interest in being able to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized'. (Patrick Howley - National File - 2/2/2023)
Recent Data Shows 'Stunning Increase' In Serious Harm Reports In Young Healthy Pilots: Army Lt. Col. Theresa Long. (Carly Mayberry/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/2/2023)
Inside The Secret Government Meeting On COVID-19 Natural Immunity. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/2/2023)
Cross-Politic Host Gabe Rench Wins Ruling Against City Over COVID Arrest at Worship Event. (Protestia - 6/2/2023)
Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya and Colleagues Demand a Full Inquiry into America's Disastrous Covid Response. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 7/2/2023)
Rep. Nancy Mace Blasts Twitter Censors: 'Covid Vaccines Permanently Damaged My Health'. (Baxter Dmitry - News Punch - 8/2/2023)
Death, injury, no liability, and now a part of the child vaccination schedule. (Daniel Horowitz - Conservative Review - 14/2/2023)
Rand Paul Introduces Bill to Halt Funding For Hospitals Denying Care to The Unvaxxed: After multiple cases of 'no jab, no transplant'. (Paul Watson - Summit News - 16/2/2023)
Florida Issues Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 17/2/2023)
'See You in Court, Criminals!' Pfizer Whistleblower Case is Being Taken to the Next Level. (Becker News - 18/2/2023)
Idaho Lawmakers Seek to Criminalize Injecting of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. (Naveen Athrappully/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 22/2/2023)
Pro Surfing Legend Kelly Slater Says Mother's Neurological Disorder Linked to Covid Vaccine. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 23/2/2023)
Leftists Furious As Woody Harrelson Sneaks Covid Vaccine Mandate Joke Onto SNL. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 26/2/2023)
Woody Harrelson résume en quelques secondes le film covidiste des 3 dernières années… Furieux, les médias officiels l'accusent de "Complotisme" est d'être un... "Antivax". (Le libre penseur - 26/2/2023)
JAG Arrests Past and Current Covid Task Force Members. (Joe Tuzara, M.D. - 26/2/2023)
US Gov't Was The 'Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation' During COVID-19 Pandemic, Johns Hopkins Doctor Says. (Brianna Lyman - Daily Caller - 1/3/2023)
Harvard professor of medicine hilariously trolls 'vaccine fanatics' when natural immunity comes up during House roundtable on COVID policies. (Dave Urbanski - The Blaze - 1/3/2023)
The New York Times, Fauci, and the 2021 coverup of a virologist who accidentally blew the lid off COVID… (Revolver - 2/3/2023)
Steve Kirsch says his new whistleblower data is undeniable proof COVID vax is "killing people"… (Revolver - 6 minutes - 5/3/2023)
Collapse of the COVID Truth Regime California's new misinformation law aims to silence dissenting medical opinions while allowing state-sponsored falsehoods to proliferate unchecked. (Alex Gutentag - Tablet - 5/3/2023)
Novak Djokovic denied entry into US again over COVID vaccine status. (New York Post - 6/3/2023)
Covid 'Not Deadly Enough' to Justify Risk of Fast-Track Vaccines, Chris Whitty Told Government. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 8/3/2023)
Mother Sues Doctor Who Allegedly Administered COVID-19 Vaccines to Children Without Consent. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 9/3/2023)
'Rise of The Fourth Reich' Makes The Case For The Covid Reckoning America Desperately Needs. (Shawn Fleetwood - The Federalist - 13/3/2023)
Holocaust & Concentration Camp Survivor Demands New Nuremberg Trials For All Covid Conspirators. (InfoWars - 38 minutes - 16/3/2023)
The Death of Culture: How Lies Killed Books A Visit to Hipster Brooklyn. (Dr Naomi Wolf - Outspoken - 17/3/2023)
[VIDEO] One guy from the hood looks Fauci in the eye and demolishes 3 years of propaganda in 37 seconds flat… (Revolver - 20/3/2023)
Rand Paul: "I Wouldn't Vaccinate My Children For COVID" Says Fauci "weaponized the government". (Steve Watson - Summit News - 24/3/2023)
How Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard Masked America: Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard played a decisive role in shifting CDC guidance and ushering in mask mandates across America. Zeynep's role in the COVID story goes far deeper than most realize. (Michael P Senger - The New Normal - 26/3/2023)
The Covid Files: Recently, people were alarmed to learn that the CDC based their masking policy on a NY Times article. (The Robber Baron - ThreadReader - 28/3/2023)
Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion in Economic Damage, Tens of Millions Injured or Disabled. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 28/3/2023)
The Day the World Became China: Tuesday March 10th 2020. (Eugyppius - Daily Sceptic - 31/3/2023) -> How They Convinced Trump to Lock Down...
Federal Judge Rules Students Can Sue After Being Charged Full Tuition for Classes Shifted Online Over COVID. (Shelby Kearns/Campus Reform - InfoWars - 7/4/2023)
Covid Battle Lines in America Moving from Emergency Room to Courtroom. (Ian Macleod - Daily Sceptic - 11/4/2023)
600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst: Former Bernstein senior analyst Josh Stirling draws a shocking conclusion from UK government health data. (Jonas Vesterberg - Florida Standard - 11/4/2023)
"They Deliberately Gave the Unvaccinated a Lower Standard of Care" – a Doctor Speaks Out. (Dr James Miller - Daily Sceptic - 13/4/2023)
Pentagon-Funded Censorship Firm Graphika Began Monitoring Covid "Disinfo" On Dec. 16, 2019 – Two Weeks Before WHO Knew Covid Existed. (Mike Benz - Foundation for Freedom Online - 25/4/2023)
The Compliant and Obedient Are Freedom's Cancer. (Gary D. Barnett - 27/4/2023)
Le vaccin Covid tue 600.000 Américains par an , alerte un analyste d'assurance. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 28/4/2023)
Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives? (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 1/5/2023)
US to end COVID vaccination requirements on May 11 for foreign travelers, federal workers. (David Shepardson - Reuters - 1/5/2023)
Lawsuit Against Key Speech Silencers Threatens To Blow Open The Censorship-Industrial Complex. (Margot Cleveland - The Federalist - 2/5/2023)
Orson Welles Skips Lunch: Berenson v. Twitter and the Future of Free Speech. (James R. Lawrence, III - Revolver - 4/5/2023)
Randi Weingarten Goes Mega-Karen After Twitter Community Notes Expose Lockdown Lies. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 5/5/2023)
A Pandemic of Intentional Malfeasance That Cost Millions of Lives. (DrLee4America - America Out Loud - 6/5/2023)
Never Forget What They Did... Never! (Jeffrey Tucker/DailyReckoning - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/5/2023)
Local And Private COVID Vaccine Mandates For Patients And Health Care Workers Being Reversed, Overturned Across US. (Alice Giordano/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 8/5/2023)
WEF Group Hit With Congress Subpoena for Committing Anti-Free Speech Crimes in America. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 8/5/2023)
Les USA annoncent la fin des restrictions sanitaires aux frontières. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 9/5/2023)
Florida Surgeon General accuses CDC and FDA heads of ignoring 'many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines'. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 10/5/2023)
Candace Examines Mainstream Narrative on Childhood Vaccines in New Show 'A Shot In The Dark'. (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 11/5/2023)
Teachers Get Their Due Two Years After School System Fires Them for Not Getting Vaxxed. (Chris Queen - PJMedia - 13/5/2023)
Never Forget: A Retrospective on The Media Lies Surrounding COVID. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - video, 3 minutes - 14/5/2023)
Don't Tread On Me! (Jeffrey Tucker/DailyReckoning - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/5/2023)
Universal flu vaccine based on mRNA tech to be tested by National Institutes of Health. (Spencer Kimball - CNBC - 15/5/2023)
Justice Gorsuch Broadsides Officials at All Levels for Massive 'Intrusions' on Americans' Civil Liberties. (The Western Journal - 19/5/2023)
'COVID Was a Scam': Ventilator-Acquired Pneumonia Killed Millions – Bombshell Study. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/5/2023)
Lockdown Proponents Try to Evade Reckoning With Whitewash Report. (Jeffrey A. Tucker/Brownstone Institute - Daily Sceptic - 22/5/2023)
Some good news! (Really): Yulia Hicks, the North Carolina girl denied a kidney transplant by Duke University surgeons because she was not vaccinated against Covid, will get her new kidney Thursday. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 23/5/2023)
Hospital Murder or Conspiracy Theory? You Decide! (Tom Renz - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 25/5/2023)
The Amish Rejected Covid Vaccines, Lockdowns and Masks. The Result? 30X Less Deaths. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 26/5/2023)
Family of 24-Year-Old Who Died From COVID Vaccine Sues DOD in 'Groundbreaking Case' The family of a 24-year-old man who died from complications of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis alleges the U.S. Department of Defense engaged in "willful misconduct" when it claimed Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine authorized for emergency use was "safe and effective." (Brenda Baletti - The Defender - 31/5/2023)
New CDC Director Is Another Lockdowner. (Jeffrey A. Tucker/Brownstone Institute - Daily Sceptic - 3/6/2023)
DHS Cybersecurity Agency Labels Private Thoughts 'Critical Infrastructure' to Justify Censoring You. (Samuel Boehlke - The Federalist - 2/6/2023)
The Censorship Hegemon Must Be Stopped. (Aaron Kheriaty/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/6/2023)
'Did forcing 2-year-olds to wear masks save lives?' Congressman grills HHS secretary on mask mandates. (Andrew Chapados - The Blaze - 14/6/2023)
The mRNA fanatics are nervous And they should be. Joe Rogan exposed them this weekend as the cowards they are. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 19/6/2023)
Are Pilots Unions Undermining Pilot Health and Passenger Safety? (DrLee4America - America Out Loud - 21/6/2023)
Steve Kirsch Testifies About Why Amish Communities Suffered Such Low Covid Death Rates. (Kelen McBreen - InfoWars - 29/6/2023)
They finally debated RFK Jr. on vaccines and it did NOT go well for "the science"… (Revolver - 29/6/2023)
Ice Cube tells Joe Rogan he didn't get $9 million dollar movie role because he refused Covid vaccine "They try to, you know, put my business in the street, put pressure on me..." (Darian Douraghy - The Post Millennial - 2/7/2023)
Requiem for Independence: Welcome to Global Resistance. (Michael Belcher - A Path Through - 4/7/2023)
WA cops keep up the FIGHT against unjust vaccine mandates: Officers unite to challenge authorities in an ongoing battle for justice. (Avi Yemini - Rebel News - video, 11 minutes - 7/7/2023)
Covid Censorship Proved to Be Deadly: Government and social-media companies colluded to stifle dissenters who turned out to be right. (Bret Swanson - Wall Street Journal - 7/7/2023)
Video: GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They "Did A 180" On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them "Are you both conspiracy theorists? (Steve Watson - Summit News - 12/7/2023)
Heart-broken military vets, who fought and lost over jab, tell their families not to join. (J.M. Phelps, Billy Davis - American Family News - 12/7/2023)
Tucker reveals he took ZERO Covid vaccines… (Revolver - 14/7/2023)
If You Were a Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong And do Better Next Time: Those who were Covid cowards need to stand up against tyranny in the future. It's the least they can do. (Evita Duffy-Alfonso - The Federalist - 15/7/2023)
Florida to Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal 'Bio-Weapons'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 17/7/2023)
Rapper Ice Cube on refusing COVID vaccine: 'Your health is worth more than all the money in the world'. (Cortney Weil - The Blaze - 18/7/2023)
"Willful Misconduct" Lawsuit Against Department of Defense. (Truth For Health Team - 19/7/2023)
CrossPolitic's Gabriel Rench Wins Massive Settlement Over Covid Arrest. (Ray Fava - Evangelical Dark Web - 19/7/2023)
Actor Rob Schneider doesn't expect apologies from hateful "covidiots" after US military finally bends the knee… (Revolver - 24/7/2023)
Rand Paul Files CRIMINAL Referral Against 'Absolute Liar' Fauci. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 31/7/2023)
The Unwitting Coup: Was the Response to COVID Effectively a Coup by the Western Intelligence Community? The world has been counting on the intelligence community to call out anything untoward about the response to COVID. Of course, that won't happen, because they're the ones who planned it. (Michael P Senger - The New Normal - 1/8/2023)
Worker Fired Over Refusal to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine Wins Job Back. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/8/2023)
If Joe Rogan keeps this up, Fauci may actually face prison time… (Revolver - 7/8/2023)
Rand Paul Escalates Fauci Criminal Referral Biden DOJ failed to even respond. (Steve Watson - Summit News - 9/8/2023)
Never Forget: Leftists Showed Their True Authoritarian Colors During COVID. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market - InfoWars - 12/8/2023)
On the cowardice of American scientists Researchers everywhere are doing work that raises hard questions about the safety of mRNA Covid shots. Everywhere except the United States, that is. Why? (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 14/8/2023)
Three School Board Members In Washington Ousted After Defying Mask Mandate: The school board voted in February 2022 to make face masks optional. (Mairead Elordi - DailyWire - 15/8/2023)
Des millions de dollars de paiements occultes versés au Dr Fauci et à d'autres membres des NIH. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 17/8/2023)
Breaking: Dr. Meryl Nass Sues Maine Medical Board Over Suspension, Alleges Board Violated Her First Amendment Right:s Dr. Meryl Nass today filed suit against the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine and its individual members, alleging the board violated her First Amendment rights and her rights under the Maine Constitution. (Brenda Baletti - Children's Health Defense - 17/8/2023)
"DO NOT COMPLY" Trends As Patriots Unite Following Alex Jones' Warning New Lockdowns Coming. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 21/8/2023)
US Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The 'Covid' Jabs. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 22/8/2023)
The Empire Strikes Back in Berenson v Biden: The government, Pfizer, and Andy Slavitt just filed massive motions to dismiss my suit, including citing national security. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truth - 22/8/2023)
California Church Fined $1.2 Million For Defying Covid Lockdowns Sues Government For Spying on Worshippers. (Cristina Laila - The Gateway Pundit - 23/8/2023)
Taibbi And Orfalea: The COVID Lie That Started It All. (Matt Taibbi/Racket News - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 24/8/2023)
'These terrible policies only work with your cooperation': Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo urges noncompliance with mask mandates, lockdowns. (Alex Nitzberg - The Blaze - 24/8/2023)
Pfizer Documents Show COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Potentially Harmful 'Modified' RNA, Not mRNA. (Megan Redshaw, JD/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 26/8/2023)
Florida Surgeon General Slams Return of Mask Mandates Across Country, Urges People to Refuse 'To Participate'. (Zach Jewell - DailyWire - 26/8/2023)
mRNA Inventor Warns 'Strictest Lockdowns to Date' Are About to Return. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 26/8/2023)
Whistleblower Who Disclosed Myocarditis Spike in Military After COVID Vaccine Rollout Goes Public. (J.M. Phelps and Zachary Stieber - The Epoch Times - 27/8/2023)
You Can Stick Your Vaccine Mandates up Your Ass. (Greg Reese/Banned.video- InfoWars - video, 5 minutes - 30/8/2023)
"Screw Your Face Diapers!!" Mask Mandate Return Sparks 'We Will Not Comply' Trend. (Jack Phillips/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 3/9/2023)
We Appear to Be Entering Stage Five of the Covid "Vaccine" Con Job: I truly pray that I'm completely wrong about all of this. That would be a blessing. (JD Rucker - Discern Report - 4/9/2023)
Sure. Try Bringing Back the Masks. This'll Be Fun. Now the people who suck say we've got to go back to the days of COVID. (Scott McKay - The American Spectator - 5/9/2023)
Dr. Phil hits the nail on the head on why shutting down schools during COVID-19 pandemic was devastating for children. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 6/9/2023)
The Death of Informed Consent. (Stella Paul - American Thinker - 7/9/2023)
California city bucks liberal agenda, votes to ban mask and vaccine mandates: 'Limited the freedoms of the citizens'. (Chris Enloe - The Blaze - 8/9/2023)
When You See a Snake…Like Covid. (Jeff Dover - News With Views - 10/9/2023)
The Dirty Secret About How Masks Really "Work". (Clayton J. Baker, MD - Brownstone Institute - 10/9/2023)
Top Health Official Urges Public to Avoid 'Deadly' mRNA Boosters Due to VAIDS Outbreak. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 11/9/2023)
Baptist Church That Prominently Resisted COVID Lockdowns Passes Church Bylaw Pledging to Defy Gov't on Future Constraints. (Protestia - 11/9/2023)
David v. Goliath in New York. (Brownstone Institute - 12/9/2023) -> Under the provisions of the governor's regulation, the state government can use law enforcement to forcibly remove citizens from their homes or businesses against their will to place them in unspecified quarantine locations for an indeterminate period with no mechanism for release!
"The Government Censored Me and Other Scientists. We Fought Back – and Won". (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 12/9/2023)
Credible whistleblower steps forwards, reveals CIA bribed experts to lie about COVID… (Revolver - 13/9/2023)
Top Doctor Warns 'Turbo Cancers' Caused by mRNA Are Set to Kill Billions. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 14/9/2023)
"Not A Good Decision For Young People" - Florida Surgeon-General Snubs FDA 'COVID Boosters-For-All' Guidance. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 15/9/2023)
Dr. Robert Redfield Comes Clean on Government Censorship. (Lloyd Billingsley/American Greatness - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/9/2023)
U.S. Gov't Quietly Admit BILLIONS of Vaccinated Will Die Before 2030. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 16/9/2023)
What You Need to Know About the Latest Covid Jab Rollout. (Dr. Joseph Mercola - Discern Report - 19/9/2023)
Why Smart People Do Stupid Things (Like Getting mRNA Injections). (John Carter - Postcards From Barsoom - 20/9/2023)
You Just Have A Cold. Don't Give Branch Covidians Their Numbers by Testing. (Richard Cromwell - The Federalist - 21/9/2023)
New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public "You can't kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you're literally burning up too much political capital." (The Vigilant Fox - 22/9/2023)
Smoking Gun Emails Prove Biden White House Knew COVID Vaccines Would Kill Millions. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 24/9/2023)
Fool Me Once, Shame On You. Don't Let COVID Hysteria Fool Us Again. (Jason Lewis - Daily Caller - 25/9/2023)
Top U.S. Government Vaccine Adviser Refuses to Get Latest Covid Shot as He Warns of Long Term Impact of Myocarditis. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 26/9/2023) -> And Dr. Paul Offit used to be a Covid vaccine cheerleader...
USA : DeSantis ne financera pas les injections de rappel Covid en cas de victoire. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 26/9/2023)
Vet suffers vaccine-linked heart damage, Navy discharges him, refuses to pay for his care… (Revolver - 27/9/2023)
What Some Call "Anti-Science" Is Just Anti-authoritarianism. (Alex Washburne - Brownstone Institute - 16/10/2023)
The "died suddenly" vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know: The vaccine advocates claim that people have been dying suddenly throughout history and it's nothing unusual. But they aren't telling you that nearly all the "died suddenly" were COVID vaccinated. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 18/10/2023)
Wider War Will Bring Inevitable Attempts At Martial Law In America. (Brandon Smith/Alt-Market.us - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 29/10/2023) -> regarding possible US involvement in the Gaza war...
COVID Authoritarians Want Forgiveness – Here's Why They Don't Deserve It. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 30/10/2023)
New York Court Orders All Employees Fired For Being Unvaccinated to be Reinstated With Backpay. (Niamh Harris - The People's Voice - 1/11/2023)
Quarter of Americans Know Someone Killed by Covid Vaccines, Nearly Half Would Join Lawsuit – Poll. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 2/11/2023)
She Died After Being Refused Ivermectin — Now Her Family Is Speaking Out: Family wonders whether their mother, wife would still be alive if doctors gave her ivermectin. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Discern Report - 6/11/2023)
Top Insurance Execs 'Alarmed' by 'Sudden Surge' in Deaths Among Jabbed Young People. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 8/11/2023)
Generation Covid: a film on the havoc wrought on the next American generation I've been working on a documentary film that tells the stories of children, adolescents and families impacted by prolonged school closures and other harmful restrictions. (Jennifer Sey - The Dossier - 8/11/2023)
The Declaration That Wasn't Supposed to Happen. (Jeffrey Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 11/11/2023)
Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines. (Sally Beck - TWC - 15/11/2023)
Sen. Rand Paul Says He Wants Federal Prosecution of Fauci For COVID Coverup. (Austin Alonzo and Jan Jekielek/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 16/11/2023)
The U.S. Army is 'Begging' Unvaccinated Soldiers to Return Army forced to reverse course, as people refuse to enlist. (Igor Chudov - 16/11/2023)
Warning: Pilot says disaster is looming in the skies thanks to COVID-19 vaccine… (Revolver - 18/11/2023)
Texas Sues Pfizer Over Tainted Children's Drugs. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 21/11/2023)
Military Could Owe Billions to Service Members Involuntarily Discharged for Refusing COVID Shots: The U.S. military could owe billions in back pay and legal fees depending on the outcome of three class-action lawsuits filed on behalf of service members who allege they were wrongfully discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. (Michael Nevradakis/The Defender - InfoWars - 28/11/2023)
It's Time to Shout Down Pro-Vaxxine Zealots. (Dr. Henry Ealy - America Out Loud - podcast, 57 minutes - 30/11/2023)
COVID vaccine database administrator goes rogue, reveals how many people actually died from Pfizer jab… (Revolver - 30/11/2023)
We now know why Fauci feared the "lab leak" theory so much… (Revolver - 30/11/2023)
A Crime Against Humanity... (James Howard Kunstler/Kunstler.com - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/12/2023) -> Steve Kirsch vs the Covid Mafia
DoD BLOCKS U.S. Navy Medical Officer's Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Vaccinated Pilots. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 3/12/2023)
Texas Sues Pfizer for 'Defrauding Public' With 'Depopulation Vaccines'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 4/12/2023)
Roseanne Barr Drops Truth Bomb: 'Psychopath Elite Are Depopulating The World Using Vaccines.' (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 5/12/2023)
Study Dismisses Concerns About Sudden Cardiac Deaths of U.S. Students. Here's What's Wrong With It. (Dr Clare Craig - Daily Sceptic - 6/12/2023)
"If People Think Things Are Bad Now..." Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming, Depopulation, & The NWO. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 7/12/2023)
Anthony Fauci Claims He Doesn't Need God Anymore, Praises His Own 'Personal Ethics'. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 12/12/2023)
A Car With No Brakes or Steering Wheel, just a great big gas pedal. (Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends - 15/12/2023)
Rappel – Tim Robbins a des remords envers les non-vaccinés : « Vous passez de quelqu'un d'empathique à un monstre. J'en faisais partie ». (Profession Gendarme - 15/12/2023)
'We've Never Seen Dying at This Rate': Critical Care Expert Sounds Alarm on 'Staggering' Excess Deaths in U.S. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 15/12/2023)
250 Years After The Boston Tea Party, Americans Still Recognize Government Tyranny When They See It. (Nathan Stone - The Federalist - 16/12/2023)
Americans Yawn at CDC Warnings About 'Tripledemic'. (Stephen Green - PJMedia - 18/12/2023)
Naomi Wolf Wants Us To 'Face The Beast': It is time we wake from our slumber. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 18/12/2023)
Wolf on Pfizer, China And Corruption: The shocking things that are happening behind the scenes. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 21/12/2023)
CIA being sued for hiding COVID pandemic records Were there payoffs for those who discounted the Wuhan lab leak? (Bob Unruh - WND - 2612/2023)
Florida Surgeon General believes when real truth comes out on COVID vaccines, Pfizer will cease to exist… (Revolver - 27/12/2023)
Pro Wrestler Kurtis 'Mad Kurt' Chapman Dies Suddenly at 26 and Conservative Media Still Ignores the Obvious Was it the jabs? We won't be told unless they definitively prove otherwise. Like so many stories over the past three years, this will be dropped in the memory hole forever. (JD Rucker - Discern Report - 30/12/2023)
"We Are Going to See 'Collisions' All Over The Planet" - Pushback Against Tyranny & Control Will Accelerate In 2024. (Greg Hunter/USAWatchdog - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 31/12/2023)
Over 200 Service Members, Veterans Pledge to Hold Military Leaders Accountable For Vaccine Mandate. (J.M. Phelps/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 2/1/2024)
Florida Surgeon General Calls for a Complete Halt on mRNA Vaccines. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 3/1/2024)
Why Are So Many Californians Dying? (Thomas Buckley/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 4/1/2024)
A Nation of Non-Compliers. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Brownstone Institute - 6/1/2024)
The Diabolical Dozen: The Twelve "Most-Significant COVID Events". (Bill Rice/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 7/1/2024)
Racism, Anti-Semitism, Genocide, and Eugenics in the COVID Era. (Steven Kritz - The Brownstone Institute - 8/1/2024)
Why I am going to Davos. (Kevin Roberts - Blaze Media - 10/1/2024)
Most Americans Believe Covid Shots Behind Sudden Deaths Surge. (Frank Bergman - Slay - 14/1/2024)
US Government coerced leaders of faith to push COVID-19 vaccines on Americans. (Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD - America Out Loud - 14/1/2024)
COVID-19 May Have Come From Chinese Laboratory, Dr. Fauci's Former Boss Says. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 16/1/2024)
Rand Paul Says Anthony Fauci Must Spend His Life Behind Bars to Restore Trust in Gov't. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 19/1/2024)
Heritage Foundation President Slams Davos Global Elites Straight To Their Faces. (Evita Duffy-Alfonso - The Federalist - 19/1/2024)
What Punishment Will We Get For This? (William M Briggs - Science Is Not The Answer - 22/1/2024)
CDC Labeled Accurate Articles as Misinformation, Documents Show. (Zachary Stieber/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 23/1/2024)
Maybe More People Objected Than We Knew. (Jeffrey A. Tucker/Brownstone Institute - InfoWars - 31/1/2024)
4 Years Later: Never forget what they did to us Some thoughts on forgiveness, pandemic amnesty, and the path forward. (Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier 1/2/2024)
Florida grand jury investigating COVID-19 vaccines releases first report . (Angie DiMichele/South Florida Sun Sentinel - MSN - 3/2/2024)
Florida Grand Jury Rules COVID Pandemic Was 'Unconstitutional Power Grab by Elite'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 3/2/2024)
Amazon Bowed to White House Pressure to Suppress Books Skeptical of COVID-19 Vaccines. (Tyler O'Neil - The Daily Signal - 5/2/2024)
CDC Warns CDC's Own Scientists That Their Finding on Masks "Is Not Scientifically Correct": During a congressional hearing, CDC Directory Mandy Cohen did not rule out mandating masks again for toddlers. (Paul D. Thacker - The DisInformation Chronicle - 8/2/2024)
Conspiracy Theory Debunker Finds Real Conspiracies. (Doran Howitt - The Brownstone Institute - 14/2/2024)
First Look at the 'Free-Text' COVID Vaccine Safety Data the CDC Wanted to Hide. (Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards/The Highwire - InfoWars - 17/2/2024)
US Officials Concede No Active Surveillance on Long-Term Effects Of COVID-19 Vaccines. (Megan Redshaw/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 18/2/2024)
Top FDA Official Testifies: 'We Knew mRNA Would Cause Millions to Die'. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 21/2/2024)
Toxic Bosses Like United Airlines' Vaccine-Pushing CEO Must Be Held Accountable: Anything less than total vindication for the plaintiffs suing United would be a serious blow to freedom of conscience and personal sovereignty. (Stella Morabito - The Federalist - 21/2/2024)
A Digital Coup d'Etat. (Jeffrey Tucker - The Brownstone Institute - 22/2/2024) -> the Covid crisis from a political angle...
Barbara Loe Fisher and Informed Consent More great testimony from yesterday's Senate Hearing. (Who is Robert Malone - 27/2/2024)
ICS-5 et Sénat US, un tournant, le retour de la lumière et la liberté. (Professeur Christian Perronne - France-Soir - 27/2/2024) -> ICS = International Crisis Summit
This Senate Panel on The Vaccines Is The Red Pill We've All Been Waiting For: This excellent presentation meticulously breaks down exactly what went awry throughout COVID-19. What everyone needs to know is summarized below. (A MidWestern Doctor - The Forgotten Side of Medicine - 29/2/2024)
Renowned Embalmer Shows And Explains What He's Been Seeing After Covid Vaccine: 'Zero Doubt The Covid Vaccine Did This'. (Owen Shroyer - InfoWars - video, 33 minutes - 3/3/2024)
Covid Showed Us Who Really Rules America. (Ryan McMaken - Mises Wire - 5/3/2024) -> As the Covid Panic revealed to us, the real, de facto ruling class is the executive state which effortlessly ruled by decree during the covid crisis. This ruling clique—an oligarchy of governors, academic "experts," media billionaires, and countless nameless and faceless unelected bureaucrats—has illustrated in recent years how irrelevant elected lawmakers can be to the use of political power.
Rep. Chip Roy Unveils Bill Allowing Public to Sue Big Pharma for Genocide During COVID Pandemic. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 6/3/2024)
Dr. Joseph Sansone Files Writ of Mandamus in Florida to Force Gov. DeSantis to Ban Covid "Vaccines". (Ethan Huff/Natural News - Discern Report - 10/3/2024)
Harvard Fires Leading Lockdown Sceptic Dr. Martin Kulldorff. (Will Jones - Daily Sceptic - 13/3/2024)
Tucker Carlson Asks the Forbidden Question. (Vigilant Fox - VNN - 13/3/2024) -> why the people who made the claim "safe and effective" aren't being held to criminal liability for abetting the "killing of all these Americans."
Happy Fourth Birthday, Lockdown Fascism! Climate Lockdowns Are Next. (Jason Scott Jones - The Stream - 13/3/2024)
A 937% Increase in Heart Failure? (Steve MacDonald - GraniteGrok - 18/3/2024) -> Anti-Covid vaccine repercussions in US miliitary
How Revolution Happens—and How to Stop It: In spiritual war, bravery's the strongest weapon. (Tucker Carlson - Mondern Age - 18/3/2024)
Anderson Cooper confronted on Mexican beach about his fake COVID reporting: "How do you sleep at night?" (Revolver - 19/3/2024)
This Country Cannot Afford A Weak Supreme Court Decision On Internet Censorship. (Joy Pullmann - The Federalist - 21/3/2024)
[LockDown] Never Ever Forget. (Jeffrey Tucker - DailyReckoning - 22/3/2024)
Bill Maher tears into the government for working with social media companies to shut down COVID-19 debate. (Collin Jones - The Blaze - 24/3/2024)
Did the Covid Psyop Fail? (Todd Hayen - OffGuardian - 30/3/2024)
New Report Details Horrifying Cost of Fauci's Failures. (Ian Miller - Brownstone Institute - 2/4/2024)
Four Years Later, Conservative Voters Haven't Forgotten How Covid Tyrants Acted In Crisis. (Christine Whitmore - The Federalist - 3/4/2024) -> The petty tyrants in our government, our hospitals, our schools, our corporations — they are still occupying positions of power, biding their time for the next "emergency" that will help them manipulate Americans into giving up our rights.
Allison Neitzel served as physician-expert on misinformation stories at NBC, Mother Jones, MedPage Today, & others, but was forced to apologise last week for spreading misinformation and defaming physicians. Also, she's not a physician! (Paul D. Thacker - ThreadReader - 3/4/2024)
Disgraceful: Shock Footage Shows USAF Senior Airman Abused by Soldiers After Refusing COVID-19 Jab: Viral footage shows senior airman - who was later ACQUITTED - being forcibly detained by fellow officers at military prison after labeled 'insider threat' for refusing jab. (Adan Salazar - InfoWars - 8/4/2024)
15 US Agencies Knew Wuhan Lab Was "Trying To Create A Coronavirus Like COVID-19": Rand Paul. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 10/4/2024)
Bill Maher delivers a striking monologue on the COVID 'experts' who got it wrong. (Camus - X - video, 12 minutes - 12/4/2024)
Deborah Birx Gets Her Close-Up. (Bill Rice/The Brownstone Institute - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 15/4/2024)
Ten years ago, microbiologist Ralph Baric told Tony Fauci and the world he would make coronaviruses more lethal. Then - with Fauci's backing - he did. Baric, who worked hand-in-glove with the lab in Wuhan from which Sars-Cov-2 likely leaked, also insisted the government keep its rules on coronaviruses loose so he could tinker with them more easily. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 15/4/2024)
Dr. Phil: People Need To Plan For Next Pandemic So Govt Can't Tell Us 'What We Can And Can't Do'. (Daily Wire News - 17/4/2024)
Courts Set Precedent for Mass Forced Vaccination of All Children. (Cassie B/Natural News - Discern Report - 22/4/2024)
Democrat Judge Sets Precedent for Mass Forced Vaccination of ALL Children. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 23/4/2024)
'They Kinda Had to Be Put Down': Medical Whistleblower Says COVID Jabs Caused Patients to 'Die So Horrifically, So Quickly'. (Jamie White - InfoWars - 24/4/2024)
The easiest way to show the COVID vaccines are a disaster and that the medical community is looking the other way If you look at the VAERS data by vaccine type, and look at the time of onset of symptoms, you gain insights into the vaccines that nobody else pays attention to. Why are doctors ignoring this data? (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 29/4/2024)
In 2021, they tried to destroy me for telling the truth This isn't paranoia. Hard evidence shows the White House and media targeted my right to speak - and support my family. If not for all of you, they would have succeeded. Yeah, I'm still angry. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 6/5/2024)
'People like me': Chris Cuomo admits COVID vaccines INJURED MILLIONS, including HIMSELF. (Dave Rubin - Blaze News - 8/5/2024)
Watch: The Insane Flip-Flops Over Vaccines, Masks And Ivermectin. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 11/5/2024)
Defying Orders: A 23-year Navy Veteran's stand against the COVID-19 injection. (Jodi O'Malley - America Out Loud - 14/5/2024)
Ex-NIH Director Confirms 'No Science' Behind 6-Foot Distancing Rules. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 18/5/2024)
The Great Pandemic Walkback. (Jeffrey Tucker/The Epoch Times - Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge - 23/5/2024) -> ex-CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield does a takedown on "The Narrative"...
Covid Conspiracy Fact: Vindication Is Bittersweet. (Daisy Luther - The Organic Prepper - 23/5/2024)
Fauci Admits 6-Foot Social Distancing Standard 'Sort of Just Appeared'. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 2/6/2024)
Fauci Can't Name One Study to Support Child Masking Before Pandemic. (Tim Pearce - DailyWire - 2/6/2024)
USA: Anthony Fauci reconnait l'inefficacité des règles anti-COVID. (Lalaina Andriamparany - Le Courrier des Stratèges - 3/6/2024)
How many kids under age 21 did the COVID vaccines kill? We know there were no benefits. How many kids, aged 20 and under, died from the COVID shots? PLEASE HELP ME FIND OUT. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 4/6/2024)
Flashback: Why did Moderna sign a government contract for its vaccines before COVID-19? (Glenn Beck - Blaze News - 4/6/2024)
COVID mRNA Jabs Are NOT Vaccines, Federal Court Rules. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 7/6/2024)
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon: 'COVID Jabs Were Designed—Intentionally—to Harm, Maim & Kill, And Reduce Human Fertility'. (Infowars - 12/6/2024)
U.S. Federal Court Opens Up Litigation on the Question: Was it Really a Vaccine? (Thomas Buckley - Daily Skeptic - 17/6/2024)
Kansas sues Pfizer for claiming its vaccine was 'safe and effective'. (Joseph MacKinnon - Blaze News - 18/6/2024)
The COVID "vaccine" had no benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada. Here's official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 19/6/2024)
Scientific American's Laura Helmuth Continues to Embarrass And Humiliate Herself: Too many scicomm writers can't see beyond their own bigotries and personal politics. (Paul D. Thacker - The Disinformation Chronicle - 21/6/2024)
Biden Admin. Asked Amazon to Hide Vaccine Critical Books During The Pandemic: House Judiciary Committee reveals that Over 40 titles were added to a hit list. (Steve Watson - Modernity - 22/6/2024)
Pfizer Gets Sued Again. Why Is BioNTech Escaping Justice? (Robert Kogon - Daily Skeptic - 25/6/2024)
Did Fauci Admit That School Closures Were a Mistake? (Ian Miller - The Brownstone Institute - 28/6/2024)
BlueCross BlueShield Forced to Pay $700,000 to Fired Employee Over Vax Mandate. (Kamden Mulder - The Federalist - 2/7/2024)
'My legs, my spine— all paralyzed': Vax-injured vet tells his tragic story: Drew Outstanding told Rebel News how he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and left partially paralyzed after receiving the mRNA COVID-19 shot, a drug he took to keep his job with the U.S. military. (Sarah Stock - Rebel News - 6/7/2024)
Kamala Harris' Fully Vaccinated, Triple-Boosted Husband Doug Emhoff Tests Positive for COVID-19. (Jim Hᴏft - The Gateway Pundit - 7/7/2024)
The corrupt revolving door of vaccine bureaucrats is worse than you think. (Daniel Horowitz - Blaze News - 9/7/2024)
Un jury accorde près de 700 000 $ à une employée licenciée pour avoir refusé le vaccin COVID. (Jean-Patrick Grumberg - Dreuz.info- 10/7/2024) -> et la même compagnie à renvoyé 41 employés au total pour les mêmes raisons...
Vaccins covid inefficaces et dangereux : les plus hauts responsables US le reconnaissent et avouent qu'ils le savaient. (Gérard Maudrux - Covid Factuel - 13/7/2024)
Go Out Swinging: Nurse on a Mission—with Laura Demaray. (UK Column - video, 68 minutes - 16/7/2024) -> Using the guidance set out in Matthew Trewhella's The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, Laura talks of leaving fear at the door and realising the effect of starting to campaign at the lowest levels.
What Turned an Esteemed Doctor into a Scheming Authoritarian? (Denyse O'Leary - Evolution News - 19/7/2024)
'Charlatan' Dr. Peter Hotez Calls Biden Regime to Deploy DOJ, DHS Security forces Against "Anti-Vaxxers" in the US. (Jim Hᴏft - The Gateway Pundit - 4/8/2024)
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz Bribed Families to Give Experimental COVID Vaccines to Children. (Shane Trejo - Big League Politics - 12/8/2024)
Police And National Guard Enforce Curfew In 2020 by Shooting Paintballs at Residents After Tim Walz Order, "Light Them Up". (Danielle - 100PercentFedUp - 13/8/2024)
Former BUD/S commander: Covid vaccine caused soaring attrition rate for Navy SEAL training classes: "Over 100 people quit within 72 hours" of taking the shot. (Jordan Schachtel - The Dossier - 27/8/2024)
The U.S. Air Force Awards a 'Huge Win' After Denying One of Its Own Religious Accommodation for the COVID Shot. (J.M. Phelps - The Gateway Pundit - 5/9/2024)
Time to Rebel: We Are Now Entering The Total Censorship Stage of Global Tyranny. (Brandon Smith - Alt-Market - 6/9/2024)
DEADLY mRNA clot shots revealed to be a MILITARY PROJECT developed by NIH, not Moderna and Pfizer, as we were all led to believe. (S.D. Wells - Natural News - 11/9/2024)
The Government Censored Me and Other Scientists. We are Winning the Battle as We Head to the Supreme Court. The Illusion of Consensus is closely documenting and examining the most important free speech battle of our age. (Jay Bhattacharya - The Illusion of Consensus - 12/9/2024)
Florida Health Department WARNS Providers NOT to Inject ANYONE with mRNA Vaccines, Not Even the Elderly: Surgeon General Ladapo issued Florida's updated COVID guidance warning healthcare providers against the use of COVID-19 mRNA injections and advising they warn their patients of their harmful effects. (Karen Kingston - The Kingston Report - 16/9/2024)
NYC Covid Czar Who Held Secret Drug-Fueled Orgies During Pandemic Admits He "Forced" Vaccinations on the Public by Making Their Lives "Uncomfortable". (Cristina Laila - The Gateway Pundit - 19/9/2024)
The Technocratic Authoritarians Still Want Their "Pandemic Treaty". (David Klinghoffer - Evolution News - 19/9/2024)
Crowder confronts: Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma. (Steven Crowder - X - video, 17 minutes - 19/9/2024)
Victims' families want Andrew Cuomo to face justice over COVID nursing home deaths following bombshell report. (Candace Hathaway - Blaze News - 23/9/2024)
Fighting Medical Censorship: The Decay of The American Medical Establishment. (Dr. Drew Pinsky - Daily Wire - 29/9/2024)
Fauci admits mRNA vax myocarditis risk, especially for young men—#LockHimUp… (Revolver - 1/10/2024)
YouTube Banned This Dr. Mehmet Oz Video from 2021. (M Dowling - Independent Sentinel - 13/10/2024)
The rot in medicine and public health is growing worse and worse: The dishonest way the Cleveland Clinic presented the results of its new study on Covid and heart health is only the latest example. (Alex Berenson - 14/10/2024)
Naomi Wolf Accuses Pfizer of Knowing COVID Vaccines Harmed Women's Menstrual Cycles "Pfizer knew that they were destroying women's menstrual cycles," Wolf stated. "They didn't want women to know that that was true." (Caldron Pool - 19/10/2024)
Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 10 methods, same answer: Many people have no clue how many people have been killed by the COVID vaccines. I list ten different methods and they all given similar results. You can question each one, but not all 10. (Steve Kirsch's newsletter - 21/10/2024)
BART workers fired due to COVID vaccine mandate to get over $1M each, federal jury decides. (KGO - MSN - 24/10/2024)
The House report on HHS covid propaganda is devastating. (@DrJBhattacharya - X - 25/10/2024)
Stanford doctor hailed as 'intellectual freedom' leader for challenging gov't on COVID-19. (James Samuel - College Fix - 25/10/2024)
Pfizer Exposed: Shocking truth about shocking criminality. (Bill Muehlenberg - CultureWatch - 29/10/2024)
JD Vance admits a personal, dark secret about the vax to Joe Rogan… (Revolver - 1/11/2024)
Trump's top healthcare priority must be repealing Big Pharma's legal immunity for vaccines Other products do not have absolute lawsuit protection; why should vaccines - especially expensive new ones - be any different? (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 6/11/2024)
The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide. (Jeffrey Tucker - Brownstone Institute - 7/11/2024)
Woman Fired For Refusing COVID Vaccine Wins Record $12 Million From Rogue Employer. (Ben Kew - The Gateway Pundit - 10/11/2024)
Analyses des ambitions de Robert Kennedy Jr pour la santé des Américains par Jean-Dominique Michel. (France-Soir - video, 63 minutes - 11/11/2024)
Now it can be told: the truth about the Covid jabs is slowly coming out Matt Taibbi: "I agree with Alex Berenson" that the mRNAs failed. Very significant, because even the big independent voices - like Taibbi and the Free Press - have been reluctant to join me on this. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 11/11/2024)
Francis Collins' Latest Book Doubles Down on His Massive Abuses of Power. (John G. West - The Federalist - 18/11/2024)
The COVID Cover-Up: 19 Questions We MUST Answer. (Justin Hart - Rational Ground - 20/11/2024) -> Dr. Fauci is the patron saint of TERRIBLE COVID policies. He was wrong on SO MANY POINTS.
The biggest move Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can make in his new job to show vaccine fanatics that they are no longer in charge: The MINUTE he's confirmed as HHS secretary, he needs to end the Centers for Disease Control's recommendation of Covid mRNA jabs for children and teens. And FIRE everyone who helped make it. (Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths - 26/11/2024)
Biden administration spent $267 million on 'misinformation' projects to battle vaccine skepticism. (Andrew Chapados - Blaze News - 27/11/2024)
NIH Health Data Chief Admits COVID Vaccines Are Behind Global Surge in Sudden Deaths. (Baxter Dmitry - The People's Voice - 28/11/2024)
COVID Fascism Was the Greatest National Crime Since Slavery. Trump's Appointing Both Abolitionists and Confederates. (John Zmirak - The Stream - 29/11/2024)
Life Insurance won't pay if you're vaccinated. (Tina Zimmermann - X - video, 1 minute - 1/12/2024)
Congressional Report Slams (Nearly) Every Aspect of the Covid Response. (Jeffrey A. Tucker - Daily Skeptic - 8/12/2024)
COVID-19 Rapport d'enquête accablant déposé à la Chambre des représentants du Congrès américain. (Gilles B - Yapasdpresse.Blogspot - 8/12/2024)
Key Figures From "Thank You Dr. Fauci" Lead The Quest For COVID-19 Accountability. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 16/12/2024)
The Approval of Self-Replicating mRNA "Vaccines": A Dangerous Precedent for Health Freedom. (JD Rucker - Discern Report - 17/12/2024)
COVID Cautious' Bowling Is a Thing, and It Is Gloriously Ridiculous - Watch. (Samuel Short - The Western Journal - 27/12/2024)
Thank You, Dr. Fauci: A documentary that investigates the origin of Covid. (Rhoda Wilson - The Expose - video, 91 minutes - 7/1/2025)
Moderna Covered Up 'Mass Heart Attacks of Toddlers' in COVID Jab Trials. (Sean Adl-Tabatabai - The People's Voice - 8/1/2025)
We Were Censored By Meta; We're Taking Them to the Supreme Court. (Mary Holland - RealClearWire - 10/1/2025)
"Gigantic Rat's Nest": Taibbi Hints FBI Communications With COVID Scientists Will Be Exposed. (Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - 27/1/2025)
My doctor bullied me over vaccines. RFK will end the intimidation. (Allie Beth Stuckey - Blaze News - 30/1/2025)
Nuremberg 2.0? Here's what REAL COVID accountability looks like. (Blaze News - 3/2/2025)
VA Whistleblower Exposes Widespread Hospital Corruption During COVID-19: Former Navy Corpsman and ICU Nurse Shane Claytor Reveals Government Retaliation, Dangerous Protocols, and the Systemic Betrayal of Patients. (Nicolas Hulscher - Courageous Discourse - video, 5 minutes - 5/2/2025)
U.S. States with Legislative Efforts to Ban mRNA Injections as of February 6, 2025: A critical mass will soon be reached, forcing the federal government to follow suit. (Nicolas Hulscher - Courageous Discourse - 6/2/2025)
Did Fauci orchestrate the pandemic? New documentary EXPOSES ALL. (Glen Beck - Blaze News - 142/2025)